From Dr Richie Rego SJ
Mangalore, Dec 22: University Grants Commission (UGC)'s National Accreditation and Assessment Council (NAAC) Peer team is visiting St Aloysius College from 20 Dec to 23 Dec.
The Peer Team is headed by Prof. Kantha Ahuja, former Vice Chancellor, Jaipur University. Dr Rajan Verghese (Management) and Dr Chandrashekar Reddy (Tirupathi Venkateswara) are the other members.
After arrival on Sunday, Dec 20, the Peer Team visited the SAC's outreach program for juvenile delinquents, Aloysian Boys' Home in Kotekar, Ullal.
On Monday, Dec 21 the Peer Team went round the Science and Arts faculties to validate the NAAC Reaccreditation Report submitted by the College.
After a meeting with the student representatives and later with the Parents and Alumni, the Peer Team paid a visit to the MCMS Department's Television Studio and also the Community Radio SARANG 107.8FM.
Reaccreditation is mandatory process for all the colleges and universities across the country. After an institution is accredited, every five years, it is expected to invite the NAAC team to reaccredit. During its last accreditation in 2004, St Aloysius College had secured "A" grade.
Ever since the UGC has changed its grading system. Instead of the A++, A+, A, B+, B, etc grades, this year the NAAC assesses educational institutions of higher learning on four grades - A to D. The highest grade A begins with 3 points. Securing a 3.77 or 3.80 is considered to be a great achievement on the part of any college. Not accrediting an institution may invite penalty from the UGC.
When the Peer Team completes its validation (of the Re-accreditation reports), it will hand over to the College a tentative report. After submitting it to the NAAC , the Council will confer grades on the institutions.