Two arrested for drug consumption in Udupi

Daijiworld Media Network – Udupi (TP)

Udupi, Jun 17: Two individuals were arrested by the Manipal police for drug consumption on June 10.

The accused are identified as Shreehari (19) and Abhijith (20).

Sub-Inspector Raghavendra C, along with officers Chennesh and Manjunath M.R. from the Manipal police station, discovered the two in an intoxicated state during their duty in Shivalli village, Hayagriva Nagar, 5th Cross. The officers brought them to the Manipal KMC Forensic Medicine Department for testing, suspecting the consumption of narcotic substances.

On June 16, it was confirmed that both had consumed drugs.

A case has been registered at the Manipal police station.




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