Mangalore: At 27, Vijetha Pinky D'Sa is Civil Court Judge

Mangalore, Jul 24

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Rural talents often have it rough when it comes to competitive exams. But hard work and determination always pay off. Twenty-seven-year-old Vijetha Pinky D’Sa, is one such example. Today, she is one of the youngest judges in the state.

Hailing from a village called Agrar, in Bantwal taluk, she is the daughter of agriculturist Emmanuel Vincent D’Sa. Emmanuel has never gone out of the house in search of a job in his life. But he is glad that his elder daughter has been successful in becoming a civil judge (junior division) by passing the Karnataka judicial services exams. The proud villagers also celebrated on hearing this news.

Vijetha joined the legal field of her own free will because she wanted to achieve something that would make give her the opportunity to stand apart. She remembers the day in high school when she had the chance to attend a career guidance camp held in Nirkan where she got information about competitive exams and the privileges enjoyed by a government employee. That day itself she made up her mind to try for a government job. 

Vijetha thinks the judiciary to be a powerful field where she can serve society to the maximum. She joined St Agnes College, Mangalore, and graduated in arts in 2002 with a first class. Vijetha informs that though she had been pressurized to take up commerce or science instead of arts, she remained firm and didn’t change her decision.

She became busy professionally after completing her LLB degree from SDM Law College in April, 2005. Though she worked for long hours, her income was not much. She had to borrow from her parents to meet her daily expenses.

Vijetha worked as a junior advocate under M V Shanker Bhat, as also A K Subbaiah in Bangalore, besides practicing as an independent advocate in Bantwal. She would use all her spare time in office to study for the exam that she appeared for in May, 2007. Her confidence was low initially as there were experienced lawyers writing the exam along with her.

Vijetha is one of the junior most lawyers who appeared for the of junior division judge. About 8,000 candidates appeared for the exam and 539 were selected for the final interview. Finally, 232 were selected as junior division judges. Vijetha was ranked 102 in the exam.

Being in the legal profession is not easy for a woman, particularly one who hails from a village, says Vijetha. She says that tough challenges are thrown at you everyday and only determination and grit can get you through. She is glad for the support she got from her parents and says that without it, a woman cannot achieve anything easily. 

Her mother, Concepta Alva, is a local village panchayat member. One of her younger sisters, Vineeta D’Sa, has already completed post graduation in applied chemistry. Her youngest sister Vinisha D’Sa is pursuing her post graduate studies in analytical chemistry in Mangalore. 

She is sad that the youth of her community are looking for money and therefore migrating to Gulf countries, rather than compete for prestigious posts here. The Catholic community here lacks dynamic officers in government offices, hence, the youth should come forward to rectify this and serve society better, she exhorts.

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by Melka Miyar - Daijiworld Media Network
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Comment on this article

  • Daniel Dsa, Attur Karkala

    Thu, Jul 25 2024

    Congratulations Pinky.

  • lawrence anil vas , allipade / abudhabi

    Thu, Oct 09 2008

    CONGRATULATIONS to you and your family. It's really a great achievement and good news for all of us. and remember bantwal ICYM youth programe

  • Flavia Sequeira, Coorg/ Dubai

    Tue, Aug 12 2008

    HEARTY CONGRATULATIONS Vijetha !! All the best for a bright future ahead. Its really a great achievement! Hope you remeber the days we spent together in St. Agnes Hostel being on the same floor for two years. I really feel proud about you. May the Almighty Lord shower his choicest blessings on you and be with you in every walk of your life. My wishes to your parents, vinitha and your youngest sister.

  • Reshma Mendonca,Agrar/abu dhabi,

    Mon, Aug 11 2008

    Congratulations Vijetha on your sucess in your continuous effort.I am very proud of you.Wish you all success and happiness in your future.

  • Mabel D'souza, Agrar, Bejai

    Mon, Aug 11 2008

    Dear Pinky.. Congratulations dear on ur success. May you have a great future ahead. May god bless you.!

  • Nishal Dsouza, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 11 2008

    Congratulations. God Bless you.

  • Reshma Vas, moodbudri

    Mon, Aug 11 2008

    God bless u Vijetha and All the very best to you.Proud to say that you are our senior at St Agnes College

  • vandana, bihar,bangalore

    Sat, Aug 09 2008

    hi dear congratulations!!!!!! all the best for your future. i know you will also do well.

  • Capt.Sebastian Lasrado & Fly., Ammembal,Chelur

    Tue, Aug 05 2008

    Congratulation pinky........may all ur dreams cum true.Wishing u all d best........

  • Jovita/Jerita Lasrado, Ammembal,Chelur

    Mon, Aug 04 2008

    Congratulations Pinky..............God bless you.........all d best n d future.

  • Lancy Carlo, Agrar, Sharjah

    Mon, Aug 04 2008

    Dear Pinky, We danced for the wedding of your parents. We danced when you were born. And now, we are dancing upon your acheivement. Being your cousins, you have made us feel proud. God bless you.

  • Ludina(D'Sa) & Oswald Machado, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sun, Aug 03 2008

    Congratulations Pinky!on your wonderful success. May your future be blessed with more achievements and greater headlines! Accolades and warm wishes to your parents, Vincybab and Aunty Kosha, for their sacrifices and contribution in your accomplishments. Hope they will also be role-models for other parents to encourage their daughters to take up challenging new professions.

    Once again Hearty Congratulations, Hon'ble Judge Miss Vijetha D'Sa!! Thanks to Daijiworld, the most popular Konkani Site, which has proven to be a responsible media as well as a broadcaster of social messages and highlighter of rare local talents/achievements.

