Mangalore: National-level 'Ad-Ventures' exhibition begins at SJEC
Pics: Brijesh Garodi
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (BG)
Mangalore, Apr 29: 'Ad-Ventures', a two-day National-level Advertisement Exhibition and Competition, organized by St Joseph's Engineering College, Vamanjoor, was inaugurated in the campus premises here on Monday April 29.
The exhibition was inaugurated by chief guest Walter Nandalike, editor-in-chief and MD of Daijiworld. Fr Joseph Lobo, director of SJEC, presided over the programme. Dr Joseph Gonsalves, principal, SJEC, Fr Ajith Menezes, assistant director, Fr Rohith D’Costa, assistant director and Dr Prakash Pinto, dean, SJEC were the guests of honour.

Addressing the gathering, Walter Nandalike said, "Advertisement is a part of media and media is very close to my heart. In order to be successful in the field of advertising and publication, one must be highly creative."
"Today the world lacks natural talents, the concept of copy-paste is in practice everywhere. Things are becoming artificial and creativity is getting diffused. If we pay money, we get everthing. Even the FB likes can be purchased," he said.
"Ideas can be copied easily, but true hard work, dedication and creative thinking cannot be copied. If a person puts on his own creative thoughts in this field, he can definitely be successful. Highly creative ads will always remain in one’s mind," he added.
Dr Joseph Gonsalves said that an advertisement needs to impress people. "Many impress on first sight, and that can be possible with the help of creative thoughts. Students of business administration should venture into the field of advertising and bring in difference and change with their individuality and unique ideas. The gradual shift towards advertising as a profession or career can take place only when the few that possess the skill of creativity realize their true potential. ‘Ad-Ventures’ is an adventure in itself to learn the true worth of a print advertisement. We must always learn to practice things and practice to learn things, and thereby become successful," he said.
In his presidential address, Fr Joseph Lobo said that there are 4 aspects that matter a lot in the advertising field - team work, energy, dynamism and creative thoughts. Being MBA students, you must be aware of how best a manger and marketing executive you can be," he said.
"Ad in Latin means 'towards' and venture means 'challenge', put together, Ad-venture means 'towards success', he added. He further lauded Daijiworld for its work and for being the No 1 media in delivering news the quickest.
Shakila welcomed and Apoorva Kamath proposed the vote of thanks.
Walter Nandalike cut the ribbon and declared the exhibition officially open. The guests walked through the exhibition and appreciated the students for the team work, hard efforts and dedication.
The entire ad exhibition was divided into 35 categories.