Religion Should Not Indulge in Conversions: Dalai Lama in Bangalore

Religion Should Not Indulge in Conversions: Dalai Lama in Bangalore

Bangalore, Nov 27 (DHNS): A religion should restrict itself to service-oriented interventions such as imparting education and providing healthcare systems, and not indulge in conversions, said Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, on Monday.

The Dalai Lama, who delivered the endowment lecture on Science and Religion at Christ University in Bangalore, said that religious institutions and leaders should focus on directly saving the society.

Citing examples of the work done by the Christian missionaries in the fields of education and health, the Dalai Lama said that the religious community was, however, imparting these services with a rider – “conversions.”

“Christians have made the greatest contribution to education. But they also indulge in conversions, sometimes causing problems. It is much better if we kept our own religious faith. Else, it will lead to confusions,” he said.

Service to society

The Hindu and Tibetan communities, however, weren’t service oriented. “The Tibetan leaders have contributed much in the field of education. There are instances of certain institutions like the Ramakrishna Mission which have directly contributed to society.

Excepting for this, most religious leaders of these communities keep themselves isolated – they are either seen meditating or even half asleep,” he jested.

He also said that the onus of changing the world for the better lay in the hands of the present generation – those below the age of 30 years.

He said that the 20th Century made a lot of advancements in science and technology, but it was marked by a lot of bloodshed. Around 200 million people were killed through violence and civil war during the century.

Youth power

The 21st Century has also faced violence in pockets, especially through terrorism. “However, people belonging to the ages 30 years and below, who truly belong to the 21st Century, can change the future world - make it a better and peaceful place to live in. The younger generation must think more at a deeper level.

Think towards bridging the gap between the rich and poor, end corruption and crime,” he said.

The Dalai Lama also spoke of modern science bettering humanity. “Science has now confirmed that a compassionate heart is the key to the good health of an individual as well as society. This is why I believe that religious faith and reason must go together,” he added.


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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Sun, Dec 02 2012

    Can anybody justify consuming elusively vegetarian or non-vegetarian is a sin???!!!

    What matters with God being a vegetarian or non-vegetarian any effect???!!! God will not give you entry into heaven.
    Sin only is the matter with God.

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  • Roshan Braganza, Udyavar / Mumbai

    Sun, Dec 02 2012

    @ Joseph M Gonsalves , Bannur , Puttur Mangalore. The old testament is more of a history than an explanation of Gods intention with exception of Garden of eden and prophetic visions. ( he tells us that 'do know joy is to be mercifull and humble ) . .........Meat eating is part of fallen creation like stoning , adultery and eye for an eye . Both are denounced by prophets and condemned by Jesus . .......// Micah , amos , isaiah , jeremiah and hosea all condemn meat or flesh eating. Jeremiah says ' human beings created animal sacrifice as an excuse to consume flesh '. ( Hosea 8:13 ) ...... Mt ( 9:13 , 12:6-7) I desire mercy not animal sacrifce . Jesus enters temple and casts out money changers and animals traders. Clearly Jesus here saves animals from salughter ( traded animals often slaughtered ). Jesus also raised his voice against sabbath meal , which advocates animal killing . Lastly the ultimate sacrifice on cross , shows love and mercy not the pain and agony towards other creature. ......peace out!

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Sat, Dec 01 2012

    What does matters to God if a person is vegetarian or non-vegetarian. Does He eat any kind of food?, Is it specified anywhere in the HolyBible God likes only the vegetarians or non-vegetarians.
    By the by The Holy Bible is not making any compulsion to anybody. If you need vegetarian only you can have. Jesus has given us freedom to have any kind of food. Abstaining from any kind of food is not a sin but the Gospel is not making any distinction to eat any particular food.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Fri, Nov 30 2012

    Dear Mr. Roshan Braganza, Udyavar / Mumbai,

    God directs face to face to Moses to kill animal as sin offering. Later Jesus Christ came at his own will (Isaiah 6:8) the begotten son(=only one of this kind) Jesus Christ and sacrificed himself on the cross for one and all and there ended the animal sacrifice.
    I quote: Matthew 25:42. For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: Unquote.

    I quote yours: " AS WE DO THE LEAST , SO WE DO TO HIM"....... Unquote
    You should quote the verse to follow the context and without context your small sentence is incomplete.
    I quote yours: but plant vegetation leafs or milk cant reproduce, so they r sathvik food. Unquote Plants cannot reproduce?! With the seed plant cannot reproduce. If a person kills an animal for meat it is not a sin. If he kills an animal for fancy that it is a cruelty but it will not fall under sin but lacks responsibility.

    I quote yours: Its very difficult to be a pure vegetarian, unquote. Whole of your vegetarian theory is confused to yourself.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Fri, Nov 30 2012

    Dear Mr. Roshan Braganza, Udyavar / Mumbai,

    Sin only is the matter from God to humans. Once a man fell to temptation then everything has changed. Now are we in the Garden of Eden to consume vegetation only???!!! The first man was created and since then genealogy started. How the genealogy started. Adam and eve had husband and wife. In the initial stages God permitted to have children with brothers, sisters, cousins and niece Genesis 4:17 And Cain knew his wife and she conceived, and bare Enoch: later this was not permitted.
    Did you not read Genesis 1:28-30 continuously? I quote: 28. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have DOMINION OVER THE FISH OF THE SEA, AND OVER THE FOWL OF THE AIR, AND OVER EVERY LIVING THING THAT MOVETH UPON THE EARTH. 29. And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed to you it shall be for meat. 30. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so. (King James) Unquote.

    Why God gave dominion=Power to man. Is it only for fancy?! I agree cruelty should be reduced. Kill an animal instantly without making it suffer. Meat, vegetation, birds and fish are perfect vitamins gifted by God for humans. If you read further exodus, Deuteronomy. I quote Exodus 16: 13 And it came to pass, that at even the quails came up, and covered the camp: and in the morning the dew lay round about the host. Unquote. Continued…

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  • Roshan Braganza, Mumbai / Udyavar

    Fri, Nov 30 2012

    @Joseph f gonsalves , bannur , puttur , mangalore. " THE GARDEN OF EDEN , GODS PERFECT WORLD WAS VEGETARIAN ... GEN ( 1: 29.30). You cannot justify killing of animals by saying its not sin . Anything which grasps conscience and reproduce has life , but plant vegetation leafs or milk cant reproduce , so they r sathvik food. Even root vegatbles like onion , potatos have infinite souls. Its very difficult to be a pure vegetarian, but we can minimise our consumption , thus less animals to be butured. Please consider agony and pain they go threw in slaughter house. In Jesus own words " AS WE DO THE LEAST , SO WE DO TO HIM".......

