5.7-magnitude earthquake hits off Indonesia

Jakarta, Jun 21 (IANS): A 5.7-magnitude earthquake jolted off Indonesia's eastern Highland Papua province on Friday morning without generating large waves, the country's meteorology, climatology and geophysics agency said.

The tremors occurred at 7:11 a.m. local time, with the epicentre located 68 km northeast of Yalimo Regency and at a depth of 78 km beneath the earth's surface, according to the agency.

No tsunami warning was issued, as the quake's tremors were not anticipated to generate large waves, reports Xinhua news agency.

Officials have not received any initial reports of damage or casualties from the areas affected by the tremor, said Caroline, a senior official with the provincial meteorology agency, to Xinhua.

Indonesia, an archipelago, is situated on the seismically active "Pacific Ring of Fire," rendering it susceptible to earthquakes.



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