Beware of cyber fraud: Scammers targeting bank accounts via WhatsApp

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangaluru

Mangaluru, May 25: Cybercriminals are employing sophisticated tactics to target unsuspecting individuals, with recent reports highlighting a surge in fraudulent activities involving WhatsApp. Fraudsters create APK (Android application package) files using Remote Access Tools, sending them directly to mobile numbers linked to bank accounts.

Once recipients unwittingly open these files, cybercriminals gain unfettered access to their text messages. This breach facilitates the theft of One-Time Passwords (OTPs), enabling fraudsters to execute unauthorized transactions and siphon funds from victims' accounts.

To counter this threat, individuals are advised to exercise caution and refrain from opening any APK files or Android apps received via WhatsApp or text messages, especially if they're directed to numbers associated with bank accounts. Android users are further encouraged to bolster their device security by disabling the option to install apps from unknown sources.

In the event of an inadvertent click on a suspicious file, immediate action is crucial—activate airplane mode or power off the device, then contact the bank to freeze the account and report the incident promptly. Victims of fraudulent transactions are urged to report the matter to the authorities by dialling the dedicated cybercrime helpline number 1930 and filing a formal complaint. These proactive measures are essential for safeguarding against cyber fraud and mitigating potential financial losses.





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  • Steve, Shirva

    Sat, May 25 2024

    Is this happening only in third world nation or ??

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  • Roshan, Mangaluru

    Sat, May 25 2024

    Scamsters are becoming so close to every bank account and money, it looks like they just have to run a sequence of commands to empty it all. Just like in movies. Daily we are hearing such cases. There is no way get back the money, once lost. No legal protection. So, beware when you down load any app, any site, any link. Use an bank account with limited money, for online banking. Rest keep in short term deposits, to transfer on need basis.

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  • Monty Dotor, Mangalore

    Sat, May 25 2024

    True. My main account does not have any online,debit / credit card outward remittance facility. I have a separate account in a separate bank with online and debit card facility, which only has a small balance, so that the liability and risk is limited. I do not use Whatsapp etc. Only email that too with a separate account and mobile number for financial and non financial purpose.

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