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Fri, Nov 30 2012

    Dear Mr. Roshan Braganza, Udyavar / Mumbai,

    I quote yours: but did Jesus advocate vegetarianism? . Did killing for food is acceptable ? , if yes , then what about non violence preached by christianity? Unquote

    1) Jesus preached the gospel to the humans not to the animals. Can anybody preach non-violence to the animals, creatures/hula/janthu, plants, reptiles, birds, and insects???!!!
    2) Where did Jesus preached vegetarianism in the four gospels. Can you give me the verse?
    3) Jesus said whichever you consume will go in to the stomach and will pass on. Defileth is the mouth of the person. Matthew 15:11 Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.
    4) Killing of animals and vegetation is not a sin. If you say killing of animals and vegetables is a sin then what a human can eat. All plants are living at its own by nature.
    5) Jesus came for the sinners not for the sinless.
    6) If the plants, animals, crawling creatures and insects killing is violence then the silk sari which our women are wearing was prepared by killing thousands hula/janthu/the creature. Daily we kill many living plants.
    Kindly explain.

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  • Peter Pereira, Pune

    Thu, Nov 29 2012

    I truly apprecite the great comments of Pastor E.W.Frank,Udupi, Mr. Joseph Gonsalves, Lydia Lobo (always sensbile & best), Mr. Harold D.Cunha. This old man has no place to go, that is why he is trying to please the majority by his half knowledge of conversion. Don't mind, China knows how to tame the strayed ones.

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  • GERALD, Modankap

    Thu, Nov 29 2012


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  • Reema Shetty, Mangalore

    Thu, Nov 29 2012

    Dear Jaimini PB,

    SEVA with very high fees, poors cant afford this so called SEVA...:)

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  • KRPrabhu, Kudla/Bangalore

    Wed, Nov 28 2012

    @Pastor E.W.Frank,Udupi
    I really wonder why you have wriiten a long comment wasting your time and vigor to explain him what he should be.He can not understand what you have you said he is uneducated.Then what is the use of your lenghty comment?

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Wed, Nov 28 2012

    Dear Mr. Roshan Braganza, Udyavar / Mumbai,
    TELL ME.

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  • ganesh, mangalore

    Wed, Nov 28 2012

    Hindus are get Converted to other religion bcoz Hindu’s don’t have knowledge of Hindu Dharma.

    Christians are gathering once in a week to know about Bible, Muslims are also gather on Friday in Masjid..

    where in they will get education of Kuran by Imama or Maulavi…

    Are Hindu’s coming together to get the education of

    Geeta, Puran, Upnished etc?

    answer is NO….

    This the reasons Hindus don’t have Faith on Hind Dharma…

    ohh Hindus if we get united on the basis of Dharma then no one will dare to covert us.

    Please come and work with….Hindu Janjagruti Samiti

    Uniting Hindus Globaly....

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  • GERALD, Modankap

    Wed, Nov 28 2012


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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Wed, Nov 28 2012

    I appreciate the comment of Pastor E. W. Frank, Udupi, very well written I liked it. My opinion to Dalai Lama’s comment against christians is it is his ignorance

    All the religious heads and poojaries should wear good dress instead of exposing before God and humans. Now do not say laymen are exposing. If the religious heads follow the right path as per the directions from our God, the people will also take example of them.

    Why this spiritual leader Dalai Lama did not raise this concern in the Western, European and Middle Eastern countries. Why he gives lectures here for the 2.3 percent Christians and Christian religious heads as if we Christians are of 80 percent. If Christians use forceful conversions there would have been Christians only all over the world. Since God is in control of the universe and the planet earth nobody can finish of each others faith and even nobody can kill each other and finish off. It is these half-knowledgeable peoples selfish mind points towards one another.

    Naanu kumbala kaai Kaddhilla antha hegalu oresuthiddhha bhoopa.

    Christians have done conversions.
    Hindus have done conversions.
    Muslims have done conversions.
    Buddhists have done conversions.
    The history is a witness to this effect.

    One example:
    There was a drought in the land of Mali a few years before and nobody has gone to feed the hungry. It is the Christian nations who have distributed the necessities to the Mali citizens and as a result villages by villages have turned to Christianity because they thought their own wealthy nations did not come to help in the sever drought and the people were facing hunger, disease and death.
    Praise be to God.

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  • Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah

    Wed, Nov 28 2012

    Dear Pastor E.W.Frank..I am not a right person to talk to you in subject "Religion or Religious Knowledge"..But I am little but surprised to read your comment about Dalai Lama who is getting special respect from Intl World leaders.You commented that Dalai Lama doesn't know how to dress ! Belive me sir..It is very much disturbring comment. Chrisitan community is famous for SEVA..Whole world knows it..But in the name of Christianity,some half knowledge people like NEW LIFE (Mangalore) and many missionaries in Tamil Nadu,Andhra convert poor people into Christianity.Because of them,bad image has come to good people.This is also fact.

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  • GERALD, Modankap

    Wed, Nov 28 2012


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  • Vincy, Bangkok

    Wed, Nov 28 2012

    No wonder every chinese hate him.

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Wed, Nov 28 2012

    Conversion ha ha ha. Dalai Lama used this word for his own survival in India because it is India who gave refugee status to Dalai Lama and he requires majority people support.

    Also at Christ University he has used these words as per the Daiji write up - " “Christians have made the greatest contribution to education. But they also indulge in conversions,", He has not addressed the people who get converted due to the good service influence of rendered by Christians and their Institutions.

    Also many have just avoided the main issue he has mentioned about Hindus and Buddist while delivering speech - SERVICE TO SOCIETY -"
    The Hindu and Tibetan communities, however, weren’t service oriented".
    This limitation he has pointed out more bluntly too.

    I too appreciate the dignitaries of Christ University who are along with spiritual leader Dalai Lama shared the dais. Last 2 photographs where the catholic priests have shown the maturity and acceptability of Dalai Lama. Their outlook itself shows the difference.

    With regard to conversion, today the young generation is getting converted to Western style of living, Old people are lonely as their own children have followed the free western style due to tv, mass media, fashion style of living, night parties, alcohol & dance. This issue no body bothers and never addressed as it will affect directly the biz community and big fish.

    Any issue which united people is good and which divides people is detrimental to society. Is Religion divides people or unites? If the answer is negative, better to be careful. If it is positive, then good sign.

    Let us accept Dalai Lama's speech in good sense and one has to read it completely before commenting.

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  • Peter Pinto, bangalore

    Wed, Nov 28 2012

    If somebody wants to learn car driving then the public does not stop them, right? similarly if somebody wants to become a christian / muslim / hindu etc. then the public should not stop them. It is their own free will and choice that we have to respect.