  • Ancy D'Sa, Mangalore/Abu dhabi

    Sat, Aug 02 2008

    Dear Pinky, Congragulations to you & your proud parents (Vincy/Concepta) on this great achievement. We pray & wish that you may achieve many more such milestones ahead . Arthur/Leena D'Sa & Mai -Mangalore Ancy/Nisha D'Sa & fly-Abu Dhabi

  • Richard Mendonca, Vamanjoor/Abu Dhabi

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    Congratulations on your achievements. I am really happy that young people are stepping into responsible decision making in the courts. Young judges eliminate all oldies sitting on judges chair who do not even conclude 15 years old cases, they only bother about their monthly benefits and preparing for their next transfer nothing they do. Young judges you have to overcome this weakness in the juddicial courts and give way to truth and complete the cases fast as you can. All the best and God bless .

  • Evelyn Rodrigues & fly, Nirkan

    Thu, Jul 31 2008

    I was delighted to here about your success.Congratulations!You really do deserve this step up the ladderThis new direction will give you lot of scope for developing your career and I am sure you'll soon be making your presence felt. Well done -and all the very best.

  • Sonia Dsouza, Mangalore

    Tue, Jul 29 2008

    Congrats - lady- Great Job done- wish you all the very very best- May god Bless you

  • Alfred J. Rebello, Kundapur/Dubai

    Tue, Jul 29 2008

    I read many comments congratulating Vijetha Pinky D'sa and I also congratulate her. But we, as she said, should also apply the similar determination in our lives be it any kind and come forward to serve our country as well as ourself in any field. Money, though we need in our daily life but it is not everything. If at all we remember, we remember those who have done something to this world when they were alive and not those who made millions or Billions.

    Such people are forgotten as the days go by but we always remember those who leave a good remembrance. Wish you all the best Vijetha.

  • Judy Pinto, Bantwal\mangalore

    Tue, Jul 29 2008

    Congratulations Pinky, You have made it! wow! your determination from the childhood is prayers for your Great Judgements ok dear?God bless.

  • Fr. Mark Serrao, Shirali.

    Tue, Jul 29 2008

    Congrats Vijetha. Let our young people take your path and enter into many government fields to spread the Christian values.

  • Prof. melwin rego, Kemmannu

    Tue, Jul 29 2008

    Hearty congratulations to Vijetha . You have achieved excellence in your life. You have proved what a woman can do in this age of womens empowerment. Students studying arts papers can also do wonders. Cheers. Keep it up. May God Bless You and guide you in all your future endeavors. Melwin Rego, Kemmanu, Udupi District.

  • Fr Gratian Carlo, Agrar/Shillong

    Tue, Jul 29 2008

    Congrats, Pinky! I am privileged to be among those whom you have made proud. Always have a softcorner in your heart for the cause of the poor.May the great trend you have set pick up speed. Warm wishes to Mom, Dad, Vineeta and Vinisha

  • fralfred j pinto, kinnigoli

    Tue, Jul 29 2008

    Dear Vijetha, congratulations and god bless you. You will be an example to our young people to accept the carier guidance and carier advancement programmes so that they too may take up the idea seriously to join government posts by writing competetive exams and help our poor people of the place and be a witness to the christian values.


    Mon, Jul 28 2008

    Congratulations Dear Vijetha. Really I am very happy to say that I am your friend and junior in St.Agnes College. And you are really very sweet,kind and helpful.

  • Karen ,Feblin, Jane Rego,Jane Saldana, Mangalore\Bangalore\Dubai

    Mon, Jul 28 2008

    Congratulations Vijetha on this great Achievement!! Wishing you all the best for your Future Endeavors!!

  • Vibha (Sequeira) & Anil Misquith, Mangalore / Bangalore

    Mon, Jul 28 2008

    Dear Pinky, Congratulations on achieving something so rare! We are all proud of you and are looking forward to reading about you soon in national and international newspapers! Congratulations also to your mum, dad and sisters.

  • joseph d'sa, kallianpur

    Mon, Jul 28 2008

    You are an inspiration and guiding star in these difficult times where there are hardly any role models for the youth. Let our community youth follow in your footsteps and do something constructive for themselves and also for the country instead of the brain-drain to U.S. and the Gulf.

  • H.S.Fernandes, Belloor/Bantwal

    Mon, Jul 28 2008

    Congratulations Pinky. May your ambitions in life come true. God bless you. good wishes to your parents Vincy and Concepta.

  • Meera D'souza, Mangalore

    Mon, Jul 28 2008

    Congratulations Vijetha, we are proud of you !! May God Bless you. Good Luck.

  • Gregory Fernandes, PERNANKILA/MANGALORE

    Sun, Jul 27 2008

    Vijitha is a role model for many of our rural students. She is really a pride for Konkani Catholic community. Congratulations to "Your Honour Vijitha" and hats off to your proud parents.

  • Vini/Vinisha D'Sa, Athrel

    Mon, Jul 28 2008

    Love You Pinky... You have made us Proud...

  • Edward R. Monteiro, kulshekar, Mangalore

    Mon, Jul 28 2008

    Congratulations Vijetha. It is a great achievement on your part to become a Civil Judge at a young age. You have made Catholic Community proud and model for others in succeeding in life through hard work. May god bless you.

  • Sylvester D'Costa, Loretto / Mumbai

    Mon, Jul 28 2008

    Great things happen even in villages. Congratulaions and wishing you a bright future Vijetha.

  • Felix and Benni Lobo, Agrar/Bangalore

    Sun, Jul 27 2008

    Congratulations Pinky... We are very proud of you. Wishes from Yashu too..

  • Jenifer Pinto, Mumbai / Dubai

    Sun, Jul 27 2008

    Way to Vijetha :) you have made all parents proud especially those who do not have sons :) Kudos to you parents too to stand by you through thick and thin. best regards Jenifer

  • Lancy Moras, Bajjodi, Jeddah Saudi Arabia

    Sun, Jul 27 2008

    Dear Vijetha. I am proud of you and tell you that your name itself explains us that you are the clear winner and you parents are mor than that of you. What an outstanding, supurb, Fentastic and mind blowing acheivement you have gained at your too young age and one should be really proud of you. Agrar, Bantwal should be very proud of you and this is a beautiful strong growing path to your younger brother and sisters of yours.

