Mangalore: Shabeer Remanded to Three-day Police Custody

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (SP)

Mangalore, Mar 6: Suspected terrorist Shabeer was on Thursday March 5, remanded to three days of police custody by the third Junior Magistrate First Class Court here.

The Ullal police in their application had sought 10-day police custody for Shabeer, to be able to extract information about his terrorist links and activities. A government lawyer, who represented Shabeer in the court, had filed his objections to this request of the policemen on Tuesday when the case was taken up. The judge, who heard the arguments, had reserved his orders.

The Ullal police will get his custody on Friday March 6.


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  • Tony, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 06 2009

    Why so much of delay? If he has links to some terror outfit he should be punished and not let off. Some ammendments should be made in the law so that verdict in such cases are given quickly so that these terrorists dont escape from the hands of law.

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