New Saudi labour policy major issue for India: Vayalar Ravi

Thiruvananthapuram, Mar 28 (IANS): A new Saudi labour policy reserving 10 percent of jobs for locals is a major issue for India as it could lead to reduced employment there for Indians, a senior minister said Thursday.

"It's a serious issue that will affect not only India but also other countries. Yesterday I spoke to the Indian ambassador in Saudi Arabia and has asked him to keep me informed on all the developments," Minister for Overseas Indian Affairs Vayalar Ravi told TV channels in Kerala.

The deadline for implmenting the new policy, called Nitaqat, ended Wednesday. Under this, 10 percent of jobs even in small and medium business establishments should be reserved for Saudi nationals.

Kerala's Diaspora Minister K.C.Joseph has said that the state government is seized of the issue and Chief Minister Oommen Chandy will be getting in touch with the prime minister and other central ministers to ensure they make the necessary interventions.

"The one advantage that we have is our country has excellent relations with the Saudi government. At the same time if they have such a new rule, it's a policy of theirs and all what we can do is to intervene in the most soft manner, expressing to them our problems and the implications it would have on our economy as there would be huge unemployment in our state if the rule gets implemented in letter and spirit," Joseph said.

According to the annual report of the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, Saudi Arabia continues to be the desired destination among low- and semi-skilled workers from India, attracting 289,297 people in 2011.

In 2011, 2.28 million Keralites were working abroad. Of them, some 570,000 are in Saudi Arabia.


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  • Blaan Mendonca, USA

    Sun, Mar 31 2013

    Because of these Keralites all the other Indians loose respect. Kerala Minister does not have any respect or self dignity. He wants to intervene in the internal affairs of the Saudi policy and because of this dirty policy there will be discrimination against Indians.Kerala Minister's cheap mentality.

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  • SK,

    Sat, Mar 30 2013

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ho ho ho ho
    Mr. Cyril Lewis, native of brahmavar making these comments from Dublin.
    How people are.....

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  • Cyril Lewis, Brahmavar/Dublin

    Sat, Mar 30 2013

    The Kerala Tourism logo "Gods own County" but people (mallus) are abandoned. Eventhough the resources are there, not utilised properly. These M's cannot work in their own state but they will work like hell in other countries/states. Why there is no question of trade unions. In my own town may be more than 2000 mallu migrants are there.

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  • Anthony Lobo, Mangalore/USA

    Fri, Mar 29 2013

    Just for the calculation, if a firm has 10 people there should be one Saudi National. The rest can be others. So, the one is supposed to be Saudi because he is the owner/sponsor of that firm. So the rule is met for 10%. The rest are 3 Keralites, 1 Indian, 2 Egyptian, 1 Bengali/Srilankan, 2 Philifino/Pakistanis.
    For the large Companies, there is no need to worry, because they can not fire foreign workforce. Why, the Saudi national has more than one wife and a dozen kids. If they fall sick on an average of 2-3 days per week including self, he can not be on his job most of the time. So, the Company can not rely on him. Hence, big companies keep one national and one foreigner for the same job. So anyone worrying about 10% job cuts is foolishness. I heard Saudization since the first day of arrival in 1992 in KSA. I worked 5 years no Saudi came to replace me even after my resignation. They assigned my job to a Filipino.

    People should not worry even 25% job reservation to Saudi nationals. We should worry about the job reservation in India who are incapable still they get job in Indian government and carry on the good job of bribery, stealing, laziness, not reporting to the job still getting paid, shopping for the family while on duty, etc. Honorable minister has to worry about those things.

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  • Shivnarayan, Uppala/UAE

    Fri, Mar 29 2013

    Minister Ravi first and foremost STOP your VOTE BANK poitics. Do you think population of India all are Indians? Because of your vote bank branches through out India all the four sides boundaries are open for the neighbouring countries. PAKISTANIS,BANGLADESHIS,
    SRILANKANS,MAURITIUS,ETC., ETC.,who can afford to work for cheap wages. Vote Bank is your prime AGENDA therefore you are getting blow!!!Do not fool the people with your senceless issues.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Amin Bhoja, Patte / Riyadh

    Fri, Mar 29 2013

    Each country have their own policies and thinking better towards it's citizen /economy.Now it's effects and adverse effects to other countries/people it should be managed accordingly. One thing is sure it effects mostly to white collar jobs and free visa workers who work other than their sponsor in small business, ed jobs and mostly live together with the families.