    I tell you what, every mother and father from within Mangalore and Bantwal district should feel proud of themselves saying Vijetha Pinky D'sa is our daughter. How'z that!!!!!!!!!!? Last but not the least, I will continuously pray for your better future and success and let your name be found on the top of "MOUNT EVEREST". God bless you Vijetha. Thanks to daijiworld the most effective Konkani Site.

  • Santosh danthy, Shirva/bahrain

    Sun, Jul 27 2008

    Great achievement at 27! Wishing u good luck and great career ahead.

  • Praveen Pinto, Udupi

    Sun, Jul 27 2008

    It is a tremendous achievement.our christian community should be proud of her achievememt.when easily a five digit salary was on the cards going for a low paying job for the service of the country is really a sacrifice.hatsoff

  • Diana Dsouza, Bantwal/Modankap

    Sun, Jul 27 2008

    Congratulations Pinky.... Am really happy for you... Wish you All The Very Best and All Success in your future life

  • Ramakanth Kudva, Panemangalore/Abu Dhabi

    Sun, Jul 27 2008

    Greate achievement. Wish You all the Best.

  • Christle Dsouza, Bejai/Dubai

    Sun, Jul 27 2008

    Congraths dear... Its an great achievement. WISH U ALL THE BEST.


    Sun, Jul 27 2008

    'Vijetha'- the name means all that you have achieved and would achieve in the future. Many many congratulations to you and to your father and mother (viniciam & Conceptabai). It's a proud moment, a great achievement for all of us especially Agrar Parishioners. You have proved what hard work and determination mean.

    May all your endeavours be blessed by God. Trust in Him in difficult moments of life. May He strengthen you to achieve great heights. Be a saviour to the poor and needy. May Truth and Justice reign. Congratulations Pinky and Best Wishes.

  • William Mascarenhas, Moodbidri/Dubai

    Sun, Jul 27 2008

    Great Achievement. Wishing all the best in your future.

  • Vinod Canute Dias, Baligere-kodi/Nairobi-Kenya

    Sun, Jul 27 2008

    Congratulations, Pinky

  • victor lobo, Gurpur, Mangalore-Lucknow

    Sun, Jul 27 2008

    Congrtaulations Vijita, Your Mom and Dad. God bless. Continue the good work.


    Sun, Jul 27 2008

    Well done. Congratulations, This is the spirit of women.

  • Jeffrey D Souza.t, Agrar,Kuwait

    Sat, Jul 26 2008

    Congratulations dear Pinky and also your Mom and Dad. great achievement. Wish you all the best. God bless you.

  • Teena, Mangalore / Dubai

    Sat, Jul 26 2008

    Congratulations and wish you all the very best.God bless you and your family.

  • Paul D souza, Mangalore/Sharjah

    Sat, Jul 26 2008


  • MA Sheikh, Manglore/Dammam

    Sat, Jul 26 2008

    Great achievement Miss. Vijetha, as your name says you are a real winner.Congratulations to you and your parents. God bless you and keep the good work going.

  • Jevitha Veigas, Agrar

    Sat, Jul 26 2008

    Hearty congratulations. All the best for your future.

  • Deepa Sandra Rodrigues, Shimoga

    Sat, Jul 26 2008

    Congratulations for the greatest achievement in your life. We are all proud of you.I wish more and more success your professional as well as personal life.

  • H.A. Khader, Parthipadi

    Sat, Jul 26 2008

    Dear Vijetha CONGRATULATIONS to you and your family.

  • Reshma Dsouza/Pinto, Mangalore / Doha-Qatar

    Sat, Jul 26 2008

    Dear Vijetha, Congratulations! You rightly deserve the honour. And I trust you always make the right decisions and make everyone proud. I know the difference you can make, because I have worked closely with you during the NSS days. I hope you remember me. I wish you all the success and may you reach more heights and make everyone proud. Regards to Vineetha, Vinisha and your parents.

  • Omar Jokatte, Mangalore

    Sat, Jul 26 2008

    Congratulations for your great acheivement.

  • Vijay Dmello, Loretto / Dubai

    Sat, Jul 26 2008

    hearty Congratulations Vijetha, Great achievement.sheer determination and hard work has paid off. Good to C some of the known faces as achieved their dreams. May God bless you all the success on your future endeavour

  • Amrith Alvares, M'lore (Dubai)

    Sat, Jul 26 2008

    Congratulations Vijetha, finally you have achieved your goal....!! Proud of you.

  • Avil, Shirva/Qatar

    Sat, Jul 26 2008

    Congratulations Vijetha !!


    Fri, Jul 25 2008


  • Norbert Dsouza, Allipade/Kuwait

    Sat, Jul 26 2008

    Dear Vijetha CONGRATULATIONS to you and your family. It's really a great achievement and good news for all of us.

  • John R. Pereira, Kulshekar, Mangalore/Ghatkopar(W), Mumbai

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Isn't this grit and determination resulting in making a mark in life at such a young age? I think this is a great achievement which is ordinarily unthinkable for a young person and that too a woman. Hearty congrats to Vijetha.

  • Steven D'souza, Hirgan/kuwait

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Congratulations. God bless you and your family.

  • Lizzy, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Congratulations and wish you all the best.

  • Shobha/Marian Peres Bhatt, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Pinky, our hearty congratulations to you and to your equally deserving mum n dad. May you win many more accolades. Indeed, you have made the whole family proud of you. Shoba, Marian, Prathik n Preksha

  • Sulaiman m.s, mundkoor/qatar

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Great achivement .God BlessYou

  • Disha Rita Furtado, Mangaore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Its amazing at this small age YOu have achieved such a great Success. In our community you will be the Rising Star because we are very few in government sector. This made us very very proud. In your case " Murthy Chickkadadaru Kirthi doddau" is very true. keep it up. let our all mighty God shower his blessings on you. wish you very happy bright future.

