Artistes from Bahrain charm Bangalore at 'Kannadotsava'
Media Release
Bangalore, Aug 16: Shows presented by artistes from Karnataka in various parts of the world make news. But have you heard of Kannada artistes coming from a foreign land and presenting a show in Bangalore?
Kannadigas residing in the small Gulf nation of Bahrain created history recently when they showcased their rich cultural heritage at an event in the capital of Karnataka.

A team of about 60 Bahrain-based Kannadigas won the hearts of Bangalore when they presented, for the first time, a show titled “Bahrain Kannadotsava 2013” in their mother land.
The three-hour cultural extravaganza, held recently at the KH Kala Soudha, Hanumanthnagar, mesmerised the audience and won wholesome praise for its uniqueness and the artistes’ talent.
The event was inaugurated by Kannada Prabha and Suvarna News editor-in-chief Vishveshwara Bhat in the presence of food expert Dr Sadanand Maiya; noted dramatist Yashvanth Sardeshpande; writer-journalist Radhakrishna Badthi; and well-known actress Malati Sardeshpande. Members of the Bahrain Kannada team Austin Santosh, Ramesh Ramachandran, Ramesh manjeshwar, Satish Edneer and Kiran Upadhyaya were also on the dais.
Sardeshpande launched the programme with his opening remarks. The event was organised by Guru Samsthe Hubli and Gurubala Entertainers, Bangalore.
The cultural show started with the "Ganesha Stuti" classical dance directed by Vidushi Aastika Shetty. Mohan Edneer and team presented a Yakshagana show titled "Sudhanvarjuna Kaalaga". The innovative folk show presented by children and the 'jelle kabbu" dance by ladies were much appreciated by the crowd.
The fashion show and the Simha and Tara Sangama dances choreographed by Raghuram won appreciation by the audience. Vijaya Satyanarayana, Arun Airody and Divya enthralled the audience with their music.
Vishveshwara Bhat released a book titled "Aasthi Kathe" translated by Kiran Upadhyaya on the occasion.
Bhat, who spoke during the function, said many people who go abroad, in the race to make money, sometimes forget their culture. However, he said, Kannadigas in Bahrain have not only retained their cultural heritage but also are promoting it in a big way.
Dr Maiya said though he had travelled a lot, he has not yet visited Bahrain. But now, after watching this show, he would certainly visit the kingdom, he said.
Environmentalist and noted journalist Radhakrishna Bhadti said Bahrain Kannadigas have shown that they are not only good artistes but also great human beings.
On behalf of Bahrain Kannadigas, Upadhyaya thanked everyone who had helped organise the historical event in Bangalore.
Ravi Kulkarni presented the programme. Chindananda Kulkarni, Jeevan, Prasannadatta, Jayaprakash Edneer and Charuvak helped organise the event.