    DisAgree Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • gerald, modankap

    Fri, Mar 29 2013

    why this guy is not able to create the job opportunities in our own country instead sending valuable workforce to out side of the country which they has to sacrifice their life :

    a) without family life
    b) without social life

    Due to manpower shortage in kerala the "coolie" manpower is supplied by other states which is per day per person 400 Rs or 300 Rs. most of the gulf labourer are not getting this salary !!!

    DisAgree Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Aloka Nath, Bengaluru

    Fri, Mar 29 2013

    Indians more so Keralites work only outside their state and never in their hometown or state. So it is necessary that they should be found jobs else where than in Kerala.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Eisen, Mumbai/Canada

    Fri, Mar 29 2013

    Why do you fret and fume about another Indian.Dont you know your siblings why wash dirty linen in public. ANYWAY... DO YOU THINK SAUDI'TES CAN REALLY WORK... LOL.. I laughed till my guts fell out.. Be it Indian or a pakistani or a bangladeshi OR a Philipino.. THAT COUNTRY IS FREAKIN DEAD WITHOUT FOREIGN WORKERS

    DisAgree [3] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vishal D'Souza, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 29 2013

    This is stupid statement from a Minister. Instead of thinking about Saudi labor issue, think about developing, Industrializing Kerala & other parts of the Country. It's really a shame that a Minister is worried. India has everything from Natural resources to agriculture & everything. Put a full stop to the corruption & strictly implement family, population control system if you have the will. Don't concern about Saudi policies, instead learn from their Government.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shameer, UAE

    Fri, Mar 29 2013

    Ofcourse Shaz. Malayalees are Indians. But perhaps you haven't heard...whenever any foreigner asks them where are they from...Malayalees reply 'Kerala'. They never say they are from India. Mr. Vayalar Ravi is interfering in matters of another country and he is talking only from the perspective of Malayalees...not for Indians.

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  • jeevan, mangalore

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    Dont concern about saudi labour policy... we are all concern about your govt scams & corruption it is worry some for us.

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    Thu, Mar 28 2013


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  • Indian, Mexico

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    Mr Ravi - Why dont you think of creating job opportunities in India rather than thinking about a foreign country's policy which will benefit their citizens...

    Think about your country first.

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  • A.M Shaikh, Dubai,Belapu,Kaup

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    Our ministers hate Saudi Arabian Islamic policy, Why they afraid on labour policy. My dear minister for your kind information Saudi Arabia is a Kingdom, if our citizens loose their jobs in the Gulf region arrange them jobs in our country. Our country is a better than Gulf, if ministers stop loots and scams. Don't try to show sympathy only with Keralites, we know your are Malabari. We have more than 30 states in our country, but here mentioned only Keralites ? peoples of other states leaving non residence not an Indian citizens.

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  • stan, dubai

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    In Karnataka it is very easy to play politics with the people becuase we have our own language i.e. Muslims-Urdu, Brahmins-Kannada,Hindus -Tulu and chritians-Konkani. We fight each other like dogs. But Keralities are united with one religion, they will join together eigher he is muslim/christian or hindu. They all think Malayalee, to fight other people.

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  • Ronnie, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    How long we have to depend on Gulf countries?

    DisAgree [1] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    ..Why Mr.Vayalar Ravi has to worry..Saudi has taken steps on its citizen interest.not only Saudi, now a days all over Gulf countries local citizens getting education,Govt has to accommodate young generation with jobs..Its not Indians specially Keralites birth right to get jobs in Gulf..First Vayalar should create a enviornment in Kerala to attract Industrialist,enterprenures..Till today Investors afraid from investing in Kerala..because of this 2nd Generation keralite end up in Gulf & 3rd Generation is frustrated due to lack of job opportunities..