  • venkatesh, IISc, Bangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Congrats Vijetha for your achievement.

  • Benny bai,heeral and henster, agrar/vamanjoor

    Sat, Jul 26 2008

    dear pinky.."when the mind is set on success,then the body has to comply, for nothin can come in the way of the determined mind in acieving" this certainly true in ur case for u have shown the fruit of ur success and endeavor for all to see.congratulations on ur achievement and we frm ur family are proud of u. keep it up. our prayers and wishes are with u always now and for ur future.


    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    It was really wonderful to read about Vijetha’s great success of becoming a Civil Court Judge. Concepta and Vincyaab have really done a great job in their daughter’s success. We congratulate and wish her all the best. Vijita will do wonders in her career as a judge. She is dedicated and hardworking and hence she will be blessed with success in all that she undertakes. She is definitely a role model to our village girls who wants to achieve something in life.

  • Cyril and Alice Tauro, Allipade/Bombay/Bahrain

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Dear Vincy and Concepta, Hearty Congratulations on Vijetha becoming a Civil Court Judge. May God Almighty and Mother Mary shower their choicest blessings upon her and we wish her every success. God Bless U Alice Tauro Egil, son of Baptist and Benny Lobo of Lobo Villa, Pallikanda, Jacribettu.

  • Alwin Pinto, Bendore, Dubai

    Sat, Jul 26 2008

    Congratulations Vijetha on your sucess in your continuous effort. Keep up this spirit to achieve sucess in your future life. Wish you all the best.


    Sat, Jul 26 2008

    Dear Vincy and Concepta, Hearty Congratulations! We are extremely proud and happy to read the achievements of your daughter Vijeta in becoming a Civil Court Judge. May God Almighty and Mother Mary shower their choicest blessings upon her and she achieve greater and greater success in her chosen carrer. With best wishes, Egil, son of Baptist and Benny Lobo of Lobo Villa, Pallikanda, Jacribettu.


    Sat, Jul 26 2008

    Dear Vincy and Concepta, Hearty Congratulations! We are extremely proud and happy to read the achievements of your daughter Vijeta in becoming a Civil Court Judge. May God Almighty and Mother Mary shower their choicest blessings upon her and she achieve greater and greater success in her chosen career. With best wishes, Egil, son of Baptist and Benny Lobo of Lobo Villa, Pallikanda, Jacribettu.


    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Dear Concepta & Vincy "Congratulation". We are very glad to note the achievement of your daughter "VIJITA" & wish her success in all that she undertakes. It is really wonderful to know that she has become the Civil Court Judge. This is definately through your support and determination and her hardwork. May God Bless her and your family abundantly.

  • Donald Pereira, Belthangady/Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Let this be a just beginning. It is no wonder when I saw hundreds of messages congratulating her in this website. This proves how much our community & mangaloreans feel proud of their own people.

    Vijetha deserves more than just being congratulated. I wish her success and a bright career ahead and I will be the first one to proud of her when she reaches to top positions, such as High Court or Supreme Court's judge. Being from a small town, I hope she can understand much better about people of India and their problems, and let God give her wisdom to deliver the best. Let our youngsters and their parents & teachers be motivated by Vijetha's determination and triumph. We are proud of you Vijetha and you have inspired us all.

  • Austin Santhosh, Haleangadi/Bahrain

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Congratulations! Proud moment for all Mangaloreans. Our Judiciary system needs more honest and dedicated personalities. Hope this Bantwal girl will do wonders during the years to come! May God Bless you Vijetha.

  • Denis D'sa, Agrar / Kuwait

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    “That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well.” - Abraham Lincoln Congratulations!! You have done us all proud. May you be a beacon of inspiration for the youth to follow. Look forward to more accolades in your beaming career ahead.


    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    A Hearty Congratulations! Its wonderful to hear that a Girl from christian community has achieved this. We all are proud of you.

  • Vally Vagga/Libera Agrar, Mysore city

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Congratulations, Vijetha. God Bless you.

  • Sr. Carmel Rita A.C., Mangalore/ Philippines

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Congratulations dear Vijetha Pinky. You have made us Agnesians and women folk very proud with your achievement. I wish you all the best for the future. I congratulate your parents too for their backup.

  • Neethan & Lynette Bangalore, Agrar/Bantwal

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Dear Pinky, Congrtulations! For your great achievement.All the best for your future endeavors.God Bless you & may all your dreams come true.

  • Juliet DSouza, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Congratulations Vijetha . I have known you as a student in St Agnes College. I am proud of you. Wish you all the best in your career and life.

  • Samitha , Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Congratulations Vijetha,,,,,,may all ur dreams come true,,,really proud of u. MAY GOD BLESS U DEAR.

  • Arun Kamath, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Congrats. Its indeed a fine achievement. Entire community should be proud of. Well done Good Luck.

  • B F Saldanha & family, BANTAKAL/DXB/FUJ

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Congratulations Judge Vijetha, your name speaks all about you. You are a role model for the youth and the younger generation. Yours Prayer, dedication & hard work yield excellent result. May God Bless u abundantly.

  • Milton Lewis, Udipi/Dubai

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Its a great achievement and an example to many youngsters of India. To day there is no substitute for higher studies and dedication. Leadership and Dynamism are the golden talents needs to be recognied and nurtured.

  • Fr.J.B.Crasta, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Great achievement. We are proud of you. Praying for you.On behalf of the Diocesan Laity Commission, Mangalore

  • Roshan D'Souza, Mangalore/ Bangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Congratulations Vijetha, you have made your family proud. May God Bless you abundantly to achieve your dreams in the long journey.

