By Vinay Pais
Daijiworld Media Network—Kundapur (RD/CN)
Kundapur, Feb 16: Kundapur Catholic Sabha, which has been honouring the achievers and according recognition to the talented people by felicitating them, besides helping the needy people from all the parishes of Kundapur Varado since the last two decades, once again organized 'Prathibha Saanz' to honour the achievers, irrespective of their ages, on Monday February 15, at the government college here. Achievers, right from young children to senior citizens, were feted by the Sabha on this occasion.
Those children, who have excelled in studies, games, public speaking, sports and have displayed excellent leadership qualities, were felicitated on the occasion. The Sabha also helped three needy families for their medical, education and housing needs.

“Talents always benefit the society. People with different talents are under an obligation to serve their communities. Sooner the younger generation is made aware of this truth, better it would be for the society at large. The youth constitute the cream of the society. They must be trained to take up political leadership, towards solving the problems afflicting the people. Therefore, there is absolutely a need for mutual co-operation between the people of the community to achieve this goal and also for creating an awareness for the betterment and general welfare of everyone”, felt Fr Alban D’Souza, parish priest, Our Lady of Rosary parish.
Speaking during the inauguration of the talent recognition programme held at the Kala Mandir of the government college, Fr D’Souza exhorted the gathering to try their best to create leadership qualities among the youngsters.
Walter Nandalike, editor-in-chief,, was the chief guest of the function. Walter Cyril Pinto, Varado president of Catholic Sabha, was the guest of honour.
Walter Nandalike, who was also honoured by the Catholic Sabha for his contribution to the society through the media and his leadership traits, while addressing the gathering, said that unity is the foundation on which the community can grow stronger, assert itself, and create a forceful identity for itself in fields like politics, social and administrative services. He added that education, thirst for social service, and serving the poor and the downtrodden are the crying needs of the day. He asked the achievers to focus on the positive aspects of life and strive for further success.
Prabhu Kennedy Pereira, Philip D’Silva,Thomas D'Mello and Greeson Crasta were felicitated for their respective contributions in the spheres of politics, social welfare, and agriculture.
Catholic Sabha deanery president, Alwyn Quadros, presided over the function.
Johnson Almeida welcomed the gathering. Robert Furtado and Reshma Fernandes compered the programme. Silvia Rodrigues proposed vote of thanks. Variety cultural programmes were staged at the venue later.