Mangalore, Jan 9 (DHNS): Mangalore University is establishing a Centre for Application of Radioisotopes and Radiation Technology (CARRT) in collaboration with Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS) and Board of Radiation and Isotope Technology (BRIT), Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Mumbai.
In this connection, Mangalore University has signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Friday. According to the MoU, the BRNS will provide Rs 2.5 crore to establish the centre. Scientists from the BRIT and BARC will work jointly with the university in establishing the Centre.
Mangalore University will provide the required manpower, laboratory space and other basic infrastructure required to set up the Centre.
According to a press release, Radioisotopes based techniques are extensively used in molecular biology, biotechnology, pharmacology etc. and Radioisotopically labeled biomolecules are important research tools in modern biology, genetic engineering and biotechnology.
Radioisotopes can be incorporated into DNA, RNA, protein and other biomolecules and using these probes, the presence and metabolism of biomolecules can be investigated.
The graduate and post-graduate students from biological sciences, medical, pharmaceutical and agricultural sciences, and young researchers will be trained in the field of radiation technology and applications of radioisotopes through Certificate Courses, the release stated.
Summer and vacation courses for a few selected students of undergraduate science courses will be held to sensitise the students to pursue the higher studies in basic and applied sciences using radiations and technology.
The Centre also conduct tailor-made short term training progrmmes to scientists or engineers from industries and other R& D organisations. CARRT will design and develop the syllabus on application of radioisotopes and radiation technology suitable to introduce in different graduate and post graduate courses and also help in establishing the laboratory required to conduct the practical classes.
It will also act as nodal agency to facilitate research in areas that involve radiation and radioisotopes application.
Studies on insulin, Helicobacter pylori incidences in coastal population, radioprotective effects of some drugs, conservation of endangered trees of Western Ghats through radiation exposure of seeds and effect of gamma radiation on materials including biological material are some of the research studies that are sanctioned by the BRNS in the first phase of the programme.
The team
Dr H M Somashekarappa will head the Centre. The other principal investigators are Prof Rajashekhar Patil, Prof K R Chandrashekar and Dr K Bhasker Shenoy.