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  • WILLIAM LOBO, paldane/kulshekar

    Wed, Nov 28 2012

    shri dalai lama you better mind your own business.if you have that capacity to give money and convert to buddihisam you could do that if possible.NO ONE CAN TOUCH OUR RELIGION.LIKE YOU MANY TRIED THIS BUT THEY FAILED.PEOPLE ATTRACT TO OUR RELIGION ON ONE GOLDEN RULE THAT IS LOVE YOUR GOD AND LOVE YOUR NEBOUR (ALL LIVING BEINGS)

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  • Blaan Mendonca, USA

    Wed, Nov 28 2012

    Dalai Lama Dancing to the Tune of Gangnam Style.

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  • Roshan Braganza, Udyavar / Mumbai

    Wed, Nov 28 2012

    @ Pastor E W Frank , you seem radical . In one hand you talk peace , love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ On other hand u criticise lama for dressing calling him 'old'. Thats too uncalled for !. I agree with open tomb , but did Jesus advocate vegetarianism? . Did killing for food is acceptable ? , if yes , then what about non violence preached by christianity?.

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  • Valerian Dsouza, Udupi/Mumbai

    Wed, Nov 28 2012

    C Sharath, Mangalore, your comments have VERY accurate explanations on conversion

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  • jatin, mlore

    Wed, Nov 28 2012

    These comments shows how tolerant a religion can be just because he used the term "Conversion" and they blame other religions for freedom of speech and tolerance! And again compared other foreigners & film actors converting to Hinduism & Buddhism. Only BIG difference is The foreigners, Hollywood actors are super rich and they pay money to get converted to attain PEACE and here we have Missionaries pay money to the poor to get converted to attain PEACE??? The poor people are in need of money & shelter and are ready for anything to get food and last priority would be their religion and these get exploited!!! World would be peaceful , the day everybody says Your religion is as great & same as my religion instead of putting down other religion and prove how great is their god & religion. The joke of 21st December 2012 coming to an end is still not forgotten!!!

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  • Valerian Dsouza, Udupi/Mumbai

    Wed, Nov 28 2012

    Conversions meaning has to be understood very clearly.
    1. Messages of revered : Ram, Mahaveera, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad, Guru Nanak are very sacred.
    2. Their messages are meant to be explained/told to the generations. All faiths are professing their faiths to humanity all over the world. From deep within everybody accepts it, like companies advertising their products. History books all over the world do the same.
    3. People have the right to choice.
    4. Conversion have to be in own will! like love! Force and lure will not work and is counter productive. It depends how honest we are in interpreting conversion.
    5. Service to mankind is Service to God. (Narara Seveye Narayana Seve) One who try to stop will invite curse. Gods Rewards in the proportion of service to humanity it is universal law, no one can change it!

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  • R.F., Spain

    Wed, Nov 28 2012

    We have to think more open. I guess H.H. assertion was atemporal. There had been conversions everywhere in History. In general perhaps Christianity had more linked to Education as they focused on that, but also buddhists and others. I don't know much about this in Hinduism as they were naturally very much trained in debate and many traditions converged. The point here is conversion should not be coming from the side of Institution as a target, but simply help others from your religion. Conversion if happens is a matter of the individual, it is a choice, this is what I understand. Thanks to everyone for your input.

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  • Jacob Mendonsa, Bangalore

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Dear Sachidanand Shetty,
    If India is facing the major problem of Conversion,I am sure U wouldn't have left India for Dubai to work & earn.Probably U r not following any Indian news to know the major problem we face in our Country that is Corruption & Poverty.

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  • Louis D'Souza, Kuwait

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Tiger is preaching other animals to be vegetarian. Ha ha. What a foolish people we have on this earth. Every one has the right to accept religion of his choice to attain Moksha. No one can stop the other. Christians believe that salvation is only through Jesus Christ son of God. If any one want to change his faith let him change to attain salvation. No body has the right to object or stop as per Indian constitution. Only forcefull conversion is totally wrong. Only fanatics who blindly following some faith are objecting conversion. I never object any one leaving Christianity, that's his/her dicission. I can only feel pity.

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  • John Tauro, M'lore / Kwt

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    This Dalai Lama seems to have totally misunderstood conversion. In Christianity conversionis a genuine transformation of the heart and conscience. It is a willful and voluntary acceptance of the faith upon studying and understanding its teachings and principles. One of them is to preach the Gospel unto all nations and hence the believer is obliged to tell his fellow beings about his beliefs. Nevertheless, it is against the tenets of Christianity to convert any person by compulsion or inducement. So if there is anybody in the country who was converted through compulsion, inducement or by providing financial or economic favours, let him report the matter to the concerned authorities for appropriate action.

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  • Antony Cony D Souza, Karkala / Qatar

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Referring my previous comment, what surprised me is, Mr. Lama’s daring attack at gun point at Priests at their own yard, who were innocently blinking and helplessly smiling at his allegation. Surely , Dalai took full advantage of his weak hosts being aware about fearful , cool and passive approach of our clergy grown itself as a church tradition.

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    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    religion should not indulge in conversions:i think dalai lama is correct.according to me, to be good and to do good-that is the whole of religion.whatever you do for your own sake is not religion.if conversion is for your own sake it is chief can't be religion.he who has more of unselfishness is more spiritual and nearer to god .whether he is learned or ignorant he is nearer to god, than anybody else.if a man is selfish,even though he has visited all the churches,temples,seen all the place of pilgrimage,he is still further off from god...sarve jano sukhino bhavanthu...

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  • Pastor E. W. Frank, Udupi

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Dear Mr. Dalai Lama:

    You have no knowledge of Religion. You are so ignorent that you have no hope in the future. Ignorent people should not comment on religion. Christians are a people who are sympathetic, hospitable and live for others prosperity. You do not even know to dress properly as you are not at all educated. So you are now old and take rest at home and mind your own business. Search your heart and find what is lacking in your life and soul. Time will soon be past. Christ died for sinners to give them Salvation, so that we will live for ever. Jesus is called the Prince of Peace, the only person who died on the cross and burried for the sins of the world and rose up again from the Tomb which is in Jerusalem, the only Open tomb in the history of the world. Christ divided the history in to Old testament and New testament. Unbelievable but still its the Truth. And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free from the bondage of sin.

    Pastor E. W. Frank, Pres.

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  • Aubb, Kuwait

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Manohar, M'Lore/Canada,
    You said it very appropriately about Dalai Lama, who commented without knowing why people (especially backward castes) as well as high caste people convert from their religion to the religion of their choice.

    I would also like to remind Dalai Lama that Christians do not impose conversion on others as a pre condition for the help they extend to people of all faiths in India.

