Gerry D’Mello
Daijiworld Media Network, Toronto
Toronto, Feb 28: With great pleasure and pride, Canara World Foundation Inc. (CWF) – one of the renowned Konkani Associations in North America – gearing up for its 20th anniversary celebration by presenting a mega Canara Kala Kalasaanz-2024 event with live-in concert by singing legend Ivan Sequeira and GVOM fame Morvine Quadros at the state-of-the-art ‘Meadowvale Theatre’ in Mississauga, Canada on Saturday, May 11.
CWF proudly takes the credit for creating history in North America by organizing the first ever ‘Wilfy Nite’, one of Konkani world’s greatest music entertainment programmes in Canada, almost two decades ago. After the thrilling success of ‘Wilfy Nite’ in 2005, 'Claud Nite' in 2008, 'Henry Nite' in 2009, 'Melwyn Peris Nite’ in 2010, ‘Claud Nite’ in 2011, and Canara Kalasaanz with veteran Konkani dramatist Francis Fernandes Cascia in 2012, ‘Wilfy Nite’ in 2014, ‘Canadian Stars Nite’ in 2016, ‘Kevin Misquith Nite’ in 2019 and ‘Mangalorean Konkani Priests Appreciation Day Celebration’ in Kala Saanz in 2022 this year’s programme too will undoubtedly attract Konkani art and music lovers in big numbers.

The international stars are expected to arrive in Toronto in early May 2024 to present a unique and nostalgic music extravaganza that comprises some of the greatest Konkani numbers including Amar Wilfy’s most popular compositions. The international stars are going to entertain the crowd with a galaxy of top-notch local singers. Renowned music director Joyson D’Souza is going to add more spice to the music orchestra.
About Ivan Sequeira

Ivan, one of the rarest music sensations, is a super shining star with a golden voice who mesmerized tens of thousands of Konkani music lovers. His ever-green numbers like ‘Ye Ye Chedwa’, ‘Kani Sang-ge Vodlimai’, and ‘Sade Saath Chedvan’ sung during Wilfy Nites almost 45 years back are still echoing in everyone’s ears. To this day, he has maintained his silky voice. A permanent and popular member of Wilfy Music Nites, Ivan A Sequeira, the lover of Konkani music, never misses a chance to sing a Konkani song, whether he is in Mangaluru, Mumbai, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, or Kuwait. He makes himself always available and is overjoyed to sing on stage and the audience too is very happy to hear his voice. Melodious, expressive, and vivacious, Ivan exudes a certain charm while singing and keeps his audience mesmerized by his voice.
Ivan himself narrates his encounter and life-long association with Konkani music as follows. He says that music was a great God-given talent bestowed on him from his childhood itself. From his early childhood, Ivan was keenly interested in listening to and singing music. The famous Konkani singer Henry T D’Souza who was then popularly known as ‘Guitar Henry’ was his childhood neighbour. Henry used to visit Ivan’s house daily in the evening with his guitar. Then Ivan used to sing to the accompaniment of Henry’s guitar. Both used to enjoy their performance to their heart’s content, but only without an audience.
When Ivan was studying in the 4th std, his class teacher Evelyn D’Silva offered him the first opportunity to participate in the children’s singing competition in school. From then onwards, he was encouraged to take part in the prestigious singing competitions held at Don Bosco Hall, Mangaluru. At Don Bosco Hall competitions, Ivan started winning 1st place golden awards in the solo, duet, and group category competitions. The keen observer Wilfy Rebimbus, the ‘Konkan Kogul’, took a great liking for Ivan’s singing talents and incorporated him in his Wilfy Nite singing troupe.
The first song that Wilfy composed for Ivan to sing in his Wilfy Nite was ‘Kaani Saang-ge Voddli –Mai’. Ivan’s rendition of the song was superb and well-liked by the audience so much that from then onwards Ivan became a permanent member of the Wilfy Nites troupe. Wilfy Rebimbus composed songs in keeping with the voice and physical growth of Ivan and encouraged him to perform during Wilfy Nites. Ivan’s every performance had an electrifying effect on the audience together with thundering applause. When Ivan was a boy, he sang songs like ‘Pollovnk haanv lhaan dhistan’, ‘Lhaanponnan’ etc. When he was a teenager, he was given songs to sing like ‘Sobith Soondhar Naari’, ‘Flaavia’ etc. When he was a college student, he sang fitting love songs like ‘Sadde-saath Cheddvan’, ‘Ye, Ye, Cheddva’, ‘Bobby’ etc. Now he has spent a satisfying 45 years of his life singing with the Wilfy Rebimbus troupe. Ivan has participated in almost every Wilfy Nite. Even when he was working in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia from 1977 to 1990, he sang in Wilfy Nites which were performed in those places also whenever he visited Mangaluru during his annual vacations.
Next to Wilfy Nites Ivan was closely associated with Konkan Kalashree Amar Claud D’Souza who passed away last year in Mangaluru. Ivan had sung hundreds of songs with the late Claud. Under the leadership of music maestro Ashith Pinto together with Claud, Joswin and Noel, he performed at an innovative ‘Gayan Ani Gazali’ Konkani live music programme on Daijiworld TV during the time of the Covid-19 lockdown which was a huge success. Ivan fondly remembers Claud and dearly misses his singing company.
About Morvin Quadros

