Mangalore: National Seminar at Besant Evening College on April 3, 4

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (TU/CN)
Mangalore, Mar 25:
Besant Evening College will organize a national-level seminar on ‘India—Sixty Years in a Nation’s Life’, at the college auditorium on Friday April 3 and Saturday April 4. The event is sponsored by the University Grants Commission.
Addressing media persons at the Press Club here on Wednesday March 25, principal Prof Sulochana D Rao said Prof K V Kodandaramaiah, director, collegiate education, Bangalore, will inaugurate the seminar.

Kudpi Jagadish Shenoy, president, women’s national education society, will preside over the inaugural ceremony.
She said that the event would discuss various topics such as backward class movements in India, peasant movements in India, communal tensions in India, legal awareness among women, violence against women, economic crisis and Indian banking, women empowerment through Stree Shakti groups, and women and co-operative sector.
College correspondent Nagar Narayana Shenoy, and Dr Satish Kumar Shetty P, were present at the press meet.


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