Media Release
Mangalore, Jul 20: “Excessive use of water, industrialization and letting industrial waste to clean water, concretization, excessive dependence on borewells, population explosion, deforestation and lack of interest in desilting the river and rivulets are the main reasons for the depletion of potable water in the earth,” said Dr Ronald Cutinha the director of Samanvaya.
He was speaking at the training programme on Watershed Management held at Niddodi Parish Hall on Sunday July 18. The programme was jointly organized by Fudar Pratishtan and Catholic Sabha of Niddodi Parish.
Fr Joseph Lobo parish priest of Niddodi parish inaugurated the programme.
The training focused on the eminent personalities who had toiled to hold water literacy campaigns and issues, such as Magsesay award winner Dr Rajendra Singh of Rajasthan, Dr Rain Water (Mekito Morepho) of Japan, agriculturist Shyamji Antala of Gujarat and Shri Padre of Kasargod district. Slides showing the preparation of soak pits, collection of roof water, construction of bunds and vented dams and of different models of rainwater harvesting helped the participants understand water conservation methods.
The president of Catholic Sabha, Niddodi parish, Robert Lobo welcomed and secretary Lidwin Rebello proposed the vote of thanks. Over 75 enthusiasts attended the programme.