Media Release
Kuwait, Sep 11: Friday September 9 was an evening symbolizing a precise blend of solemnity and unity. United Mangaloreans Kuwait (UMK) celebrated 'Monthi Fest', a family festival of love, peace and togetherness.
The celebration was held at a Salmiya Residence in the evening from 7.30pm. The programme began with prayer by Alexander Fernandes/Lional Mascarenhas and singing the hymn ‘Sakkad Sangatha Mellieam Ani Morieak Hogolxieam’, followed with everyone consuming the Blessed new crop in milk while invoking the blessing on the forthcoming "Fun Filled Evening 2011" on October 7, 2011, thanking and praising Mother Mary.

Agnel Saldanha, UMK Gurkar welcomed and addressed the gathering, listed how UMK has grown from the little beginning three years ago at the sea-side family picnic, focusing on activities like showcasing the talents, raising the funds through generous donors to help the needy back home in India, that give meaning to its members to be united as a family working to be one and united.
Self-introduction session held among the gathered guests and the UMK members, which helped to know each other more closely. There were variety of activities like dance and games (conducted by Nirmala Machado and Andrea Pinto) put together to entertain children and adults.
Edward D’Souza led the prayer before meal.
Mouth watering traditional delicacy pooled together by many UMK members and friends, has been served on Shiroti (banana leaf) left the guests licking fingers for more “Pothrade” and “Vorn” .
Kevin D’Souza proposed the vote of thanks. Santhosh Shetty captured the moments in his camera.
It was truely a family gathering of UMK and an evening to remember.