Moodbidri: World Yoga Day celebrated at Swasti Shri Jain Residential Degree College

Rons Bantwal

Daijiworld Media Network - Moodbidri

Moodbidri, Jun 21: Students of Swasti Shri Jain Residential Degree College celebrated World Yoga Day on Friday, JUne 21 by performing yogasanas at the Swasti Shri Bhattarak Bhavan near Sri Jain Math.

The event was inaugurated by Bharat Bhushan Jagadguru Swasti Shri Dr Bhattarak Charukeerthi Panditacharyavarya Maha Swamiji, the president of the Jain Mahasansthan of Mahakshetra. Swamiji demonstrated various yoga asanas to the students and explained their benefits. 

Swamiji introduced and highlighted the benefits of simple yoga postures like Padmasana, Veerasana, Shalabhasana, Parvatasana, Vrikshasana, Sarvangasana, and the king of yoga poses, Shirshasana. He emphasized that yoga and meditation are among the greatest contributions of Indian culture, with Adiyogi Bhagwan Adinath having taught yoga thousands of years ago. Swamiji noted that yoga is beneficial for the mental and physical health of individuals and encouraged students to practice Anulom Vilom every morning to stay enthusiastic and excel in their studies.

Second-year PU students Swati and Manasvini demonstrated some asanas. The faculty of Swasti Shri College were present as the students performed various yoga postures. Principal Soumyashree welcomed everyone, and lecturer Sujata proposed a vote of thanks.




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