    If it was the case, then Mother Theresa would have converted entire Calcutta into Christianity.

    One must remember, if anyone converts to Christianity, it is not for the favours they recieve but because of the love of Christ Jesus they recieved, and for the stand of Christ Jesus against religion, caste system, social status, hypocrisy and injustice in the Bible which is practiced by a true "Christian".

    Dalai Lama must remember that Jesus did not proclaim "Christian religion" as many people wrongly believe but preached "Kingdom of God and all His righteousness"

    Being an "Indian" he must realize one is free to choose the religion he or she is comfortable with.

    It seems to me, when Hindus convert to Buddhism, which is Dalai Lama's own religion, it is not conversion" but when a Hindu or a Buddhist or a Muslim converts to Christianity out of his/her own free will it is a "Conversion".

    Mr.Dalai Lama, no Christian can impose Christianity on any one unless the person has a voluntary conversion of his soul toward Christ Jesus.

    Christians have the right under the laws of India to proclaim the gospel of salvation to all, and it is upto an individual to accept salvation by accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior!

    One must ask the question, what is the contribution of Dalai Lama to the Indian society inspite of India being a host to thousands of Tibetans and himself for so many years.

    One must never forget these Tibetans(Buddhists) have immensely benefited from Christians all over India, especially in Bangalore.

    Christians refrain from hosting Dalai Lama!!!

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  • manohar, mangalore/canada

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    when he (Dalai Lama) commented on conversions he has delibertly ommited the comment of "what is the reason people are getting converted ,especially the backward castes... . u have look on both sides before you make any comment..

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  • christine, mangalore/kuwait

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    We Came In The World Not Knowing Religion And Going Same Too. People Want Peace Of Mind So Trying To Find Peace, Life Is Full Of Choices. Mostly Christian we Love Peace.and we love all relegion people.
    Convertions Are Always Done By The Power Of Money
    You Try To Convert People In Your Money Power, And Check How Many Will Convert In Your Money. And Check Conversion Will Take In Your Money Power, Or Heart? And Same As How Many Christian People Will Come To Attack You. Like Others Attacked Prayer Halls, Churches. God bless you and wish you all the best

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  • Stany D'sa, Mangalore/Dubai

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    I really pity Dalai Lama who has no knowledge of coversion. He himself has converted his living from Tibet to India. The Roman world was becoming decadent. Before they were vanquished by their enemies, the Romans spiritual forces which had so eaxlated their empire were weakening. The old beliefs were lifeless. In the year 315 Constantine the emperor himself asked to be baptized. After him all the rulers were christians.This was a decisive event for the Church which became protected instead of being persecuted. Therefore Dalai Lama need not get excited if any one is converted to Christianity. The Church does not indulge in forcible conversion. Mind you conversion is individuals choice and church welcomes it. We need not take any tips from Dalai Lama.

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  • radhakrishna, manipal

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    u are very right Hon.Dalai is sad that some of the comments are cheap and disgusting...u are revered by ur faithful...not agreeing with u is one thing but this personal attacks are uncalled for...convertions are always done by the power of money and in the past by the power of the sword..

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  • sharafmdb, mangalore/Dubai

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Dalai lama pls talk abt Burmas riots..wat Buddhist ppl doing in burma for religion they r killing innocent ppl.In India no one is converting ppl by forcely to other religion..some ppl know abt their religion negative points tats y they r converting to other religion.

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    Tue, Nov 27 2012


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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    He is one more Taslima Nasreen in our soil. Better get him out and diver him back to where he is from. Because of his presence in India, our relations with China has been soured.

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  • Arun, Mumbai

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    VOW!!! DALALI LAMA.... on reading above article I recollect very famous old saying.... HUM KAREGA THO BALATHKAR....TUM KAREGA THO CHAMATKAR...

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  • Manohar Dsouza, Kudla/Bahrain

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    The Dalai Lama has made misleading comments like a BJP politician and not a Spiritual Leader.

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  • Sachidanand Shetty, Mundkur/Dubai

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    What a good conversations between our Daiji World Commentators!! For a day I think all of us took time to discuss something else other than Politics or Political Parties. I think we all expect something like this
    We need Prime Minister like Narendra Modi but not Hindu, We need President like Abdul Kalam but not Muslim & We need Defense Minister like George Fernandes but not Christian. So, now even GOD might be wondered that he created human beings like us but we fight each other in his own name. You might heard about the story of a Beggar was begging throughout the day everywhere like, Temples, Churches & Mosques, but never got enough money to survive and finally in the evening time he was sitting outside one of the Pub but surprisingly he got more money given by almost everyone passing through this Pub. So, even that poor Beggar too, whispered that “Oh God, where you stay and which address you gave”
    Pls pardon me for this comment, but I still believe that Hindu is the only religion having no monopoly in any one God’s name. So, we can keep “Krishna” inside if he creates any problem and bring out side “Rama” in his place. And the serious talk is we can talk lightly against any Hindu God or Goddess like many fanatics did several time but you never ever dare to do this against any other religions God, else you will be awarded with death penalty. So, you tell me now, which religion is giving more freedom to its followers. When did any God ever tell us that we have to only praise him but not curse or tease him!!!

    DisAgree [8] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sunil , Karkala

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    C Sharath spoke of all 'losing the plot'. However, in his analysis he himself has lost the plot or rather has not understood the issue at all.

    DisAgree [17] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Nov 27 2012


    DisAgree [33] Agree [39] Reply Report Abuse

  • C DSouza, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Tue, Nov 27 2012


    just read the comments....

    no one said its good and all......
    Everyone told if it is by their wish then there is no problem at all.....

    U write funny...

    DisAgree [22] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Marcel, Mumbai

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    It is not important that How many members a religion has. But it is important that how each member of a religion is.

    DisAgree Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ferrao, NAVELIM

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Religion introduced by Lord Jesus is Kingdom of God and to get qualified is Repentance and admitting his or her own sins which damage the society or relationship around by trusting Jesus forgives. Whether you born has Christian, Muslim or Hindu does not matter we are all born to search for Creator and the one who seeks will find the truth.

    DisAgree [16] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • pramod, dubai

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    hai daiji readers ...

    Last year in udupi around 2,000 dalith's converted in budisum..that news published in daijiworld...

    That time all christains commentators praised the Dalai lama and budhisum he has became hero for christains..

    some commentaors write about hindu cast system... and untouchebility...

    what about now all christains against dalai lama....

    ha ha ha time time ka bhat hai bai...

    DisAgree [28] Agree [43] Reply Report Abuse

  • jayant s, riyadh/suratkal

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    why the readers are angry, becauswe Dalai Lama used the word 'conversion' In India whatever religion you belong, the story is the same, each religion has its weakness.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • suhail, DXB

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Instead of talking here if you go Burma it’s better for your honor.

