Govt's focus to create robust framework for social inclusion: Minister Virendra Kumar

New Delhi, Jun 16 (IANS): The government's focus is on creating a robust framework that supports the empowerment and inclusion of all sections of society, Union Social Justice and Empowerment Minister Virendra Kumar has said.

The Minister convened a pivotal meeting with Ministers of State, Ramdas Athawale and B.L Verma, reviewed the progress of schemes, and strategised on key departmental initiatives for the next 100 days.

During the meeting, the Secretary of the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities Rajesh Aggarwal gave a comprehensive presentation on the department's initiatives followed by modernisation efforts of the Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India (ALIMCO).

"The modernisation of ALIMCO and the achievements of our various bodies are testaments to our dedication towards this goal," the Minister said.

The participants also engaged in detailed deliberations on the strategic direction and action plans to enhance the department's outreach and efficiency.

The modernisation of ALIMCO is set to revolutionise the aids and assistive devices for persons with disabilities, while the achievements of the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, Rehabilitation Council of India, National Institutes, and the National Divyangjan Finance and Development Corporation stress the department's commitment to inclusive growth and empowerment, the Ministry noted.



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