Udupi: Circus Associations Demand Better Facilities

Daijiworld Media Network—Udupi (SN/CN)

Udupi, Mar 8: “Circuses must be protected and encouraged to hold shows in various places”, urged the representatives of the Society for Preservation of Circus and Great Bombay Circus, while submitting a memorandum to chief minister B S Yeddyurappa during his visit to the district on Saturday March 7.

Insisting on fulfilment of the demand, Srihari Nair, office-bearer, Society for Preservation of Circus, said that the government or city corporation must provide the stadium for circus teams to exhibit shows with concessional rates like in Gujarat and Maharashtra.

Nair added that circus artistes must be identified and honoured with awards and a circus academy must be established to protect the diminishing art and consider it an industry.

“An auditorium and museum must be set up to renovate circus as the cultural art of the country. The method to provide licenses must also be simplified”, said Nair.

MLA, town municipal president, and city development chairman were present on the occasion.


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