    DisAgree [17] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • C Sharath, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Most of the people here are loosing the Plot here. I don’t know if this is being purposely diverting & twisting the whole subject like how some of our religious fanatics in all community do to just brainwash & provoke the less educated/economically suffred class of the masses in their community to spit venom on the other communities.
    For Example Mr John Dsilva-Karkala mentioned the Dalai Lama Accused Christ College of Conversion, which is not at all the case here. Dalai Lama would be stupid to accuse his host directly in this stage taht too like this gentle men accuses him, & he mentioned Generally here & yes even I am surprised How his holiness choose this stage to address his opinion as the actual truth behind this whole conversion issue can be understood by the broad mined people of any community.

    I am sure there is nothing called “Forced Conversion” in the society. The word “force” is used by some fanatics like Muthalik or Kalladka Bhat, just to provoke people as this word has some weightage. But Conversion, “YES” it happens, no matter anybody accepts this or not. I say this to my friends from all community to the faces during our casual meet ups over a tea or dinner booze session. Some agree some don’t . The questionis Who in the community does this & how ?. Unfortunetly in Mangalore in the name of needless Church attack by the so called "saviors of Hindhu Culture" innocent people had to bear the brunts from these brain washed rogues created a permenet scar in the society and politicians fuled it further to gain advantage in their votebank. Now as far as there is no law against this religious conversion in India it’s not practical to discuss this sensitive issue in the public forum in the rallies or events,unlike gulf countries especially KSA where there even mention in the guidelines to visitors that conversion or attempt to any other religion than theirs may invite even death penalty.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [50] Reply Report Abuse

  • Blaan Mendonca, USA

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Dalai Lama is a very Cunning and Cruel Man. Let us push him back to Tibet and hand over to china.

    DisAgree [41] Agree [38] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lloyd, Mumbai / Vietnam

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Religion is man made and existed even before we were born. After we die, we will not be known for the religion we were following, but for our " KARMA and FAITH". Conversions take place due to your own FAITH. Hence, I will conclude by saying " Religions don't convert anyone, it's your faith that converts you".

    DisAgree [11] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Allen , Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Being a good human being is more important than belonging to any religion. What is the use of belonging to a particular religion and if you are hating and killing other people? All existing religions are created by man for their own selfish reasons. I lived in Russia and seen even though they don't believe in religions live a peaceful life than we do here.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Marcel, Mumbai

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Who is GOD? "GOD IS GOD". No one can know GOD Fully. GOD is beyond human capacity. One can know GOD as much as GOD reveals Himself. That is why HE IS GOD.
    There is only good & bad. Bad should change to good. Good must become very good, very very good, then very very very .... good = The Good = Like GOD = THE BEST OF THE BEST = GOD.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Nov 27 2012


    DisAgree [26] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roshan Braganza, Udyavar / Mumbai

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Religion is a way of life , not 'life' itself. Religion which strives on conversions by propaganda will not survive in a long run. Peaple will choose best , once they attracted towards its ideology. If any religion preaches violence , or even right to kill other life for food or even threatens in worshipping other 'GOds' or even confines God to a certain place is not a way of life. ' LET NO MEAT FLESH ENTER YOUR MOUTH ' one of best quotes by Jesus , and how many of us follow it ?!

    DisAgree [15] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Blaan Mendonca, USA

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    If you all have noticed the portrait which Dalai Lama is holding resembles the Face of Jesus Christ sitting in Mudra position. Dalai Lama has a portrait of Budhha coverted to Jesus Christ. Lotus Buddha or Meditation Buddha. Often Siddhartha Gautama Buddha is perched atop a lotus flower symbolizing purity and divine birth. One Buddhist quote suggests, "the spirit of the best of men is spotless, like the new Lotus in the muddy water which does not adhere to it.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Juliet Mascarenhas, Bejai/Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    I strongly oppose the statement of Dalai Lama who seems to be confused himself.A man whom I used to admire for the past 4 decades has shown his true color at the fag end of his life and has prepared his way to burn in the fire of hell.Buddhism is fast spreading in Mangalore.Many Hindus have turned to Buddhism and opened prayer halls.Is this not conversion? Recently a hindu woman who is converted to Bhudhism, after a long conversation requested me to join Bhudhism and the reply given -" I could have been born in a hindu or Muslim family. But god has given me an opportunity to be born in a christian family and I would like to continue as a christian untill death" Our ancestors were converted to Chritianity for the reasons well known to them.Since then we are following the religion accepted by them without forcing any body to get converted to the religion that we follow. Let DalaiLama come with one person who wants to get converted to christianity , then he will realise how defficult it is to get entry into this kingdom of religion.
    Yes,since the existence of Christianity in India they have made the greatest contribution towards education and millions of people are educated from these institutions spread all over the country.Had these educationist indulged in conversion, today at least 75% of the population would have followed Christianity.The only 3% christian population is a proof to show that the statement made by Dalai Lama is false and needs apology to the christian community.
    Better not allow this man to step into our country who is poisoning the tender minds of the Indian Youngsters in the name of Religion and paving way for terrorism.We do not need his advise in our soil.Show him the way back.

    DisAgree [34] Agree [39] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Rajesh Kuwait,

    Imparting education and conversion conducted by ancient visiting Christians are two different issues. Dalai Lama was talking about science and religion at Christ University, Bangalore. He should have stayed in context of the topic. To say Christian education / medical institutions involved in conversion is betrayal to his hosts and especially to the constitution of the nation that sheltered him.

    As for conversions, we all know that ancient human beings were illiterate and terrified by the thunder, rain or scorching sun. They started worshiping such phenomena out of fear erecting images made or stone or wooden log. It was Aryans who exposed them to Hinduism and introduced caste system. They taught that man emerged out of head (Brahmin), arms (Kshatriya), thigh (Vaishya) and feet (Shudra) of Brahma. As per this principle, you too are a convert.

    Similarly, all Christians in India are converts alright but before more than eight or ten generations. If you today call me a convert, won't I be equally annoyed as you will be upon being called a convert ?

    You must believe me that conversions over enticement do not take place now. Even if a genuine person goes to a priest and requests to convert him, the priest straight away refuses to do so. This includes cases where a man falls may be in love with a Christian girl. It is more easy for a Christian girl to convert to Hinduism these days instead.

    Therefore, mine or your religion is irrelevant let us live in harmony in humanity, not as representative of any religion.

    DisAgree [17] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • C DSouza, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    I was wrong....
    Its not 3 percent.... its 2.3 percent of overall indian population is christian... It includes RC, Orthodox, Protestants and other streams.....