Morvine Quadras, a highly esteemed Konkani artiste renowned within Konkani-speaking communities across the Gulf region, hails from Barkur. Despite being an Engineer by profession, he currently serves as a sales manager at the prestigious Alghanim Industries in Kuwait. Morvine has garnered widespread recognition for his exceptional contributions to Konkani music, marked by numerous achievements and awards. He clinched victory in the esteemed reality show ‘Gulf Voice of Mangalore’ during its fourth season, solidifying his status as a prominent figure in the Konkani music scene.
In 2011, Morvine was honored with the Muscat Kogul award by MCCP Oman, a testament to his outstanding musical prowess. His talents have transcended geographical boundaries, with notable performances alongside Kevin Misquith in Canada for Kala Sanz in 2019, as well as concerts in London, Muscat, and Kuwait. Morvine has graced the stage in renowned events such as Wilfy Nites, Lorna Concerts, and Wilson Olivera Nites, showcasing his versatility and captivating stage presence. He has individually captivated audiences with live shows across Gulf countries, including Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, and Qatar.
Sharing the stage with Konkani legends like Meena Rebimbus, Rony Dcunha, Lorna, and Wilson Olivera, Morvine has established himself as a peer among the greats. He has lent his melodious voice to Konkani albums by Apolinaris Dsouza, Oswald Valencia, Anil Pais and Laveena Prafulla (ALP), Orson Dsouza, and Vijay Dsouza (USA).
Known for his versatility, Morvine has sung hymns composed by Eric Soans Barkur and Fr Noel Almeida in Kuwait. In collaboration with renowned musician Jaison Misquith from Kuwait, Morvine has founded the YouTube channel ‘JM Ragaaz Muzik Creation’. Their first Konkani song, ‘Eklonch Bosun’, stands out as the first-ever Konkani video shot in Bulgaria (Europe). The channel has multiple exciting projects in the pipeline. Currently, Morvine serves as the Konkani choir master for St Daniel Comboni Church in Abbasiya, Kuwait, further contributing to the musical and cultural enrichment of the community.
About Canara World Foundation Inc.
The 20-year-old Canara World Foundation Inc. is an organization dedicated to showcasing the exceptional talents of the Canadian Mangalurean community. From their inaugural Wilfy Nite in 2005, they have consistently curated a vibrant spectrum of events, including live musical nights, enthralling dramas, captivating talent shows, thought-provoking business meets, heartwarming fundraisers, and enchanting screenings of Mangalurean Konkani movies.
Distinguished as the sole organization in North America bringing renowned singers from Mangaluru to the stage, they have paid homage to legends such as the late Wilfy Rebimbus, Meena Rebimbus, Henry D’Souza, Kevin Misquith, Morvin Quadros, Jeevan Vas, Prem Lobo, the late Claud D’Souza, Melwyn Peris, Vishwas & Charleen Rebimbus, Veena & Arvin Pais, Sandria Rodrigues, and music director Joswin Pinto.

Max Mendes, the founder and president of CWF informed ‘Daijiworld Canada’, “We created history in 2005 by organizing the first ever Wilfy Nite in North America and now as to mark the completion of 20 glorious years of CWF we are extremely excited and proud to host such a unique power packed Konkani entertainment in Canada with the highly talented singers that will surely create a niche of yet another remarkable milestone in Canada.”

In the words of Flavian Pinto, the co-founder of CWF and the chair of the organizing committee, “The members of the organizing committee have worked very hard to plan this magnificent event and we are doing all the necessary preparations to organize an event that will entertain Konkani music lovers in Canada. Fantastic music, dazzling dances, and rib-tickling comedy will be the highlights of the show.” He was highlighting the program details of ‘Canara Kala-Saanz-2024’, an event that the Canara World Foundation presents every two years to showcase the talents of Canarite immigrants in Canada.
Canadian Konkans are highly privileged to have in their midst the brilliant Ivan Sequeira, Morvine Quadros, and talented local artists at the gala show to be held on Saturday, May 11 from 2.00 pm onwards at the Meadowvale Theatre, Mississauga. Renowned comedians are all set with their rib-tickling jokes and send the audience to laughter. The well-known choreographers have formulated scintillating dance numbers to regale the audience. This spectacular music extravaganza is going to attract Konkani music lovers in large numbers and undoubtedly will be a historical show.
To book tickets for the event, please click the below link: