Mangalore Girls Descendents of Rani Abbakka, Not Queen Victoria - Hindu Mahila Vedike

Mangalore Girls Descendents of Rani Abbakka, Not Queen Victoria - Hindu Mahila Vedike

Pics: Dayanand Kukkaje
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (PS)

Mangalore, Aug 8: The members of Jagrutha Hindu Mahila Vedike on Wednesday August 8 staged a protest against drug and sex mafia which they claimed has been prevalent in the city. However, their main focus was on the recent attack on boys and girls at Morning Mist Home Stay in Padil.

The members took out a rally from the taluk office to the DC office where they staged their protest.

Addressing the gathering Vedike convener Srimati Prasanna Ravi said that in the name of freedom youngsters are doing what they want according to their own wishes, which will not be tolerated. She condemned the birthday party at the home stay and said, "Celebrating without family and relatives cannot be called a birthday celebration."

Lamenting that Mangalore has become a place for rich capitalists, she said that this was once a land famous for its culture and religion.

She claimed that following the Mangalore home stay incident, around 2,500 illegal home stays were found in Madikeri (Kodagu district) alone.

She also condemned the student protest that followed the incident and said that it was sad to note that girl students also had joined the agitation.

She pointed out that nobody questions girls who work in BPOs and call centres until midnight and go home, and that such girls have not faced any problems. "But these girls (those at the home stay birthday party) were engaged in illegal activities," she said.

She also questioned the attitude of the so-called intellectuals and said that while they have spoken outrightly on this issue, they kept quiet when a former mayor's son was allegedly involved drug mafia and kidnapping of a girl.

"People enjoying and doing things according to their own wishes will not be tolerated. This is a land of religion and culture. Mangalore women are descendents of Rani Abbakka and not of Queen Victoria," she stressed.

SDM College student Akshata Shetty addressed the protestors and said that celebrating special days like Valentine's Day and Friendship Day is not Indian culture. "Birthday should be celebrated as a festival, as it is 'huttu habba'. What was need for the girls in the home stay to wear such questionable dresses?" she said.

The protestors submitted a memorandum to the DC in which they stated that Dakshina Kannada is district of various communities following their own cultures and lifestyles, and thereby contributing to the overall development of the district. "Large industries, educational institutions and business organizations in this part were known everywhere, but over the past few years there has been an effort to damage the social and cultural fabric of the district by way of setting up spas, massage centres, pubs and home stays which are involved in illegal activities. Girls are being tactfully and stealthily pushed into prostitution," stated the memorandum.

They also alleged that there was hand of the drug mafia behind the death of a Punjabi girl in Balmatta seven years ago, and also raised doubts over the recent suicide of two girls in a college in the city.

"Even in the Morning Mist incident, the boys and girls were not familiar with each other, and hence the involvement of drug mafia cannot be ruled out," the memorandum stated, alleging that even the police department has been ineffective and inactive in dealing with drugs.


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  • vincy, bangkok

    Sat, Aug 11 2012

    The girls like to dress like queen victoria and not like Rani Abbakka.These are BJP sponsored morchas who are hipocrites by nature.They want the women to sit inside the four walls and let thier men do anything outside.They do not have any education plans for girl child. All this shows that there are people in mangalore who endorse the inhumane acts of padil incident. What a shame for Mangalore. I am sure the one in the morcha have never been out of Mangalore.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Neeta, Surathkal / san jose, US

    Fri, Aug 10 2012

    Akshatha shetty...the future head of womens commission of Karnataka...following madam manjula C

    DisAgree [7] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • varun, udupi bangalore

    Fri, Aug 10 2012

    Who is the ex mayor she referring to?

    DisAgree [2] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Blaan Mendonca, USA

    Thu, Aug 09 2012

    Sujith Polali
    Everybody have their own life style. If the culture was perfect then why we have highest level of poverty in the world.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • sujith polali, mangalore

    Thu, Aug 09 2012

    why this students spoli thier life invloving in such kind of activites .no one distrubed any studentes in thier studies or other study related activites only thing is this students should think about thier mother land w& culture . college mannagment is only busy in making money they dont even think the future of students ..

    DisAgree [46] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Prescilla Sequeira, Pune

    Thu, Aug 09 2012

    Rani abbakka's descendants,please call back your sons and daughters from Queen Victoria's land and else where and celebrate their hutta habba in Mangalore! Please do not even think of using foreign gadgets or things,then only your morcha is justified!

    DisAgree [23] Agree [89] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dolphy, Mangalore / Qatar

    Thu, Aug 09 2012

    Yenchina avaste!!! Dinak onji Vedike?? In mangalore total how many vedike's are there??..Instead of fighting for the growth of the city, these people are wasting time in unnecessary things!!!! Bagavantha Kapadappa!!!!!!

    DisAgree [13] Agree [116] Reply Report Abuse

  • Blaan Mendonca, USA

    Thu, Aug 09 2012

    Mangalore women are descendents of Rani Abbakka and not of Queen. What about the vehicles you are all driving, what about the buses, trains, planes and ships you are all traveling, what about the cameras you are all taking pictures, what about the video cameras you are all watching, what about the shoes you are all wearing, Victoria. What about the Televisions, where did all this come from. Valentine's Day and Friendship Day is not Indian culture. "Birthday should be celebrated as a festival, as it is 'huttu habba'. what about the medical equipments and medical drugs. what about the refrigerator, electric fan, grinders, washing machine, Air-conditions, water pumps, electric generators all come from. where do all these technology come from. The hospitals, colleges, and information technology come from.

    DisAgree [22] Agree [72] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mr Kannadiga, surathkal/USA

    Thu, Aug 09 2012

    Hindu vedike ladies. Here are some questions for you regarding BJP members since BJP is your political wing.

    1. 3 BJP ministers watching porn in assembly. Is this Indian culture?
    2. The vedike men who beat up the girls also molested them. Is this Indian culture?
    3. Renukacharya nurse case.Is this Indian culture?
    4. Halappa rape case. Is this Indian culture?
    5. Yeddyurappa wife murder case.Is this Indian culture?
    6. Nithyananda rasa leela in ashram. Is this Indian culture?
    7. Without legal evidence you are branding the homestay girls as girls with bad character. Is this Indian culture?
    8. Beating up girls in pub attack.Is this Indian culture?
    9. Malpe rave party with nude people organized by BJP leaders. Is this Indian culture?

    First take a look at yourselves before condemning others. respect the LAW OF THE LAND. Police and law can take action if things are reported. we do not need pro nazi and right wing elements like you to champion the cause of "culture" and spoil the peace and atmosphere of our Mangalore.

    DisAgree [23] Agree [293] Reply Report Abuse

  • Louis, Kuwait

    Thu, Aug 09 2012

    These ladies are the parents of those scorpions who attacked Morning Mist. Shame on these ladies instead of fighting for girls who suffered they are supporting such culprits who molested girls. Very confusing Hindu culture.

    DisAgree [16] Agree [172] Reply Report Abuse

  • Noel, Mangalore,Toronto

    Thu, Aug 09 2012

    Jagrutha Hindu Mahila Vedike is utilmately supported by BJP.BJP leaders were recently caught running a prostituion ring.Some BJP leaders were caught watching porn during Lokha Sabha meetings.Kanada,Hindi movies have women in scanty clothes, drinking dancing:Is BJP going to close the Movie business?The disruption created by old ideological forces will destroy positive image of Mangalore/Karnataka/ India and international business'will move away,leaving lots of youth & others unemployed.Do you want Talibanism,joblesness?

    DisAgree [6] Agree [119] Reply Report Abuse

  • naveen, bombay

    Thu, Aug 09 2012

    Whatever the birthday party or its a gathering. who gave the authority to enter somebody's private place and so badly to hit boys and holding girls where not suppose to touch. At that time why these aunties not thought culture.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [117] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh Gonsalves, Mangalore / Cairo

    Thu, Aug 09 2012

    Its Mangalore's misfortune that we had a mayor like Rajani Dugganna. Ater seeing her, Mamata Bannerjee, Mayawati & Jayalalitha, Im really wondering is the womens reservation bill really worthwhile.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [80] Reply Report Abuse

  • supraraj, singapore

    Thu, Aug 09 2012


    DisAgree [4] Agree [110] Reply Report Abuse

  • Somashekara Naik, Belve/ Kolkata

    Thu, Aug 09 2012

    Why is the girl in 9th picture wearing Salwar kamees. She looks like daughter of Aurangzeb more than daughter of Abukka Rani.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [102] Reply Report Abuse

  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Thu, Aug 09 2012

    Many of the ladies who have taken part are "Ajjy's" anyway they have enjoyed honeymoon at their paddy fields and now no body wants them...!!!??? Instead of teaching their own relatives, they have come forward to teach the world...!!!???? "Illad daala bele ijja nikaleg...????"

    DisAgree [7] Agree [101] Reply Report Abuse


    Thu, Aug 09 2012

    Razak Mangalore

    DisAgree [5] Agree [76] Reply Report Abuse

  • Valerian Dsouza, Udupi/Mumbai

    Thu, Aug 09 2012

    Out of the recent happenings, how come Mahila Vedike, cultural protectors remembering and protesting only one incident that is Mist Home stay party and Not recently exposed prostitution racket ? & Blue film viewing ?
    Can they be genuine protectors of culture? By being so partial are they not exposed as silly and biased ?

    DisAgree [1] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • anil, bangalore

    Thu, Aug 09 2012

    It is very sad to see that an article on filled controversies and negeative content recieves 100's of comments.However an article on Vaishnavi Dreams published on the same page which touching and a striking story which teaches how to value life recieves only a dozen comments. This is 95% of people think!!!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Alwyn, Mangalore - USA

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    One question, which always makes me so much confuse, is – If a female wear pant and shirt she is covers her whole body but many times who wear sari showing their great stomach and large part of back and so on…….Any how it is their wish and will but why people are much bothered about culture and blind believes.

    When these groups meet together they say something, but in reality, how much gossip and bad comments they do on their own relatives God Only Knows.

    Just ban all these groups and make them to clean the road if disturb public.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dalia, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    What would have happened if their own sons and daughters would have been beaten and molested like the b'day party incident.would they have protested like this on behalf of those goondas!

    DisAgree [3] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Malcom Lewis, Dubai

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Its very strange to see Queen Abbakka's daughters holding the posters written in Queen Victoria's Language. What a shame in the mankind. Instead of standing and protesting against some goons played with the modesty of women, these shameless women are aunties of those goons who are in Jail are otherway. Who are you to teach people how and where to celebrate birthdays. You cannot afford so you are jealous.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mangalore/Mapusa/Mumbai

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    I wonder if these women know what is the meaning of MAFIA. I guess they should consult BJP office............

    DisAgree [5] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • KRPrabhu, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Get your both eyes tested with good eye surgoen otherwise you will have serious problem on a later date.Go Quick !!! Dont go alone,let somebody accompany you!!!!

    DisAgree [16] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Imran Kaup, Dubai

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Female version of Hindu Jagarana Vedike No doubt its a wing of RSS/BJP ...Their Slogans remains the same whether male or female.... Funnny!!!!

    DisAgree [4] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • KRPrabhu, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Mr.Jude,mANGALORE and others who are supporting Morning Mist Home stay type birth day party:


    DisAgree [25] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vivian Rodrigues, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Does any one here know what is Victorian Culture? Victorian ladies did not show any part of themselves except their faces. They had to wear stockings to cover their feet and legs. Neck high dresses to cover their necks. Long sleeves and gloves to cover even their hands. Ankle length gowns over their stockinged legs. And hats to cover their heads.
    In contrast, in those days Mangalorean ladies did not wear even cholis or blouses as someone has rightly pointed out. Do these ladies or the men who support them want that "culture" to come back? Wow!

    DisAgree [4] Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dsouza Rakesh, Mangalorfe

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Aunties day out!

    DisAgree [4] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • Royce, Abu Dhabi

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Why this vedikes are targeting pub and Home Stay in the name of Indian Culture ?
    If they realy worry about our culture and socity we have Lot of Problems in our Socity.
    If we look last 6 months incidents evry day there is a Murder, Robbery, Rape, Teenage Commites Sucide, Road Accidents and many More cases. Why these vedikes are not raising their voices for above mentioned problems ? They limits for Pub & Home Stay Only ?
    If you work on this Problems I am sure one day Mangalore will be Model City for the World.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • prakash, mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    We going backwards! unfortunate, if any of the sons and daughters of this group gets a job in foriegn country dont they go there? there is no point in changing names from birthday to huttu habba or any other. first please help your neightbours, clean the streets, provide food shelter and clothings to all people,satisfy beggers hunger that is our culture. not this silly things. 15 years back no one bothered this.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Kaizer , Mlore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Yes Razak we are with them if the women's Were justiful. If these women's are so much concerned abt culture why didn't the oppose the management decision on not wearing hijab in college. Isn't that a culture??

    DisAgree [4] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    To sideline the issue of of bashing and manhandling of hapless girls by HJV,yet another agitation is launched.JHMV one question for you people will you agree/endorse/support attack on female students?If so you people have no right to TALIBAN's atrocities against Afgan women. What is moral or immoral in this particular issue is secondary.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • vincent, mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    so nice photos...if you sit at home no nobody will click or nobody will see,,,come out enjoy...

    DisAgree [4] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sunil Hegde, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Mr.Jude You are acting funny. You can see both the language. Kannada and English (Internatonal language). English banners are for mindless western slaves like you. We find lot of good things as well as bad things in west. That does not mean you blindly follow their dance bar and drug mafia culture which is harmful to the society. West, themself want to come out of this culture but it is too late.Most of western people are turning towards India for solace.

    DisAgree [17] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sunil Pasanha, Bantwal

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    This protest is done just to gain publicity.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dr. J. Lancy D'Souza, Anjelore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    This is a clear indication that women are enemies of women. Instead of safeguarding and having slogans on protection of women and youngsters, they are beating the drums to a different tune.
    Rani Abbakka was wearing a Kachcha like sari. You are wearing saris like Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Srilankans etc. and not like Rani Abbakka who was riding horses.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Bhandarkar., M

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Dear R Pillai-
    Are you on a pill? If you comment like this u will be 'Illai'(Nowhere to be seen!)In our turf please do not speak ill of us.....

    DisAgree [2] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jude, mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    It is important to note the generation that is doing this protest. Based on these pictures the ladies involved in this protest are mid-aged and appear to be from a conservative background. It is surprising to see these intellectually limited characters from a bygone era demonstrating and talking about western culture and parties while utilizing all the amenities invented in the west. These political hypocrites categorize issues and color them in the names of culture and religion and our idiotic intellectually challenged manglorean's follow them mindlessly. It appears that majority of manglorean's have lost their reasoning power.
    Another element of surprise "Rani Abbaka's" descendants holding Placards in "Queen Victoria's" Language.

    Get a Break and have a KitKat Prasanna Ravi.

    DisAgree [38] Agree [332] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rohan, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    This is done by BJP ....only to divert public attention from Sex Racket Scandal done by BJP members...

    DisAgree [44] Agree [392] Reply Report Abuse

  • jagdish, mumbai, UAE

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    You are true muslim Brother razak, mangalore, I appreciate your view. In Islam all this activitites are forbidden. people should understand this

    DisAgree [44] Agree [116] Reply Report Abuse

  • tauseef, mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012


    Hats off mam...great comment...way to go.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [74] Reply Report Abuse

  • KRPrabhu, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Dear Shahnwaz Kukkikatte,
    Your dear subject is also included in the protest march of HMV of Mangalore as you closely see the written slogans.I hope that next time protest should be for baning burka as it was misused by miscreatnts to sneek into womens hostel for doing mischief.It is also hoped that next time any attack on home stays engaged in illegal activities in the name of birth day party should be carried out by women folk only.I also wish that women in burka should also join HMV for registering protest against misuse of burkha.
    If you still do not wish to understand the message of HMV you are free to enjoy protituion culture but please understood...

    DisAgree [147] Agree [61] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jude, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    People enjoying and doing things according to their own wishes will not be tolerated. This is a land of religion and culture. Mangalore women are descendents of Rani Abbakka and not of Queen Victoria," she stressed

    My Question: Why are these placards written in English. Did Rani Abbakka teach you guys English

    DisAgree [20] Agree [291] Reply Report Abuse

  • VK, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Jagrutha Hindu Mahila vedike- great work but why did it take too long for you all to wake up? I see cards displaying mafia drugs. Are you people appreciating the fact that Girls were man handled? where were you people when girls were beaten up? Are you really fighting for the cause of women or just doing it for the heck of it? People here seem to be questioning the dresses and speaking about culture. If you are speaking about culture and tradition exhibit it ,practice it But Please don't preach. We citizens have become matured and no more fools to heed to such paid protests or backed by parties..

    DisAgree [8] Agree [192] Reply Report Abuse

  • Suhim SheikhEN, Udupi/Bangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Where were these aunties,
    1. When the MLA's were watching PORN
    2. When Renukacharya was engaged in open illicit relationship
    3. When Halappa was caught with his aids wife
    4. Nityananda was raping women in Ashram

    Its not about Rani Abbakka or queen victoria ... its about double standards within.

    DisAgree [20] Agree [396] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.J. PINTO, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    This is the best way to burn some calories, Whole day sitting and gossiping will not be enough.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [298] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Mr.Himesh..Please go and check your mother & sisters saree first,If you think women who protest here are looking vulgar,then definitely your mother and sisters look vulgar in sarees.

    DisAgree [60] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • razak, mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012


    DisAgree [251] Agree [79] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sunil , mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Jude, Mangalore, I am also addicted. But daily I never miss any comments from Rakesh shetty.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [99] Reply Report Abuse

  • C Sharath, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Uncle galu officalli...auntigalu beedhiyalli...:)

    DisAgree [13] Agree [198] Reply Report Abuse

  • Stanly Rodrigues , Bantwal/Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Do they really know what they are talking about? Ignorant man doesn’t know that he is ignorant! These people are in the same line. Because their own people are in the custody they are taking these processions, if they were at large no one would have bothered to get to the roads during this monsoon season. Why the same members of Jagrutha Hindu Mahila Vedike didn’t condemn the pornogate incident that took place in the assembly? Why don’t they speak about their own BJP members caught in the prostitution racket? Shame, shame, ignorance and lack of education can cause lot of damage to the society.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [148] Reply Report Abuse

  • R Rodrigues, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    I wonder how much these senseless ladies were paid, for protesting like this. What culture are we talking about? Beating up guys/girls for partying? Hurting and molesting girls? I wish these shameless ladies would have thought about their daughters, granddaughters before joining a stupid protest like this one. Having such people around us can only end up polluting the environment and destruction of peace in our societies. BAN on such organizations is a must. These ladies are more bothered about the youngsters decently partying but I did not see any of these commenting or protesting about the BJP leaders involved in prostitution.
    @Rakesh Shetty: HMV and HJV is nothing but HIV. IT’S A DISEASE. Take care and get well soon.

    DisAgree [14] Agree [201] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joe Britto, Nakre/Bangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    These women are obviously ignorant that Rani Abbakka a Jain was tolerant & her Administration army represented people of all sects & castes.
    What social fabric and culture of Mangalore do these women wish to preserve?
    In this changing world it is not economic power that is important.Culture it is that makes us a rich people.
    This cultural background is a mixture of popular philosophy , tradition, history , myth and legend . The Educated and illiterate share this background .
    The old epics of Mahabhartha and Ramayana and other books are widely known among the masses and every incident and moral in them was engraved on the popular mind and gave a richness and content to it. Illiterate villagers knew hundreds of verses by heart and none would ever imagine that they knew neither to read nor write. Even non Hindus were fortunate to know the Mahabharata & Ramayana.

    Today, Mangloreans are seen all over the world and to be active in Society and all spheres of life . Indeed we are well known for advocating the best Education not just for our children but all youngsters irrespective of communities. People of all states and even foreigners flock to Mangalore /Udupi to study in our Institutes and understand our culture.
    Do we want them to shun Mangalore ?
    In todays' global village where no one can stay aloof, we need to move on & exhibit a spirit of tolerance & not of blind , narrow superstitious intolerance.
    The Mahatma’s aim was freedom from slavery to wipe way everyone tears ,intellectual freedom , freedom from all chains and imaginary boundaries of class , creed and religion.
    Let us recall the famous words Of Tagore:

    “ Where the mind is without fear and the head held high ,
    Where knowledge is free ………
    We earnestly appeal to EVERY Manglorean in India and abroad to voice their opinion and ensure that these silly misgivings are not fought on the streets of Mangalore.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [167] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sourya Prakasha, PERMUDE

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Congrat ! Jagrutha Hindu Mahila Vedike got quick registration !

    South Indias Dukhtaran e Millat
    One more Vedike to get traffic Jams in Mangalore.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [83] Reply Report Abuse

  • Abu Safwan, Al Khobar

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    JHMV... Good work... Please protest and fight until all the pubs, beer bars and dance bars, spa, massage centers close.

    Bring a strict dress code to all girls and ladies. All Should wear loose salwar kamees and head should covered with duppatta.

    Wearing saree should be banned. coz u can see the stomach of some ladies wearing saree in the pic.

    If ladies want to wear saree then they should wear burka.

    DisAgree [40] Agree [227] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jude, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    I am addicted to two things in life. 1) Facebook
    2) Daijiworld.
    There is no single day I have not opened these website.
    Daiji Team you guys rock... Great coverage

    DisAgree [14] Agree [182] Reply Report Abuse

  • Manish Shetty, Derebail/Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    World's first ladies branch of Taliban.

    DisAgree [14] Agree [239] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roshan, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Rani Abbakka would have thrashed the boys who attacked. Instead of coming in support of the girls these people are coming in support of intruders. Its a shame on them and sure no civilized and progressive women will ever support such organization.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [230] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vijay D'Souza, Kanajar/UK

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Dear ill-informed protestors do not let yourselves to be misled by opportunistic political groups. If possible open your children or grandchildren’s textbooks to know about fundamental rights and duties of each citizen of India.
    The fundamental rights guarantee six freedoms, which are available only to citizens of India.]These include the freedom of speech and expression, freedom of assembly, freedom of association without arms, freedom of movement throughout the territory of India, freedom to reside and settle in any part of the country of India and the freedom to practice any profession. When the constitution of the land has given this freedom to a citizen they don’t have to buy their freedom from any groups.
    The fundamental rights obligate all Indians to promote the spirit of common brotherhood and abjure violence. Now dear protectors of culture of the land kindly abide by the laws laid down by constitution and do not encroach your fellow citizens freedom.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [139] Reply Report Abuse

  • Varun, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Citizens of India,

    If you are against moral policing the least you and I can do is to sign the following petition against
    the hooliganism that has been taking place in the
    Dakshin Kannada district.
    Please go through the petition sign it if you agree. It takes only 2 mins but will make a world of difference.