  • Onita Saldanha, Moodbidri/Australia

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    My heartiest congratulations to you Hon'ble Judge Miss Vijetha D'sa. I am too from the same profession and know how difficult it is for a girl/woman to succeed out there. You have done it. It's truly admirable about you. I wish you all the best in your profession as a Judge. May you reach great heights. May God bless you with strength and presence of mind to decide what is right and wrong and pass appropriate judgements and may you not fall in the hands of corruption and evil misdoers. God Bless !!

  • Stany Dsouza, Miyar / Mumbai

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Congratulations to Vijetha. You are a model and inspirations to the present youth, especially the remote villagers. May God bless you to achieve more.

  • Bernie Pinto/nee Dsa, kadri, mangalore/Vancouver, BC

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Dear Vijeta, Congratulations!!!! You deserve this honor as you worked hard for it. Wish you all success. We are proud of you. Credit goes to your family too, they deserve our heartiest congratulations. I met them last at my dad's funeral in August 2005. Hope I will be able to personally meet you also in the near future. Good luck and God Bless.

  • Lavina Rodrigues, Kajebail/Agrar/Canada

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Congratulations Pinky. Hats off to your hard work and great achievement! Wishing you all the best for your future!

  • Austin Prabhu, Nanthur/Chicago

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Congratulations to Judge Vijetha Pinky D'Sa. You made all of us Mangaloreans all over the world very proud! Wish you all the best in your future endeavors! Keep up the good work.


    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Congratulations and good luck

  • Eddie Sequeira, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Congrats Judge Vijitha. May your wonderful achievement inspire many others from our community to dream big and realize that dream with hard work and determination. May God bless you and wish all the success in your new job. We are also happy for your proud parents and sisters Vineeta and Vinisha and wish them also all that is best. Eddie Sequeira and Family, Doha, Qatar

  • pinto, moodbirdi/Europe

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Really really, great achievement that was really fantastic "god bless you".

  • Dr. Zita Lobo, Rak Medical and Health Sciences University, RAk

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Congratulations Vijetha, this proves along with the necessary IQ it is sheer hard work that reaps results. In fact, this also goes on to prove the 99% perspiration with the one percent inspiration as the ratio of success. It is heartening to see that you have all the encouragement from your family and friends.

  • Reena janet dsouza, kanajar/New jersey

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Congratulations Vijetha!!!Very proud of you.Congratulations to your parents too.As your name states,may you achieve much more success in life and make your parents proud of you.

  • Wilfred Gonsalves, Barkur/ QATAR

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Congratulations, Judge. Vijetha D' Sa. You have achieved a feat in life with your own determination. Let this be glowing example to our youth and children. Inspite of opposition , you went to study in Arts stream to achieve your goal. Well Done. God Bless you. Wilfred Gonsalves.

  • Steevan Prakash Castelino, Siddakatte/Qatar

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Great Achievement. Wishing all the best in your future.

  • Shallet D'silva( menezes), Mangalore/Riyadh

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Dear Vijetha Congratulations.It was nice to read about your achievement .You have always been a sincere , hard working, bright girl.May God continue to bless you abundantly.I'm proud that you are also an Agnesian. shallet

  • Priya Sequeira (Pereira), New Jersey

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations Vijetha !! Im very proud of u..

  • Richard James D'souza, Mangalore,Rosario/Kuwait,Mangaf

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congragulations vijetha. Having attained the firm footing in ur life, i am sure u would go very far on the path of achievements.

  • Preethi Mercy D'souza, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Congratulations to you on your well deserved success. My God Continue to grant u similar successes throughout your life.


    Thu, Jul 24 2008


  • Praveen Veigas, Agrar Bantwal

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Good Luck

  • Preethi Mercy D'souza, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congragulations to your well deserved success. May God continue to grant you similar successes all through your life.

  • seetha udaykumar , bajal/kuwait

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Dear vijetha,Congratulations.Iam really proud of your this great achievement.God bless you.

  • bharath shetty , Kateel -USA

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Great Achievement! All the best Vijeta! Keep up the good work!

  • Nelson D'Souza, Mangalore / Doha Qatar

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Dear Vijetha, Congratulations. and wish you all the best.

  • valerian Capuchin, Barkur/matpady/U.S.A

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    CONGRATULATIONS VIJETHA God deliberately formed you to serve Him in a way that makes your ministery unique. God never wastes anything. Throuhg your parents Vincy and Conceptayou have discoverd God's will for your life. I wish you all that is best in your future. Remembering the short but sweet few occadsions with your parents in Agrar Fr.Vally capuchin.

  • Aravind Prakash, Mangalore/Abu Dhabi

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations! This shows that hard work and detremination can take you places.

  • Shainy kulal, padil mangalore

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Brilliant job. Perfect duaghter for beloved parents & also you are lucky to have such supportable family. Always keep your eye open for justice not like lady statue of justice.

  • Stan Rodrigues, Dechar/Italy

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Oh it was really wonderful to read about Vijetha’s success of becoming a Civil Court Judge. I know her parents very well and surely Vincyaab and Concepta bai have played a great role in the success of her daughter. I congratulate and wish all the best to Vijita in her career as a judge. Success goes with determination and hard work. Let she be a role model to may of our village girls who want to achieve something in life.

  • Vishwanath J D, nallur/dubai

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Great Achievement.Congrats

  • Dolphy Pinto, Loretto/Canada

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Congratulations and best wishes Vijetha, May God bless you.

  • Seema Kotian, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Very proud of you Vijetha. Its a great acheivement and I appreciate your dedicated effort towards reaching your goal. Congratulations!!!

  • Roshan Pinto, Qatar/Bambil,Bantwal

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Coongratulations vijetha pinky & Wish you all the best in the future.

  • Vinod Vincent Lobo, Hassan/Kuwait

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Congradulations Vijetha, Hats off, I was just reading the story in daijiworld and happened to see photographs of your mom and Dad and I know them as your mom was there what u call ' Bolayki magonk' for my brothers marriage. I am happy to see that your their daughter.Great job

  • Joan, mangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Dear Vijetha...congrats,...........great achievment !!!!god bless you.

  • Rohith Shetty, Bantwal

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Congragulations!!!! made our Bantwal proud...All the best..

  • Lumina Pinto nee D'Sa, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Dear Pinky, Hearty Congratulations to you on your achievement and also to your Mum & Dad(Vincy/Kosha)from all of us. Indeed we are proud of you (& the D'sa family) and pray you achieve many more milestones in your career & life. All the best, Best Wishes, Lumina Pinto(D'sa), Cedric & family, Dubai, UAE

  • Santhosh Sequiera, Loretto / USA

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Congratulations! Great achievement. Hardwork always pays. Wishing her all the very best in the future.

  • Ronnie and Shally, Loretto/Agrar/Toronto

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Congratulations Vijetha and to Vincy also. It is a great achievement. Special thanks Daijiworld for covering this important joy.

  • Fr.Roshan, Capuchin, Agrar/ St.Anne'sFriary, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Congratulations Vijetha!We, the parishioners are very happy and proud of you. We appreciate the support of your parents Vincent and Concepta. Be assured of our prayers for a successful future. Capuchin Friars, St.Anne's Friary, Bijai.

  • Rohan Pinto, Loretto/Dubai

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Great achievement. Congrats

  • B.M.Iqbal, Bantwal/Kuwait

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Congratulations and wish you all the best.

  • B.M.Iqbal, Bantwal/Kuwait

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations and wish you all the best.

  • Roshan Lobo, Agrar / Kuwait

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congrats Pinky .great achievement.. God Bless You .

  • Dennis D'Souza, M'lore, presently in Canada

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Remarkable! at such a young age it is surely an achievement. Wishing you God's choicest blessings.


    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations Vijetha. You have done all Mangaloreans proud, God bless you and wish all the success in your future

  • Rajesh Sequeira, Kulshekar, Dubai

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congrats vijetha may you climb more heights. we are proud of you.

  • Felix Sequeira & Fly., Agrar/Chikmagalur

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Dear Pinky,Congratulation, great achievement,May the Good Lord bless you and keep you in good spirit & good health. Specially for us it is a great Joy. We are proud of you & your dear Dad & Mom (Vincy & Kosha bai) All the best Wishes from Cicilbai,Pellu, Norin and Manu.

  • santhosh sequeira, Muka/southampton,UK

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Dear Vijetha, We mangloreans are proud of you,god bless you may you acheive many highs.

  • Roshan Pinto, Qatar/Bambil,Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Dear Pinky, Congratulations & Wish you all the best.

  • Zulfikar , Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Wishing you great successes in future. keep it up


    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    I am very much proud to hear this news from daijiworld.Thanks.I wish great success in your future and you will shine like star whereever you go..... Keep it up.

  • Irene, Omzoor/Kuwait

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Congratulations to Vijetha & to the entire family, Agrar people as well as Mangaloreans, people of DK, Karnataka and all Indians. We are proud of you Vijetha by becoming a judge at the age of 27years. Please follow the path of truth always. All the best. Thank you Daiji for the wonderful news.

  • Arun D'souza, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Dear Ms.D'sa Good Show Congrats...keep it up good work May God Bless You

  • Fr.Richard Lasrado, Derebail

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congrats Judge Vijitha Pinky. Great achievement. Everything is possible if we believe in God and ourselves, work hard and have strong sheer determination. I am very proud of you. You will be a model for the budding youth of Agrar. My best wishes for your bright carrier ! May God bless you and wish all the success in your new job. Dear Vincy and Concepta, it is because of your guidence and hardwork today Pinky has become model to all youth. Fr.Richard Lasrado. Mahim

  • Sr.Severine Menezes, Belur/Hassan

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congrats dear Vijetha. you are the motivating Spirit to so many of our youth who feel life is useless. I am proud of you. God bless.

  • Sharan, Mlore/Dubai

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations Vijetha. i know you when i was in St. Agnes College. Wish you good luck. Special thanks to your parents. You have done all Mangaloreans proud.

  • Ronald Gomes, Kadri, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Vijetha, Congratulations to you and to your parents as well. Being your family friend, We are really proud of you and wish you one day you be Supreme Court Judge. May God Bless you.


    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations Vijetha, we Agrar parishioners in Dubai are delighted and happy with your achievement, we wish you all the best. Congratulations Vincy & Koshe the proud parents.

  • Vincent Nazareth, Mangalore, KSA

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    It is a wake up call for our Konkani catholic youths. Rather than pursuing higher studies our youths are more interested in menial jobs of gulf countries. Congratulations Vijetha for this great achievement.

  • Francis menezes, Karkala

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations ...... God Bless You and Wish you all the best in future.............!!!!

  • Roland , Mangalore/Al-Jubail

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations Vijetha for this remarkable achievement.We wish and pray that you will reach the Supreme court of India...

  • Prashanth Albuquerque, Bondel/Dubai

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations Ms. Vijetha..Best of luck in you future endeavors.. God Bless You.. - Prashanth & Pramila

  • haneef, mangalore

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations its a great achievement

  • K.A.Ibrahim, MULKI

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Ms. Vijetha congradulation. hailing from remote place in Bhantwal, you havew achived this. But real achivement comes when you give verdict for the justice

  • Bapsy Rodrigues, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations Vijetha on your wonderful achievement.All the best and wishing you all success for the future.

  • Arun Carlo, Agrar,Dubai

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Hi Pinky,Many many congradulations.You really deserve this.I am feeling very proud to say my cousin has become a judge today.Congradulations to Vincy uncle and Cosha aunty also,I know what all hardships you both have taken for Pinky's education.All the best to Vinu and Vinisha also.I know all the three of you are very hard working girls.Pinky all the best for your next roll of challenging life.Win many many cases,Win for people who are in need.

