Kundapur: 43-day-old infant dies after getting breastfed

Silvester D'Souza

Daijiworld Media Network - Kundapur

Kundapur, Jun 18: In a tragic incident, a 43-day-old infant died shortly after breastfeeding in the Gangolli police station limits.

The infant, the son of Nethravati, daughter of Lakshman from Gujjadi village, passed away on Tuesday morning. Around 8 AM, the mother breastfed her baby and then stepped out of the room. Lakshman, the infant's grandfather, went inside to check on the baby and noticed that the baby wasn't breathing.

Suspecting something was wrong, he touched the baby and found no response, noticing that the baby's body had turned cold. The infant was immediately taken to Vinaya Hospital in Kundapur, where doctors confirmed that the baby had died. The details of the incident were reported to the police.




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