Bengaluru, Nov 30 (IANS): The Karnataka High Court on Tuesday directed the police to find out and slap a notice on a person who appeared semi-naked during a video conference. The court also asked that the electronic data in this connection be retrieved.
The divisional bench headed by Chief Justice Ritu Raj Awasthi and Sachin Shankar Magadum gave the order after senior advocate Indira Jaisingh, representing the victim in the sex CD case, brought this matter to the notice of the court during the hearing of the alleged sex CD scandal involving a former minister of the ruling BJP.
Indira Jaisingh brought to the notice of the court that the man was visible semi-naked for about 20 minutes at a time when the bench heard PILs filed in connection with the alleged sex CD scandal.
The bench took the matter seriously as more than 80 people were logged into the hearing at that time. The semi-naked man was visible and even found bathing, she said. She complained that she was exposed to it for about 20 minutes and she opined that the act seemed to be intentional and deliberate.
She said that such offensive behaviour should not occur again and it also amounted to contempt of court. She informed that she would provide digital evidence of the act and mentioned the person's name as Sridhar Bhat, SDMC Ujire, as per the zoom meeting details.
Advocates brought to the notice of the bench that the person logged out of the meeting after Indira Jaisingh mentioned his name.
Special Investigation Team head Soumendu Mukherjee submitted the final report on the alleged sex CD scandal to the court.