Bangalore, Oct 9 (DHNS) : The High Court of Karnataka on Monday directed the police to submit in two weeks, a transcript of the alleged incendiary speech by Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangha leader Dr Kalladka Prabhakar Bhat at Hindu Samajotsava at Uppinangady in January this year.
Suresh Bhat Bakrabail, president of Karnataka Komu Souharda Vedike, has filed a public interest litigation (PIL) charging Dr Bhat with hate speech during the event. The advocate for Dr Bhat claimed that there was no substantial evidence for the charges against the latter and that the Vedike was not a registered organisation.
Chief Justice Vikramajit Sen took exception to the submission and sought to know whether the government wants a civil war in the State and the country.
“These types of people are the ones who spoil the image of our country,” he noted.
The PIL said the provocative speech led to a tense situation in Uppinangady and despite that the police allowed Dr Bhat to continue with his talk.
Earlier News:
Uppinangady Speech: HC Notice to Kalladka Prabhakar Bhat, State Govt
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