Media Release
Mangaluru, Dec 15: With an objective to develop within each child a love for God’s Word and expand their understanding of holy scripture, open Bible quiz for students of grades 5-10 and Bible story telling competitions for grades 1-4 were organized by Commission for Vocation and Religious Formation, Commission for Bible and Catechetics and Commission for Proclamation and Evangelization recently.
The quiz was based on the Gospels of St Matthew and St Luke. An appreciable number of 125 participants took part in the competitions. The event was solemnized with 'The Enthronement of the Holy Bible'. The Holy Bible was carried in a procession slightly elevated preceded by a thurifer, carrying a thurible with incense and by servers with lighted candles and roses while a melodious prayer song was sung by children of classes 9 and 10.
The Bible was then placed on the table which was richly decorated. Fr Anil D Mello, parish priest proclaimed the gospel reading and gave a thought-provoking and soothing reflection.
Sonia Rebello, welcomed the gathering and introduced the judges of Bible story telling competition Nora Lobo and Sister Rufina, superior, Holy Cross Convent.
Cynthia Renjal briefed about the rules and regulations of the competition. Every participant poured their skills and knowledge and manifested great enthusiasm. Bible quiz competition ensured that the child read every detail in the Bible. A range of emotions were felt of happiness, ruefulness, sadness and fervour.
In Bible story telling contest the participants showcased their panache for oration. They put their best foot forward to deliver their part and in turn gained a lot of insight on how to deliver their pieces with credence and self-composure. Each performer was judged on the following criteria:
1. Content 2. Confidence 3. Expression 4. General Presentation. The highly competitive faces of the participants were clearly conspicuous.
Everyone gave in their best for the competition and awaited a desirable result as it is rightly said that 'in the middle of every difficulty lies an opportunity'.
In the valedictory ceremony, Daisy Crasta of Grade 9 shared her experiences on how Bible reading served as a road map to intimacy with God. Fr Anil D'Mello in his presidential address said, “The Bible is God’s revelation of Himself to humankind. The Word of God has the power to change and has the ability to help receive the abundant blessings of God. Therefore, it is important to memorise it, meditate on it and treasure it in our hearts." Sr Patricia, Pramila Rodrigues, and Celestine Saldanha announced the names of the prize winners and Fr Anil D'Mello, Ravi Saldanha and Maurice Renjal gave away the prizes.
Anil D'Mello, parish priest, Ravi Saldanha and Prakash Pereira, vice president and secretary of parish pastoral council, Sister Rufina, Wilma D'Souza and Cynthia D'Souza, coordinators of Commission for Vocation and Religious Formation, Commission for Proclamation and Evangelization and Commission for Bible and Catechetics and Maurice Renjal, coordinator of 21 Pastoral Commissions were the dignitaries who graced the occasion.
Rashmi Mascarenhas compered the programme and Cynthia D'Souza proposed the vote of thanks.