    The population of Christian is only declining bec of only one reason, birth control.....

    British, Portuguese rules india for nearly 600 years. If there was forcible conversion going on, can anyone think what would have been christian population in India???

    Please bring the data about forcible Conversions.... Also bring the data about the willingly converted to christian......

    No one will get the data..... So called fundamentals now will not get the data......

    DisAgree [19] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Blaan Mendonca, USA

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Dalai Lama is manipulating the minds of the people to get support from India and be a leader in India.

    DisAgree [18] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • Blaan Mendonca, USA

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Rajesh Kuwait A Cancerous society does not provide good education nor a a better life. Even when Jesus Christ was crucified and died on the cross he said "Father, forgive them they know not what they do". Christianity teaches forgiveness and non-violence. Mahatma Gandhi followed Jesus Christ, and that is why he adopted non-violence and India won Independence. Christian society has provided everything to India.
    Ramesh Kuwait, You have heard that it was said: An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
    But Jesus said "But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also". Christianity does not teach violence, cruelty. It teaches those who lift the sword will be killed by the sword. Forgive them for they know not what they do. Only Mahatma Gandhi is a true christian. Although Hindu, Gandhi had a very close connection with Christianity and admired Jesus very much, often quoting from his favorite 'Sermon on the Mount' chapter in Mathew 5–7. When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free. There is no love without forgiveness and there is no forgiveness without love. To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness. Always forgive your enemies-nothing annoys them so much. The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. Dalai Lama needs Christains from the west to help tibet to earn freedom. Faith is our own choice, So conversion cannot be done forcibly to anyone. No person can accept a faith without devoting himself to the teachings. No one serve two Masters (God and Money).

    DisAgree [17] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rupesh, Mumbai

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    He is fake wandering, living in no mans land.
    We pray those who speak against christ will soon follow christ in their life. i mean speaking against christianity is speaking against christ.

    DisAgree [20] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • rajesh, KUWAIT

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    dalai lama you are great. becasue you always speak directly.

    Truth always bitter....

    yes Christians have made the greatest contribution to education. but also conversions also contributed by christians.

    Conversion is like a Cancer. It kills entire civil society slowly....

    DisAgree [64] Agree [38] Reply Report Abuse

  • Clarence, Mangalore/KSA

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    If someone says something against Christianity , suddenly that guy will become hero for other community people as one can see here in comment section.

    Jesus asked all his people to spread his good news all over the world. He ordered us to serve the poorest of poor. If one understand Jesus and like to join Christianity , he is always welcome. That means he is not forcibly converted. We dont support forcible converts.

    DisAgree [24] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shaan, Manglore/Dubai

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Ashok Empire spread the buddh religion from India to international come he did Conversions?
    From this history this Dalai lama should know he become Buddh may there was his forefathers converted before.

    DisAgree [13] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • Amin Bhoja, Patte / Riyadh

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    What is religion? it is a faith we are living with,a harmonious living.Religion should not be a curse to mankind!.Religions should not be a forceful one it should be a secular in thinking too.A great words from Dalai Lama youth is our future and we need to sow good seeds within, we need to live in peace not in hate!.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh , mangalore

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    whoever here spoke agianst Chritianity i want to ask u how many of u studied in Govt schools goverened by christians (most of the churchs in M'lore have a govt school attached to them run by christian preists n Nuns) ? or in Eng medium Chrisy=tian schools? majority of u have studied in them , its a fact n nobody even u whatever u do cannot change the fact.
    2nd fact is the church gives books, uniforms , bags , etc for hindus n other religions also .... how many of the hindus have refused to take them but will ask my hindu priests n people?
    how many of u have been forced to convert (even though u have not)?
    How many of u know of people who have converted? if the last 2 ? s are true kindly come forward n inform the police n let law handle them if law leaves them again appeal to the law n make sure they get punished.
    simply barking western , Chritian will not work look into ur conscience n then talk ..

    DisAgree [22] Agree [51] Reply Report Abuse

  • christine, mangalorek/kuwait

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    What This Man Speaking? Conversion Means Not Painting, Tie In Rob,
    Forcefully No One Can Make Conversion.
    Conversion Means That Changes In My Own Heart,
    Not Only In, Religion, If I Am In My Habits Rough Rude Anger Stupid, Jealous ,..In This I Change Than Also I Was Been Converted From Habits, Is That Can Change In Forcefully If I Don’t Want To Change?
    Same Way Christian Conversion Means That I Am Living In The World In All Tradition, Or Bad Habits, Sins, Truly I Regret And Accept I Am Mistaken, And That Feeling Coming From Inside my Heart, Than I Will Search Where I Can Get That And I Will Accept Lord Jesus Who Died For My Sin ,Paid Penalty In My Place …Through Him Apply Forgiveness. That Is Willfully Accepted By Grace of God .Than Only Not Forcefully. I Cannot Get Forgiveness For Others Sin And Others Cannot Apply For My Sins.I Made Mistake Than I Must Correct It, Same Way My Conversion I Have To Decide Not the Choice of Others. Others forgiveness and peace I cannot have it. I cannot give others what it is mine.So Please Don’t Misunderstood.
    For Everything Good And Bad, Front Of Us. Choosing Is Our Decision Too, conversion also, I want Heaven or Hell. Choice is mine, Everyone has freedom to chose religion too
    And note salvation cannot buy in money or in material. Christians help everyone that’s not mean they convert.
    I cannot write exam for others that they will passed .
    If Getting Marry, Spouse Loved Someone And Will Forcefully Marry Will Of Parents,Is That Marriage Will Work?. it will not last long because It Is Dill Apna Preeth Parayee.I like to study account and parents push me for doctor or engeener is that will work out for me? not. Same Way If I Am In Any Religion And Forcefully Will Of Others I Convert That I Can Stay In That Religion? Not at all.I will come back.

    DisAgree [20] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Bhandarkar., M

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    I just cannot understand why Mr.Gilbert, one of the commentators has brought the name of Jesus in the matter? Please , Sir, no- We can't bring the names of the Master's in petty issues...
    The doctrines also sacred as they are should not be referred to at all in such contexts.....

    DisAgree [5] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • AV, Mangalore/Doha

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Dinesh Poojary, Kundapura/Bengaluru
    Who are the "we" you are refering to? you and your criminal minded political gundas and thieves?? Every one can see how the chaddis are coming down one by one. So dont bank on your "we". I completely agree with R.Bhandarkar but for those who still dont realize and are blind on the literal aspect of this post, this is a part of a much bigger picture - votebank politics. As simple as that!

