Puttur: Sri Raghavendra Bharati Swami to Compile Encyclopedia on Cows

Daijiworld Media Network—Puttur (SN/CN)

Puttur, Mar 28: Sri Raghavendra Bharati Swami known for the protection of cows and conducting the world cow protection conference has come forward to compile an encyclopedia on cows.

The encyclopedia is being compiled under the guidance of Siddamoole Shankarnarayana Bhat, senior scholar. The complete information on cows will be available in the form of a book and a CD.

The encyclopedia will be formed in seven parts explaining giving details about cows and the status they have gained. Mentions in hymns, Vedas, and history will be mentioned in brief in the spiritual part of the book, while the religious part will involve the importance of the cow as in the scriptures.

It also gives references from Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Jain, and other religions.

The cultural part of the book will include information on oblations, religious celebrations, beliefs, idioms, and the importance of cows in it.

A large number of stories will be carried in the story segment while the prominence of the cow in the flag, coins, and stamps will be explained in the science segment.


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