Bangalore, Mar 30 (PTI) Police have cracked the Rs 1.5 crore gold and silver jewel theft case and arrested four Latin American nationals from Goa and recovered the ornaments stolen from a hotel room here last week.
The foreigners--one from Venezuela, two from Columbia and one from El Salvador--were taken into custody yesterday by City Crime Branch sleuths, Police Commissioner Shankar Bidari told reporters here today.
The four-member gang had stolen the jewellery on March 22 from the hotel rooms of three jewellers from Jaipur who had brought it for a Jewellery exhibition held in the city by breaking open the room door when the jewellers had gone out for dinner.
CCTV footage in which one of the gang members was seen entering the hotel provided the clue and CCB traced the culprits to Kolva Beach in Goa, Bidri said.