Kendra Wilkinson hates public display of affection

Los Angeles, Aug 11 (IANS): Reality TV star Kendra Wilkinson says she hates being publicly affectionate with her husband Hank Baskett.

The “Kendra On Top” star has admitted that she despises being publicly intimate with her husband Hank Baskett.

"I don't like anybody seeing me kiss him or anything. I've never been the most affectionate person. I am the worst now when it comes to touch, feel, hug, like all that,” quoted Wilkinson as saying.

Meanwhile, the 30-year-old previously admitted she was "playing with fire" by texting other men.

"Last year was the worst year of my entire life. I deserve some fun. I know it's dangerous to be texting with other guys, but for some reason that danger just feels good. I'm playing with fire, but I won't let it burn. I want to be back to being Kendra,” she said.



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