December 25, 2024
O Star of Hope!

In the stillness of a winter's night,
A star shines bright, a guiding light.
Amidst the shadows of war's cruel hand,
It whispers peace across the land.
Through the echoes of conflict, a message clear,
The Christmas Star brings hope, drawing near.
In the hearts of the weary, it ignites a flame,
Reminding us all, we are not the same.
Political tensions may rise and fall,
But love's gentle call transcends it all.
For in the darkness, where despair may creep,
The star's soft glow stirs dreams from sleep.
Let us gather beneath its radiant glow,
Embracing the warmth that we all long to know.
For every soldier, every child in fear,
The Christmas Star shines, its promise sincere.
So, as we celebrate this season of grace,
May we find unity in our shared human space.
With hope as our compass, let kindness impart,
The enduring message of the Christmas Star.
In the context of the war in Palestine and Israel, and in many parts of the world there exists political turmoil, we have a star shining bright, giving us hope. It means praying not only for peace but also for the courage to be instruments of that peace and hope. We are reminded of Pope Francis’ words: “Peace is not merely the absence of war but a work of justice” (Evangelii Gaudium, 218).
This holy night also reminds us that darkness does not have the final word. The Gospel of John declares, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:5). Even in the face of war and turmoil, the birth of Christ assures us that God’s light cannot be extinguished. This light is not just an abstract concept, but a living reality embodied in every act of love, mercy, and forgiveness.