    DisAgree [22] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • abutalmiz, ksa

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Where was he when muslims were massacred in Burma? !!!The honorable Dalai Lama is a relevant key figure for the Buddhist govt. who could have interfered and stop the massacres of Muslims at the hands of Buddhists. He emerges now as a double standard personality. The statement he dared to deliver is a serious allegation which he could have avoided.

    DisAgree [25] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • Gordon Lynch, Chennai

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    one can understand the ignorance of all these people who are commenting. But it is a real pity when Dalai Lama speaks on such a matter especially during this event. Is he really a buddhist???

    DisAgree [20] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • jackson, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Dear Mr. Dinesh,

    You have full right to comment and i really respect that. but tell me one thing who told Jesus will not excuse humans who are bad, have you met him personally or he called you.You are talkin about poor tribal people "Have you done anything important for the cause of Humanity?" Dont support religion dude it will never feed you.

    DisAgree [24] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • Antony Cony D Souza, Karkala / Qatar

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    How Buddhism was spread worldwide? By kinship (blood relationship) alone? One has to dig once own history before being Saintfuly diplomatically portraying to please the majority here. Was this statement motive was to build communal harmony ? Instead of lecturing, D Lama has to study from Christianity how Christian population is diminishing as d after demographical survey while Buddism is spreading in a galloping speed. However, conversation or induced conversation is a myth coups up as a political agenda, on and off prior to elections.

    Buddhism spread by:

    • First started with the Buddha spreading the word.
    • Temples and schools were built also that taught Buddhism but not to Buddhist alone
    • After Buddha died others spread word with a target to spread worldwide.
    • Still going on today

    DisAgree [15] Agree [38] Reply Report Abuse

  • Don Amnon, Lower Bendoor, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Those who blaming Christian for conversion ,let them peep into ISKON groups and check the membership of American/Western countries Christian and financial contribution ( Millions of dollar ).

    By the way, if ISKON is not representing main stream Hindu’’s, then same way Christian splinter groups also NOT representing Roman Catholic/Orthodox Chruch.

    DisAgree [17] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lloyd Dsouza, Dubai/Surathkal

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Mr.Dalai lama for your information.....Christians are not involved conversions, but people from other religion convert in their own willing after Reading or Listening to Bible, they are inspired by peace Loving Christian people.

    Secondly if any Non-Christian want to convert to Christianity,our priest never accept them as they come, they will asked many questions their willing,their problems,they will be tested,this takes many days or months, after that they should learn Bible and Basic Prayers of Christianity after that again they will tested and then they will be Baptised.In between these procedures they will never be forced to convert.

    So Mr.Dalai Lama world says your great personality so please be in that limits dont try to finger on Worlds Greatest Religion.

    DisAgree [18] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • C DSouza, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    WOw Dinesh

    Dont open ur filthy mouth here.... You dont have right to say single word.... Talk to your friends before you write.... Talk to ur friends who have christians as their neighbors.. Talk to your friends who studied in the christian schools and colleges... Talk to your friends who went to christian hospitals.... Ask them did anyone told to join the christian faith......

    No one will tell you to come and join us... If you wish you can come and join us.... If u don want better keep quite....

    Yes we do preach about Christianity.... That is fundamental right.... When your sadhus goes to foreign country and preaches you wont say anything... When any famous personality from west becomes Hindu you say thats the way it should be.

    But when a hindu goes to church out of his own wish you say its conversion... He is not even converted or he is not even invited.... You have big problem in Hindu entering the Church... But when we enter a Temple you say good they should come and offer the prayers....

    Mainly you have not mingled with one christian yet... Its time to mingle with a Christian....

    DisAgree [23] Agree [55] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sujith Nayak, Kudla / Auh

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    @ Ozy.... Dalai Lama is not a fool to make such statements without any knowledge...go to north east nad see the reality. One should agree with the facts and get blessed by god.

    DisAgree [29] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Dinesh Poojary,

    Its a known fact that you never entered an institution run by Christian organization in your life - you d on this very forum that you studied in government school/college throughout - therefore you please stay out of this discussion - you are as an outsider as is Dalai Lama.

    All non-Hindu members who have studied in school/colleges run by Christian organizations, please stand up and say whether you were forced to change your religion.

    you owe this to your alma-mater - now or never again !

    DisAgree [23] Agree [41] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dinesh Poojary, Kundapura/Bengaluru

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    "Kumbala Kayi Kaddava Hegalu Mutti Nodida" - This very well applies to you.

    Everyone is free to chose his/her religion. But forceful conversions should be stopped, that is what he is trying to say. Many people converted to Buddhism including Dr BR Ambedkar. But they were not forced to do so. They accepted on their own will.

    But going to tribal areas, offering money to poor people and converting them is a big SIN. This becomes serving your religion, not humanity. Even Jesus won't give excuse for you people. Punishment already started for you. Your own people are desecrating your worship places after having drunk. recently it happened in Mangalore.

    Listen now, great dharma guru is speaking. It is the time to stop illegal activities.

    Lots of Buddhists and jains are living in Karnataka and India. See how peacefully they are living without troubling others.

    DisAgree [61] Agree [51] Reply Report Abuse

  • jeevan, mangalore

    Tue, Nov 27 2012


    DisAgree [24] Agree [42] Reply Report Abuse

  • Raj, Udupi

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Well said Mr.Dalai lama......Even late is better then never.
    Just follow your faith.

    DisAgree [30] Agree [39] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Why the authorities invited him, he is no one to us.Also he has crossed his limit, bcoz he donot know what he speaks abt, for example in my home when we small all those daily workers used to join to say the prayers but none of them hv 'CONVERTED TO CHRISTIAN' and till today thier family members still working but we nevr told them to become 'CHRSITIANS AND NOT SINGLE PERSON IN THE VILLAGE CONVERTED TO CHRISTIAN, IN FACT OUR CATHOLIC CHRISTIANS CONVERTED TO JOVAS WITNESS'.
    Standing at the podium and saying something it really hurts to many since we never force any to become christians (RC).
    So, donot take this matter serious since we hv many more difficult issues lying in front of us in KARNATAKA, let us join hands and solve these daily issues rather than given so importance to these speeches.

    DisAgree [32] Agree [38] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dinesh Poojary, Kundapura/Bengaluru

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    What a noble words from you sir...

    You gave a good tongue to conversions.

    When we were telling this, they never used to care. At least now they should understand and make way for peaceful society..

