from Adolph Washington
Daijiworld Media Network - Bangalore (GA)
Bangalore, Mar 25: In a communiqué to the Media, Archbishop Bernard Moras of Bangalore has expressed disappointment over the manner in the Justice Somashekar Commission is inquiring into the attacks on churches. He expressed concern over the way in which advocates representing various Hindu organizations were quoting scriptures out of context and inducing priest witnesses to acknowledge that the Catholic Church was indulging in aggressive proselytizing.
“The volley of questions posed to one of my priests, Fr Joseph Menezes (of Bangalore Archdiocese) on March 11 by the advocates representing various Hindu organizations in the Justice Somashekar Inquiry Commission, and the manner in which the Holy Bible was quoted out of context during the examining of witnesses, has subtly generated from the priest the answers contrary to what the universal Catholic Church teaches,” he said.
The Archbishop questioned the very need for making such inquiries into the Bible. “It is very disappointing that the lawyers examining the priests have construed and even published (in the media) the opinion of a priest, who was either misled or confused on the issues of faith as the official Church teaching”. It may be recalled that the newspapers reported that the priest confessed to idolatory in the Catholic Church and also idolatory as a means to allure Hindus to Christianity.
Fr Joseph Menezes, observes “I was only asked to say Yes or No and not given an opportunity to express myself or explain in detail the context of the teaching of Jesus. The Bible has to be studied in context and interpreted rightly.” At the Balaboorie guest house where the commission has its sittings, advocate Rupert Rozario objected to the manner of inquiries saying “You cannot expect the priest to respond to such biblical questions and teaching just off-hand, one has to apply one's mind to respond to these questions”. The advocates representing various Hindu organizations offered interrogatives with a time-frame of 15 days to respond.
Archbishop Moras told the Media “The opinion of an individual, be it a priest, religious or lay person, cannot be construed as the official Church teaching. Therefore, to proclaim the opinion of a priest as the official Church teaching, not only creates misunderstanding and creates a rift between Christians and other communities. The consequence of such faux pas would certainly result in disharmony and communalism”
“The information being disseminated to the media that “idol worship” in the Catholic Church is a means to attract Hindus to Christianity, without first cross-checking the real teaching and practice in the Catholic church, appears to me, a deliberate attempt to create misunderstanding and discord between Hindus and Christians” the Archbishop noted
Affirming the stand on Catholic Teaching, he said “The Catholic Church does not indulge in idol worship. What we have in our churches are images/pictures of Jesus, Mother Mary and the saints. Idol worship is when the worshipper considers the idol before himself/herself as the being of God himself. Images are those things that in a way reflect the God or saint one prays to, just as one keeps the picture of a deceased loved one at home or erects a statue of a person”
The Archbishop also pointed out that he was well aware of the terms of reference of the Justice Somashekar Commission that is to “look into the causes that led to the attacks on churches” but said “I am overwhelmed and disappointed by the excesses of inquiries into the words of the Bible and the teachings of Jesus”.
He also observed “The Bible has always been a public book for anyone to read. There is nothing secretive about its contents. However, the Commission proceedings are tending to indicate portions in the Bible as a mandate to aggressively preach the Gospel and convert the nation. The application of the teachings of Jesus may change from time to time, but his teachings and the Bible will be relevant for all times.”
In his press release, he stated that “The Christian community is aware that the Constitution guarantees everyone the 'Right to profess, practice and propagate' his/her religion. The Christian community is also aware that it is against the law to forcibly convert anyone from one religion to another.
"It is disappointing that our fulfilling the mandate of Jesus Christ of proclaiming our faith is construed as aggressive attempts of converting and Christianizing the country. There is a big difference between Proclaiming and converting. To consider both as meaning the same is sheer lack of proper understanding of the Christian faith,” he added.
References in the media reports have also alleged that there was a “call given by the bishops of India” to Christianize India. This again speaks of gross ignorance of the very purpose of the CBCI and its functioning.
In fact, the late Pope John Paul II, when he visited India on November 6, 1999, declared that the Gospel must be preached in Asia. He never indicated that the nation should be converted. People are free to embrace or reject the religion, by using their free will without any prejudice. The Church does not indulge in any coercion or allurement, and respects the people of all faiths.
The Church will continue to proclaim her faith without hurting the faith or sentiments of the people of other religions. It earnestly desires that all men and women live in peace and harmony with one another," he declared.