Sitapur (Uttar Pradesh), May 31 (IANS): The body of a seven-month-old infant was exhumed by the Sitapur police on Thursday to ascertain the cause of death, which occurred under mysterious circumstances on May 22, the police said.
The baby boy, identified as Arhaan, was allegedly murdered by his aunt, according to his mother.
The child was buried on May 23.
Arhaan's body was exhumed from the grave after seven days as per the Magistrate's orders and sent for a post-mortem examination.
Police said that on May 22, the victim's mother, Kaiser Jahan, was asleep in her room.
The next morning, she found her son, who was with her sister-in-law, dead. He was taken to the doctors where he was declared dead.
The mother was in a state of trauma, and her son was buried.
When her husband Saleem returned, she narrated the ordeal, and they wrote to the Magistrate and police, requesting a post-mortem to determine the cause of death.