Mangalore: National Workshop on Research Methodology Concludes at SAC

Daijiworld Media Network – Mangalore (RD)
Mangalore, Mar 27:
The valedictory ceremony of a three-day national workshop on ‘Research Methodology’ organized by Faculty Association of Computer Applications and Bioinformatics, St Aloysius College (SAC) here was held at the College IT Auditorium, on Thursday March 26.
St Joseph’s Engineering College assistant director Fr Henry Mascarenhas was the chief guest for the function.  Addressing the gathering he said that research is necessary for knowledge enhancement.

Congratulating the management for conducting the workshop on a relevant topic, Fr Mascarenhas compared the facilities available to a researcher in the present time to the earlier days.  He also added that knowledge of the need for research and meeting the challenges involved is important. 
SAC Faculty dean Prof Santosh Rebello, staff organizers Laveena and Asma were also present on the dais. 
Certificates were awarded to all the participants of the workshop.  Medha proposed the vote of thanks.


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