    DisAgree [62] Agree [38] Reply Report Abuse

  • MAK, mlore/dxb

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Conversation is not the prob. all have there own right to choose there religion. So Mr. Lama is should talk about some major prob than that. religion is like a remote control where the leaders like Lama n Politicians use the remote for there power. so sad that citizens of India are not still aware of it. n ya a request don’t judge Islam by a person, if u want to knw about Islam then just stdy no need for u to be a Muslim. but plz don’t judge luking at ur friends

    DisAgree [24] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • sharad shetty, udupi

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    What the Dalai Lama has said is 100% true. Under the guise of education & social service conversions are taking place which ultimately is their main motto. thank you dalai lama for speaking the truth.

    DisAgree [48] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shaan, Manglore/Dubai

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Dalai Lama,
    1st you should preach your people to stop killing in Assam & Burma,then talk about Conversions.

    DisAgree [39] Agree [52] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vivek, Udupi

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    CONVERSIONS Should be thing of past. Too late to play blame game.

    Christians of India are all coverted and practical in serving India better than other religious in the basic feilds of education and health in the early years. THANK YOU

    DisAgree [15] Agree [46] Reply Report Abuse

  • jackson, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Dear Readers,

    Dalai Lama is absolutely right. Relegion is created by us and we fight in the name of religion which is senseless. we should always keep our religion and faith to ourself. Imagine our Life without Religion its much easier to live.....

    DisAgree [13] Agree [46] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Tue, Nov 27 2012


    Eega, naanuu idda-haage heliddene. Neenu samarpitha uttaravannu Dalai-Lama-na paravagi kodu. Summani Dholu Badiyabeda !

    DisAgree [37] Agree [35] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Bhandarkar., M

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Can't help laughing when the matter of 'conversion'crops up! I mean what 'conversion' if the person remains the same? 'Window Dressing'won't help in the long run -does it? A 'conversion' which helps in complete 'transformation' is of substance, but this hopping from
    one religion(?) to another(?) isn't going to help an ounce either! Fighting in the name of 'religions' which is entirely man-made is the most foolish thing which one can indulge in! Then there are other
    'protectors'of sorts of 'their religion'wanting it to 'thrive and grow in numbers'-This is simply a case of 'brain and kidney dysfunction'nothing else!One can try being 'humane' at the outset,before trying to be anything!!

    DisAgree [2] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • C DSouza, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    This is what happens when one religious guy talk about another religion without knowing the background and the struggle we have in keeping our faith in our own religion....
    Christianity never converted anyone by forcing to come to our religion.... The 3 percent population in India tell all about that.... If it was forced conversion then half of Indian population would have been Christian.....
    Despite of strong opposition from other religious leaders and kings Christianity was able to grow... its still growing....

    Its not easy to be a christian..... where every attempt is made to suppress this religion....

    If someone says that we are indulged in Conversion I say YES... We are into conversion.... not to our religion... but the conversion of society.... human being........

    DisAgree [42] Agree [42] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    If Dalai Lama knows what he is talking about, he should have first asked thousands of Mahar Community members, who converted to Buddhism, to revert back to their original religion. Why did they convert to Buddhism form Hinduism ? Now, don't tell me Buddhism is not different from Hinduism - if it isn't where was the need to convert at all ?

    The truth is that Indian constitution promises right of religion - that is a citizen can practice the religion of his choice. Tomorrow, if I convert to any other religion nobody should object or oppose. If one if forced to embrace a particular religion of-course that is condemnable.

    Dalai is a hypocrite ! I had respected this gentleman all along for his simplicity but not anymore !

    Dalai, please remain a guest of India - do not insult our welcome !

    DisAgree [48] Agree [72] Reply Report Abuse

  • pradeep, kadri

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Yes Dalai Lama you have the guts.. so u told the truth. How many people undrstand this God knows. He is not came there to discuse the problem facing by the contry or anything he told how to lead happy life with others without playing others sentiments.God bless All

    DisAgree [25] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • paddu, mangalore

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Irshad Shaikh,John DSilva,Ritesh Pinto ,There is one proverb in kannada "iddadannu idda age elidhaga yeddu bandu yedhege (heart) odeyuvanta kopa".

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  • rahul, mangalore

    Tue, Nov 27 2012


    DisAgree [19] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • gilbert, mangalore

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    No one will accept Jesus for money . what he is talking ?. Christianity is not a religion. It is a Grace of God for sinful mankind . Through JESUS only we can Get Forgiveness of SINS , HE is Only the Way, Truth, and Life . Bible Act.412.13

    DisAgree [46] Agree [56] Reply Report Abuse

  • MM ALVARES, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Dalai Lama would have told FORCEFUL CONVERSIONS not acceptabale. Unless some of our forefathers, some centuries back or so accepted some religion we are now following that religion. At one point of time there took place conversion to one of the religions. In todays context - force, luring, blackmailing to convert people not at all acceptable. If one wish on his own let him, no one should stop him or her!!!!

    DisAgree [16] Agree [49] Reply Report Abuse

  • John DSilva, Karkala/Mumbai

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    The Dalai Lama was invited for enowment lecture on Science and Religion. In his speech, he has crossed the limit. I do not think any of the Educational Institutions have indulged in Conversion as alleged by The Dalai Lama. Making allegation against Educational Institution like Christ University is serious matter. Christ University is prestigious Institution in the field of Education. It appears that the Speaker has gone out of the way.

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  • Ritesh Pinto, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    @Sachidanand Shetty
    The bigger issue than conversion is Underworld mess murders kidnaps, extortion. We all know which community has an expertise in all these crimes.

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  • C Sharath, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    From Today onwards, Dalai Lama also will be terrorist & anti national for the so called sickular parties & its supportors along the lines of Anna Hazaare & Arvinda Kejriwal.

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  • Sachidanand Shetty, Mundkur/Dubai

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Dear Irshad Bhai, in India we have only one major problem i.e. conversions. If you can able to stop at least your own religious sick minded ideologist converting other religion people and same principle followed by other religious spiritual Leaders too, we will not have any Law & Order problem created by any Forums or Senas for that matter. For your kind info, Shri Dalai Lama spoke about other matters too but unfortunately can’t be seen by person like you

    DisAgree [31] Agree [59] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sachidanand Shetty, Mundkur/Dubai

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    Entire our Nation Salute Highly Respected Shri Dalai Lama. At least one such great Spiritual Leader expressed the concern about conversion which is creating much more problem than any other issue in India. But daring & openly criticizing this conversion issue, I think Shri Dalai Lama too, will not be welcomed by our Religious sick minded Politicians, rather there may be some “No Religion” fake ideologist may organize the protest against Shri Dalai Lama too

    DisAgree [40] Agree [58] Reply Report Abuse

  • Irshad Shaikh, Udupi/Dubai

    Tue, Nov 27 2012

    What this man knows about India,why only talk about coversions?
    There are so many other issues in the country causing problems.

    DisAgree [71] Agree [79] Reply Report Abuse

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