Chandigarh, Aug 7: A class XII student of Ambala was arrested by police on Wednesday, after an e-mail terror threat on the President's official website was traced to him. The e-mail, sent from a cyber cafe in Baldev Nagar area, talked of "creating a Surat-like situation on Independence Day". It did not say where the explosives would be planted.
The youth, a resident of Model town area of Ambala, was produced before the duty magistrate by the Baldev Nagar police where a case had been made out against him, and released on bail.
"Investigations revealed that the boy had dispatched the mail just to amuse himself and was not serious about carrying it (the threat) out. He comes from a business family and has no criminal background. Since it was a sensitive issue, a case had to be made out against him," Ambala SP Sibas Kaviraj said.
Enquiries revealed that the threat mail had been routed to, the official website of the President, on August 1. The Union government had forwarded the mail to Haryana police and other agencies were put on job to track it down.
"It was not difficult to reach out to this boy as the cyber cafe owners have started maintaining records of visitors," the officer added.