Bangalore, Mar 25 (PTI): The Karnataka High Court on Thursday refused to pass orders on an anticipatory bail application filed by self-styled godman Swami Nityananda, against whom police have registered cases for his alleged involvement in sleaze activities.
After hearing the counsel for Nityananda, Justice Arali Nagaraj termed as 'unfounded' the godman's apprehension that he could be arrested, pending disposal of the case and directed him to to approach the proper forum to seek anticipatory bail.
The court also rejected his plea for staying of all the proceedings, including investigation.
Nagaraj ordered CID SP Yogappa, investigating the case, to submit all documents after translating it from Tamil to English and Kannada, to the court before March 30.
Nityananda has already moved the jurisdictional sessions court in Ramanagar two days ago for bail.
Nityananda is at the centre of a controversy after video footage of his alleged sleazy acts was telecast on TV channels in Tamil Nadu on March 2. The swami, whose whereabouts are not known, has claimed that the images have been morphed and he had not done anything illegal or against the law.
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Watch Video : Swami Nithyananda Speaks to ETV- Click Here
Watch Video : Swami Nithyananda Speaks to TIMES NOW - Click Here