Fr.Melwyn D’Souza - Dean of Studies, Kripalaya
Mysore, Dec 21: A Symposium on Religious Communication Communication in the 21st Century was conducted in the Auditorium of Kripalaya, Capuchin Institute of Theology and Religion, Mysore on 20th December, 2009. Mr.Gabriel Vaz, the political editor, The Economic Times, Bangalore and Fr.Chetan Lobo, Director of Darshan College, Bangalore animated the symposiusm which lasted the whole afternoon.
After the invocation by the Theologians of Kripalaya, the Rector, Fr.Denis Veigas welcomed the main speakers and the audience. Fr.Melwyn D’Souza, the Dean of Studies introduced to the assembly the speakers of the day and honoured them with flowers.

Fr.Chetan, who is just back from Europe after his studies in Mass Media and Communication animated the first session, introduced the topic and explained the process of communication. The next two sessions were animated by Mr.Gabriel Vaz who spoke in length on ‘How the media work and how to understand them’ and ‘Recent attacks on Christians: The Christian response’. Since all the information we get is through media, the topics were well placed. Mr.Gabriel dedicated ample time to answering the questions from the audience which were abounding.
The last session on ‘Religious Communication’ was animated again by Fr.Chetan, who with the help of various media like pictures, film strips, music, etc. convinced the audience of changing our archaic, non appealing religious language and terminology in order to communicate effectively.

The participants were served with refreshments and snacks. The whole Symposium lasted around 5 hours in which more than 250 persons participated. The Symposium concluded with the resolve to have more such symposiums and seminars on Communication and Mass Media, which is the need of the hour. Br.Rohan Menezes compered the whole programme.