Media Release
Mangaluru, Aug 17: Hectic preparations were on at the White Doves home for the destitute to celebrate the 75th Independence Day. With practices for a march past and saluting the national flag. The residents bring mentally unsound had to have alot of practice including teaching then which hand to use to salute the national flag.
The day started with prayers which was followed by welcoming the chief guest Dr Christopher Pais, a well known physician, Simon C A, the superintendent of police. (ACB), Fr Anil Dsouza and Sunil Baliga senior accountant A G office Bengaluru. It was surely a feast to the eyes to see the students, staff and the same inmates of White Doves come marching and bring in the chief guest and guest of honour.
The flag was hoisted by Dr Christopher Pais.

A huge beautiful painting on the wall of White Doves was gifted by the internationally well known artist Alicia Goveas, who flew in from Dubai with her sister Stephanie to do this painting with a beautiful, strong message 'Somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world'.
Alicia was assisted in completing the painting by another local artist Malaika Sequeira. The painting with the message was inaugurated by Alicia Goveas' father Charles Goveas on the one side and Vivek Sequeira the father of Malaika Sequeira on the other side.
The residents and guests were treated to a sumptuous breakfast which was followed by sports and games for the residents. Gifts for all and prizes for the winners. This year's celebration was unique, firstly because it was the 75th year of Independence, and secondly, they were joined by the special children of Riya Foundation along with their staff and the founders Ashley Fernandes and Kirthana.
There was music, singing and dance and the function came to an end with a sumptuous lunch. The programme was well compered by Gavin Alster Pinto.