  • Melvin Dsouza, Surathkal/ China

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Ms Vijetha. Fantastic Achievement.All the very best in the future.

  • Stanley Menezes, Modankap/Bantwal

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Really I am very proud of your achievement keep it up and God May Bless you.

  • Richard Monteiro, Manjeshwar, Bajpe

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations Miss.Vijetha,Great achievement God bless you & your Family.

  • Nisha Misquith - Lobo, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    I am so proud of my classmate Vijetha for such an achievement at such a young age. Indeed your hard work and determination paid it off and ofcourse Gods blessing. All the best . God Bless you

  • V. Baretto, Bangalore

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Great that Vijetha has done it by her determination to climb the ladder which was normally thought impossible for persons of villages

  • Nevil D'souza, Bantwal/Dubai

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations Vijetha... wishing all the best for your future!

  • Felcy Pinto, Sornad

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulation Vijetha, We used to see your family every times now i has to take a appointment to see you.. Well done , God bless you. try to bring good name to the bantwal catholic community by helping them.

  • jane, Coorg/UAE

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    congrats. You have made Mangalorean proud. God give u strenth to pursue your career.

  • Eugene Lobo, Bantwal, Saudi Arabia

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations, Keep up the good work, God bless you

  • Titus & Fly, Agrar

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congrats pinky. May god shower his choicest blessings on you and ur family.

  • Fr.MANU Noronha, Agrar/Goa

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Dear Vijetha Im proud of you.It's a great achievment!Congrats.You are a good model for the youth of Agrar & Manglore.Wish you all the Best!May God bless you.Wishes to your parents too.

  • Asha Rodrigues & Fly, Agrar

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations. We are proud of you. May all ur dreams come true

  • REv. Fr. Dr. John Sequeira OCD, Agrar/Ranipura

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations Vijetha. We are really proud of you, specially we the residents of Mukuda ward and the community at Agrar.You not only achieved a great feat in your own life but also showed to our youth what requires to be done in life.

    In the final analysis it matters little from where we come but what matters most is how we look at our life and plan for it. May this be only an initial leaf on your tree of life. We want to see you grow to greater heights and be a great beacon of light to our country and to the world.

    My prayers and blessings will go along with you always. Hats off to Vincy bab and Kosha bai for their parental assistance and support.

  • Ozzie Monteiro, Permannur

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Great Achievement...really proud of you D'sa...God Bless you in your future career..

  • Jane Helen D'souza, Haleangadi,mulki

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations dear. All the best for your future.I'm proud of you.God Bless you and your Family.

  • Vinitha M.Carlo , Bantwal

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Hi Vijetha, Congratulations! God may bless you with the great power & talents yet.You may reach the sky.

  • Fr. J.B. Sequeira, Capuchin, Farangipet

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations to you and to your parents. You have put up hard efforts. God bless you in your future plans.

  • Santosh, Karenki,Riyadh,KSA

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    I am very much proud to hear this news from daijiworld.Thanks.I wish great success in your future and you will shine like star whereever you go..... Keep it up.


    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    " Very few D'sa's,have acheived something in life, which we r very proud of.keep it up and all the best for u r future. "GOD BLESS U".

  • CGS, Qatar

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congrats and best wishes to Vijetha Pinky D'Sa on her great achievement!Good wishes to her parents Vincent and Cocepta D'Sa.

  • Rohan Pinto, Taniya Loretto

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Great achievement.Congratulations

  • Jacintha Menezes, Agrar-Bantwal

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    congrats, keep the spirit, you achieved what you worked for.


    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations. and wish you all the best...

  • Naresh Chandra K, Mangalore/UAE

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations to Ms.Vijetah, it is the empowerment for ladies and a vision set for other girls in the waiting.

  • Sheela Carlo, Agrar/Sharjah

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Dear Pinky You have added a golden feather to our family!!!Hats off to your determination/dedication and hardwork!! You have made us all proud being very different from everyone else in the family!!!!May God bless you abundantly and keep you away from all negative powers!!!!May He strengthen you to serve the community with ultimate dedication!!!! I still remember during our vacation she was sitting with her books in her hand at the corner of the field where we were playing, having good time and she was prepearing for the exam!!!! Congratulations!!!! She is also a born leader and chess champ!!!! Lots of love, All Family members (Mummy Concepta D'Sa's side)

  • Jacintha Menezes, Agrar-Bantwal

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    congrats, keep the spirit, you achieved what you worked for.

  • Jessy D'Souza, Kulshekar/Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Dear Vijetha, We are proud of you. Congratulations or your success. D'Costa Family , Kulshekar

  • CA Stany, Kinnigoli, Kuwait

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations. in your carrier please give a patient hearing to needful and people to whom justice is denied.

  • Purushottama, Byndoor

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    It is not so easy particularly for those hailing from rural areas where the exposure is limited to succeed. The above news is really a morale booster for those who wait for opportunities to come to their doorsteps. Let us wish Vijetha all the Best.

  • Marlon D'sa , Mangalore/Riyadh

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    " Very few D'sa's,have acheived something in life, which we r very proud of.keep it up and all the best for u r future. "GOD BLESS U".

  • Shamin/Roshni Sequeira, Mangalore/Muscat

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Dear Pinky, On behalf of my parents & sisters, I congratulate you and wish you every success. You have done our family proud by this achievement. May God Bless you in your future endeavours to reach greater heights.

  • Godwin D'souza, Surathkal/Abu Dhabi

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations,God Bless You

  • Manjunatha C.N., Kasaragod/Bangalore

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Wow great. Thats all I can say. Vijetha you really have achieved something for which people struggle a lot in their whole life but still can't achieve it.Hats off to you. I think it must be a record you know, you being only 27 are a judge. Unbelievable.

