Taylor Swift finds future 'scary'

Los Angeles, Aug 11 (IANS): Singer Taylor Swift says it's "scary" not knowing what the future holds, while also insisting it's what makes life "thrilling".

Swift admitted the same in response to a user's query on blogging website Tumblr, reports femalefirst.co.uk.

She wrote: "I hate that you're feeling that way and it's so hard not to dwell on our fears and doubts, because we want spoilers for how it's going to turn out... but in reality, we just have to go through life not knowing what's next.

It's scary but it's also the wildest, most thrilling part of life. Just when you think it's going to get worse, it could get better instead. It WILL. (sic)."

While admitting her fears and insecurities, the 25-year-old singer also said she does not take any notice of "flaky friends" and of people who "dismiss" her.

"You've always been there with kind, thoughtful words for me when I'm down and I just need you to know how important you are.

"Knowing your worth sometimes comes without proof at all. You're worth more than flaky friends and people who dismiss you, or underestimate you. Sometimes it seems like that's all you get, but it's not all you'll ever get. Believe that. Love you.(sic)," Swift added.


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