    DisAgree [3] Agree [60] Reply Report Abuse

  • prakash, mangalore

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    When we dont want foreign investments coming to India, how can we expect others to abide by what we want. Its purely Saudi Arabias internal matter, they are helping thier own locals to improve ,our ministers should take a cue out of it and help our people to get job in India itself not to get remittances!!

    DisAgree [2] Agree [38] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lancelot N Tauro, Manglore - Doha Qatar

    Thu, Mar 28 2013


    DisAgree [4] Agree [45] Reply Report Abuse


    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    NRI's have become NON REQUIRED INDIANS and that is why our Minister is concerned about the changes in law to keep the Indians away from India forever. what if a war breaks out in SAUDI ARABIA WHERE DO THE INDIAN"S HAVE TO RETURN?????.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • nyayakkagi, mangalore

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    ಡಿಯರ್ ರವಿಯಣ್ಣ,ಇನ್ನೊಬ್ಬರ ಖಾಸಗಿ ವಿಷಯದಲ್ಲಿ ಮೂಗು ತೂರಿಸುವುದನ್ನುಬಿಟ್ಟು ಮೊದಲು ನೀವು ಮಾಡಬೇಕಾದ ಕೆಲಸವೆಂದರೆ ಸ್ವಿಸರ್ಲಂಡಿಗೆ ಬೋಟಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಹೋಗಿ ನಮ್ಮ ದೇಶದ ದೊಡ್ಡ ದೊಡ್ಡ ತಿಮಿಂಗಿಲಗಳು ದಾಸ್ತಾನಿಟ್ಟ ಕಪ್ಪು ಹಣವನ್ನು ವಾಪಾಸು ತಂದು ಉದ್ಯೋಗ ಸ್ರಷ್ಟಿಸಲು ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಿ ...

    DisAgree Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • Blaan Mendonca, USA

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    Kerala is known for soft manner just to get into. Once they get into they will try to control everything. They will do the things in their own way by manipulating the right system and procedures. They do not have the proper system of doing things so they always get their share. Saudi implements their laws for the benefits of their own citizens as they get educated and learn to do more things on their own. India should develop the infra structure by building highways, bridges to connect roads and cross roads so that the traffic can move easily and efficiently. It is important that the people in India including the government appointed officials who represent the people follow the rules and obey the laws as good citizens, so that improvements can be done systematically. Economy plays an important role in the development of the country. So the people of India have to sacrifice with dedication and hard work. Black money in business is the main reason for the failure of economy growth. Saudi Arabia and other middle east countries are new countries that have developed compare to India which is one of the oldest civilization in the world. And still India is called third world country.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • Aubb, Kuwait

    Fri, Mar 29 2013

    First and foremost Keralites must never be called Indians for their alienated behavior in the countries they are employed.
    It is even absurd that a Keralite minister is shedding crocodile tears over the policies the Saudi govt. is going to implement in the best interests of its own citizens who are exploding against exploitation by the royal elite of that nation, and who sooner or later have to toil hard for a megre livelihood.
    It is even more strange the Kerala govt. which boasts an NRI deposit base of around USD.12 Billion has not yet come up with a contingency plan to invest this hard earned currency in any productive manner which can secure the future of the youth of Kerala, because , again it is their own wicked culture that chases away any real entrepreneurship in that state even to this day.
    Instead of creating infrastructure such as roads in the state, Kerala has embarked on Kannur and other airports in Kerala, which in my opinion will become ghost towns and things of the past and the Mangalore airport will also experience the same fate.

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  • Antony Fernandes, Mangalore / USA

    Fri, Mar 29 2013

    Well said Blaan Mendonca USA. They will enter as cockroaches within a year or two they roar like lions an tigers if you are not scared of them, then they will make you to loose your job that’s for sure! Because of that other Indian community will shut up their mouths at most of the work places in Gulf.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • John Tauro, M'lore / Kwt

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    This will be futile intervention in the internal affairs for KSA. If these ministers are genuinely interested in the welfare of Indians working abroad, why don't they intervene when illiterate, unskilled labourers of our country are denied basic facilites, when salaries are kept pending from 3 to 6 months, when due benfits are denied and finally deported on false charges? Where were these ministers when an Indian worker was shot dead in Saudi?

