Mangalore: Signal-free Hampankatta - New traffic rules leave commuters confused
Deekshith D V
Pics: Ramesh Pandith
Daijiworld Media Network – Mangalore
Mangalore, Jan 29: Confusion seems to abound among commuters and pedestrians at Hampankatta with new traffic regulations in place. Though the move aimed at evolving a signal-free Hampankatta was brought into effect from the evening of Tuesday January 28 a trial basis, the commuters, drivers, pedestrians are facing confusion in the absence of clear guidelines or sign boards.

The new regulation has caused much inconvenience to the drivers and pedestrians, but if the experiment succeeds in bringing about smooth flow of traffic, there is every likelihood that it may be made permanent, and commuters would simply have to adjust.
The traffic personnel, meanwhile, have been busy monitoring the junction to ensure that everyone follows the new rules.
As per the new rules, vehicles plying to K S Rao Road from Milagres road need to take right turn, proceed towards Clock Tower and take a roundabout to move towards K S Road. Commuters from Kankanady and Falnir have no chance but to take the longer route towards the Clock Tower first to go to any destination.
So far, vehicles moving from K S Rao Road towards Milagres road had to simply cross the junction, but now they have to take a left at Hampankatta junction, and then take a right turn near Syndicate Bank on Light House road where a curve has been put in place. The same applies for those going towards State Bank from K S Rao Road. Even private buses have to take the same route, which may lead to heavy congestion near Syndicate Bank due to lack of space near the turning. For now, as it is on trial basis, only four buses - numbers 11, 4c, 6c, 27 - have been directed to take this route.
Also, passengers cannot catch the bus near Syndicate Bank as they used to earlier. They now have to walk to Light House bus stop near Idgah or to Hampankatta bus stop. However, no sign boards have been put up to give directions, but on the first day two personnel were on duty to guide the people.
Ganesh Poojary, speaking to daijiworld said, "As there is no sky walk or any other facility to cross the road, it is very difficult for pedestrians, especially without proper guidelines and continuous flow of traffic. People have to walk from Hampankatta junction to Light House to catch a bus. It is tough for senior citizens to walk this distance, more so as it is uphill."
Philomena, who visits Mangalore once in a while, said, "Hope this experiment succeeds, but there should be proper guidelines so that pedestrians can follow the rules. It is very difficult to walk from Hampankatta junction to Light House bus stop. If a bus bay is built in between it would be more convenient."
Speaking to daijiworld, Uday Nayak, assistant commissioner of police said, "This project is presently in a trial phase; we need to wait and see how it will work. So far we have not received any complaints from public. But a few buses have problems in taking the turn near Syndicate Bank, but once the road is broadened everything will be sorted out. Pedestrians are likely to be allowed to cross the road at two places, near Hampankatta and near Syndicate Bank," he said.