US condemns blasts, offers support

New Delhi, July 13 (IANS) A top US official Wednesday rang up Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao and strongly condemned the Mumbai serial blasts that killed at least 20 people and left over 100 others injured.

US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs William Burns rang up Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao to "strongly condemn the Mumbai blasts", and offered US support in the wake of the terror strikes that come two-and-a-half years after the Nov 26, 2008 Mumbai terror attack.

"US Under Secretary of State Bill Burns calls FS to strongly condemn Mumbai blasts, offers US support & any assistance that India may require," Vishnu Prakash, spokesperson of the external affairs ministry, said in a tweet posted on the social networking site.

The blasts took place ahead of the visit of US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to India for the July 19-20 annual foreign ministers dialogue here.

The blasts also took place barely a fortnight before the July 26-27 talks between foreign ministers of India and Pakistan.

The India-Pakistan relations will figure prominently in talks between Clinton and External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna.




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