    DisAgree [2] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ganesh, mangalore

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    I think this is necessary for vote bank.

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  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    This is like President Obama's cry about Bangalore and Hyderabad that the U.S. jobs are taken by India.
    When more natives are unemployed, every nation will be forced to take the necessary actions to employ them, else more domestic and economic problems will start.

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  • shaz, bangalore

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    Bring all black money. No one will be unemployed.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Aadil Khan, Kasaragod, Saudi Arabia

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    I do not see a big impact on this move.

    Only 10% of the total workforce of a firm should be filled by Saudi Arabs. The rest 90% is still open for expatriates who are working in the Kingdom from over 71 countries of the world. Indeed, over a period of time to come, if the current 10% moves up on an incremental basis year by year and if Saudis could take over an expatriate's job, then it is a matter of concern.

    The minister's intervention could hardly do anything because, we do not have a say in their country's employment market.

    I am still optimistic, we Indians are considered comparatively to be diligent and loyal and put their heart in the job.

    Among the 90%, Indians would be the major chunk to be retained because Saudi authorities are aware of how trustworthy and industrious we are.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Suresh, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    It's a joke what this minister is talking about, you are going to beg Saudi and "intervene in the most soft manner" for the job and what economy implication you are talking about. No one is going to stay forever in abroad they make their money and come back I am one of them. Their ultimate destination is India. Other countries are taking advantages of Indians and develop their country and pay good money for their good work. Come on minister wake up we are most developed country than Saudi. 1) Stop looting the country 2) Stop looting Indian natural resources 3) Stop corruption 4) Bring back “black money” from other countries. If you are a good minister fight to cure this cancer India will be number one there will not be any unemployment. There are plenty of jobs in India. We don’t get people for small jobs even if you want to pay more money.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • shammi, mangalore/dubai

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    What is wrong in it? It’s their country Saudi Govt concerned about their citizens, Govt of India should create more jobs for its citizen instead of relying other countries.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [45] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shahab / Dubai, Kasaragod

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    Hahahahahaha ...joke of the year.

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  • Christopher D' Cunha, M'lore/AUH

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    Why we have to depend on other countries to provide us jobs, why can't our country provide us with employments?

    DisAgree [3] Agree [57] Reply Report Abuse

  • Thomas Pascal Andrade, Valencia / Toronto

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    It's strange and funny that Kerala Minister, K.C. Joseph informing that their CM will be contacting the PM and other Central Ministers to intervene with Saudi authorities to express our problem of unemployment and implications on our economy because of their reserving 10% jobs to Saudis.
    It’s our stupidity to depend entirely on foreign countries for employment. What Kerala Govt. is doing to their people in providing them with jobs? Today Keralites are everywhere except in Kerala. It’s not because they are efficient than other Indians, but because of huge unemployment problem in the State. Instead of depending on others for employment and to improve their economy, they must explore new opportunities that would generate employment.
    Saudi and other ME Countries have full right to provide employment to their unemployed citizens. Reservation of 10% vacancies to Saudis has been there for long but other than governmental agencies and banks, one would not find such percentage in private sector. Although these countries are quite rich, a huge percentage of their citizens are unemployed. The reason is a large percentage of the people are not capable to do the jobs what expat workers do, besides lack of interest is another main problem. They may join today but it is not guaranteed that they would return tomorrow. Even if they return, there is no guarantee that how many hours they would be at work place. I was working for an MNC in Saudi and our company was just paying salary to its Saudis even though they hardly come to work In order to maintain their percentage.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [42] Reply Report Abuse

  • Simon Lobo, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    Dear DW readers,

    Please note this is not a new issue. I have been in Saudi since 1989 and word Saudinization has been explained daily on everyday basis on all local papers. Many of the measures that were put in place for having more jobs for locals and this measure is known for last few years.

    In last year or so, each person working in specific cateogory of assigned color code (that employs less number of locals) has to pay SR200 on a monthly basis.

    It is the internal matter to a given country and that too unempolyemet situation for youth comes up, some of additional measures are put in place. Just read news items from Arabnews for further details.

