Bangalore / New Delhi, Jan 28 (IANS) A day after Karnataka Chief Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa told people to "chop off hands" of those vandalising churches in the state, his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) sought to soft-pedal the remarks, saying they should be seen in the context of his government's resolve to stop any violence.
"It is not a question of churches. No government can tolerate violence," party spokesman Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi told IANS.
The BJP spokesman said these remarks should be seen in context of Yeddyurappa's resolve to take stern action against those indulging in violence and maintained that the chief minister had clarified his remarks.
Asserting that any responsible government will take steps to stop violence, Naqvi said the chief minister was not speaking about attacks on churches only.
Asked about the BJP's "soft" stance towards those who had brought down Babri mosque in 1992, Naqvi said the two issues were separate, adding that the party had never justified its destruction.
"I do not see the two issues as related. It (Babri mosque) is an old issue," he said.
Naqvi also maintained that the then central government was responsible for the destruction of the Babri mosque as it did not use the central forces.
Yeddyurappa, who is under attack over frequent vandalisation of churches in Karnataka, had told a public meeting Wednesday that hands of those who indulge in such acts should be "chopped off".
"I am telling you, chop off the hands of these people if you catch them," he said.
Karnataka Governor H.R. Bhardwaj had also referred to attacks on churches in his Republic Day speech.