    I am double happy because you are from Dakshin Kannada also. You have made us proud. May God bless you in whatever you do and achieve your goal. Your name itself says that you will be victorious..Vijetha itself means success. Once again congrats.

  • rajui, kulshekar

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    mast kushi ande vijetha pinky erg ankelana udal genged solmal from anugrha cricketrs kulshekar boka raju iseral

  • Manohar, Mangalore / Saudi Arabia

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    All of us should proud of Ms.Vijetha Pinky D'Sa on her great achievement. She will be the inspiration to all the younger generation. Good Luck to her.

  • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations Vijetha. You have done all Mangaloreans proud. This is only the first step in the ladder. Hope to see you on the Supreme Court bench one day, passing historical judgements.

  • John B. Miranda, Pachinadka/Bantwal/Dubai

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations Vijetha. As your name itself means WINNER you are shown that by your hardwork you can achieve anything in your life irrespective of from which background you came.May God Bless you in future. Please keep up the Goodwork and serve the people.

  • Terence, managalore

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations. You are great. Your hard work paid.we

    angaloreans proud of you.God bless you

  • vinod wilfred tauro, Madanthyar,Dubai

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Dear Vijetha you and your family...Indeed it is a great achievement,your hardwork,dedication and prayers paid you this reward..We all wish you all the best in your new assignment...with prayers.. VINOD,JANET,VIJETHA & VIVECA

  • Fr. Praveen H Dsouza, Agrar/ Manila (Philippines)

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations Pinky. I know you have reached this height with your hard efforts. Great achievement ! you will be a model for the budding youth of Agrar. My best wishes for your bright carrier !

  • Rolphy Almeida, Udupi/Bangalore

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Empowerment of women, good for our country, congratulations

  • Sheryl / Pinky D'Souza, Agrar

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Hey Vijetha, congrats and wish u all the best. great achivements....Anyways its me ur senior pinky/Sheryl D'Souza from agrar...ALL THE BEST... Cheers

  • Ullas Fernandes, Siddakatte/Dubai

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Dear Pinky, Congratulations on this great achievement.Keep up the good work and serve the society.May God bless you.

  • ashish sequeira, mangalore/saudi arabia dammam

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    congratulations. our community needs more people like you. keep up the good work

  • Fr. Leslie Shenoy, USA/Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congrats Judge Vijitha. Great achievement. Everything is possible if we believe in God and ourselves, work hard and have strong sheer determination. We are proud of you, God bless you and wish all the success in your new job.

  • Ronald D F D Souza, Bondel/Mangalore/Bahrain

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations Ms.Vijetha Pinky D'Sa, we the members of Karavali Konkans Association - Bahrain are proud of your achivements to become Civil Court Judge, May God bless you and protect you in your fair judgements. Ronald - Bahrain

  • prescilla fernandes,mangalore, mangalore

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Dear Vijetha, congratulations. Your Pa and Ma must have had the insight while naming you. Vijetha is success and you are now successful. May God bless you and keep you in good health and good spirit to carry out your duties.

  • Abdul Maksud , Bajpe Soudi Arabia

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congragulation, hard work always give you good result

  • precilla Richard Dsouza, Kanajar/Kuwait

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    congrulations, God Bless you and ur family. Hard work always wins.

  • Norbert Miranda & Fly, Modbidri/Muscat

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    It gives us immense pleasure to see our niece has achieved her goal sucessfully. Pinky we hardly met, when you were small but your Dad & Mom (Vincy/Kosha) we met last year. Our heartiest Congratulations to you and keep up the good work.

  • Satish Kunder, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    I am really proud of this little lady on this great achievement. She will be the inspiration to all girls including my daughter who want to go for legal profession

  • Leeta Lobo, Bantwal

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations and wish you all the best.

  • Philomena Lobo, Kulshekar/Bahrain

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Hearty Congratulations and all the best. God Bless You

  • Clotty Pereira, Agrar/ Kuwait

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Dear Pinky, Congratulations and God bless you. Great achievement. Nice to see your family photo.

  • Fayaz Sheikh, Mangalore,Kuwait

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Heartiest Congratulations.Wishing you the very best in future

  • John D'Cruz, U Ponnengila,Bantwal

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congrats Vijitha.great achievement.sheer determination and hard work has paid off.may God bless you all the success in this hot job.

  • Aanson Almeida, Brahmavar

    Thu, Jul 24 2008


  • Anthony Miranda, Kuwait

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Simple family hard working always win. It is a best example. We are proud our community

  • Alwin, Agrar - Kuwait

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    I am happy to see someone from my parish achieved this. I have seen this girl when she was small during my school days and I am sure her family might have played a great role in achieving this kind of sucess. God Bless you and your family.

  • HARRY , COORG / Abu Dhabi.

    Thu, Jul 24 2008



    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    God bless you and your Family congrats.

  • Gilbert D'Souza, Omzoor/u.s.a.

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations. and wish you all the best.

  • Abdul Rahim Kolnad, Healengady

    Thu, Jul 24 2008


  • Roshan, Taccode / Dubai

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Great achievement, God Bless you and Good Luck...

  • DD, Mangalore/Mumbai

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Congratulations Vijetha. I am also from D'Sa family. Do not know whether we are related. But, i am proud of you. Yes, I too agree that Catholic community lacks dynamic officers in Govt. Sectors and youth should come forward to serve society better.

  • Sunil Cornelio, Mumbai

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Highly, Motivating article,congrats

  • imthiyazahmed saudi arabia, mangalore riyadh

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Great achivements

  • Santosh Shetty, Thonse

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Great achievement. Hardwork always pays. Wishing her all the very best in the future. Looking at her track record her future looks bright anyway.

  • Pius D'Souza, Venoor/Dubai

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Great achievement, God Bless you and we look forward such young people to come forward to serve the country

  • Mohammed Shafi, Kundapur

    Thu, Jul 24 2008


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