    Thanks to Ismail bhai for his explanantion related to possible cause for the situtation and advice to avoid free visas and sponserships.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roni Alphonso, Mumbai

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    This policy will effect all free viza persons, mainly Bengalies,and others who have free viza, and in fact there will be better job chances for those who work in companies Indian who dont have a free viza need not worry, relax have your chai with khajoor.

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  • Rajesh Gonsalves, Mangalore / Cairo

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    At least they have reserved jobs for their Nationals, unlike us,reserved for SC/ST/OBC and what not. Someone was joking with me that if all Keralites return back, then their population will spill into the Arabaian Sea.

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  • rameez, bangalore

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    He is not talking for India, He is talking for Kerala country.
    A true fact - If anyone asks any Keralaite about their country, they will say 'I am From Kerala'.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [77] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lingappa, Kuppepadavu/ Dublin

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    Saudi labour policy . Its their nation and their policy. This does not warrant any intervention from your offices. We have got so many issues in our country lets worry about them.

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  • thomasaquin, mangalore/Dubai

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    Create jobs in Kerala country.....

    DisAgree [3] Agree [46] Reply Report Abuse

  • Richard Lobo, Shirva/Bangalore

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    This is not a issue for India and Indians. It is a issue of Malayalees and Kerala.
    I do not understand why this minister is worried so much.

    It is high time that all the Keralites hould change their comunist mindset and work for Kerala and create job opurtunities.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [51] Reply Report Abuse


    Thu, Mar 28 2013




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  • C Sharath, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    But one thing is true...Thanks to the Mallu Lobby, our Govt will wake up only when the pinch is felt at Gods own place. Typical Example is Air India Boycott incident & Gold Import duty corrections. Even though generelly Indians are affected, the cry is coming fromt he state of Kerala due to their Demographic contribution to Gulfies. Otherstates are literally not bothered about what's the plight of their people out of country.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • peace lover, India

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    Time when there is an increasing trend of hatred between the communities in Mangalore and Udupi dist. , the Kerala people stand united and they support each other irrespective of religion, cast and creed. We need to address the disease of religious hatreds in undivided DK. Dist. All educated and influential people, leaders, religious heads should join together and initiate a movement and call citizens to rise above the fixed concepts inherited from past. The government’s top agenda should be to maintain peace. People should be able to roam freely without any fear of moral police and REAL police, can worship freely within their houses, places of worships etc..

    DisAgree [3] Agree [13] Report Abuse

  • Sulthan, Mang/Bang

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    U give good jobs with high salary in india. Why to work abroad. Bring all black money. No one will be unemployed.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [41] Reply Report Abuse

  • Valerian DSouza, Udupi / Mumbai

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    Truth is harsh!
    Employment opportunities are shrinking or getting exhausted everywhere!
    Time to think and to be self reliant in EMPLOYMENT & SELF-EMPLOYMENT avenues!
    Distant mountain will not be EVERGREEN!

    DisAgree [2] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse


    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    One of the dire consequences for expat workers who came in so called FREE VISA.Govt of KSA point blankly asked the expat workers either work with sponsors or leave the country for good(no part time job also).Enough number of people are working in iqama(residence) violation environment which forced KSA to streamline SAUDI jobs to it's national first.It introduce NITAQAT System which said to be a success and the latest dictat is a continued process to make available more jobs for it's nationals.The last advisory came as shock to expats particularly Indians who are in large numbers.Those who are legally correct need not to worry whatsoever.Therefore,fellow Indians and particularly Mangaloreans are advised those who aspires SAUDI JOBs that do not venture in Free Visa and before embarking any foreign jobs just check company profiles in the net and then decide.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [92] Reply Report Abuse

  • Krishna, mangalore

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    Dear Minister, Have you heard of Indians suffering in the hands of Saudis who falsely lodge complaints with the police that their workers are absconding even when the employees are in front of them ( demanding more money ) Have you studied this scenario and What actions have you taken to ease their sufferings. There are thousands of Indians under this category

    DisAgree [7] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • stan, dubai

    Thu, Mar 28 2013

    Saudi Labour policy is their internal matter whatabout Kerala policy regarding Malayalam is must to Get job in Kerala?

    DisAgree [4] Agree [94] Reply Report Abuse

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