    P.S - Let it go Viral

    Thank You

    DisAgree [3] Agree [78] Reply Report Abuse

  • macho, MOODBIDRI

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Ladies are busy talking "INI KACHPU YENCHINA", look at some of the photos they are busy in their own world

    DisAgree [4] Agree [63] Reply Report Abuse

  • anoop, mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Mangalore girls will chase you old BJP agents like 'vanake obavva' in Indian style.. Mind your business..

    DisAgree [11] Agree [113] Reply Report Abuse

  • Himesh, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Some women's Sari is more vulgar than Home stay Birthday girls..! "Bachhe, pehle maa baap ka nakal karna siktehe"

    DisAgree [24] Agree [189] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Aug 08 2012


    DisAgree [125] Agree [47] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jude , Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    I have a strong feeling that these Aunties are related to those goons who had attacked the birthday party...

    DisAgree [17] Agree [238] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dr S Kamath , Mumbai

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Mangalore women are well known for decency and as protogonists of Indian Culture .Even Tippu Sultan used to respect with high regard because of this .Acting in Films is not indecency .Both Aishwarya Rai and Shilpa Shetty are highly respected in Bollywood for their cultural affiliations not like Rakhi Sawant .Good work Jagrutha Hindu Mahila Vedike Keep it up

    DisAgree [230] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rakesh, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Very true!!!

    DisAgree [144] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Dear Ladies,

    Why dont you carry out a similar protest against the BJP leaders who were arrested in sex racket and prostitution. Is it Indian culture....If you dont protest, then I should say that all women protestors above endorse what their leaders are doing in sex scandals and they too are a part of prostitution racket,actively or passively.. thats the message...

    DisAgree [28] Agree [289] Reply Report Abuse

  • kumar, MUdigere

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Rid hima rai, Mangalore...well done propper reply to all the comments Below & above which are about to get collect :) Three Cheers... Sorry mooru Santhosha )

    DisAgree [8] Agree [50] Reply Report Abuse

  • naveen, udupi

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    well said akshatha shetty....

    DisAgree [75] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dr Ryan Fernandes, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Im sure nobody even knew that a "Hindu Mahila Vedike" existed till this so called protest march was taken. So this is nothing but a publicity stunt. Well done, atleast you got some publicity even though you have no idea as to what you are fighting for!

    DisAgree [13] Agree [172] Reply Report Abuse

  • anup, mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Hey old BJP ladies, can you read those posters??? Educate yourselves, stop misleading..

    DisAgree [9] Agree [132] Reply Report Abuse

  • Melroy D'souza, Udupi / UAE

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    WOW.. HMV just woke up as well! It's just getting interesting.

    Rather than taking actions against the activist's and putting them behind bars forever, I don't understand why there is a new drama being created now.

    When you cant afford to celebrate birthday parties outside, that's when all this happens. Who on earth are you to tell us how do we celebrate our birthday parties, we decide what we want and we will continue doing it!

    And how can you point fingers at girls working in BPO & Call Centres, just cause they work in the night does not mean they are indulging in sex & drugs! Get a life for once..Be happy that these girls are supporting their families and are having a job!

    If such protests are allowed and if this continues, very soon all projects will be taken off from Managalore and then all of you together can work in the day time i.e 9 to 6 and beg on the streets totally covered as per your culture and celebrate birthday on the streets.(and buy a cake then if you can afford)

    DisAgree [15] Agree [137] Reply Report Abuse

  • Deepak, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Ms Prasannaravi can you provide any proof or document regarding illegal activities in morning mist home stay. Is celebrating the birthday in home stay is a illegal activity ?

    DisAgree [11] Agree [162] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Attack on pubs, home stays etc. should happen frequently to put psychological fear among the culprits and to wake up the authorities to take action against illegal activities.

    DisAgree [106] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Bhandarkar., M

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Dear Rid Hima Rai
    Kyaa 'Rai'Diyaa Hai!
    Got rid of them with a snowy comment'(hima rai !)..A 'perfect dissection'of a 'picture perfect' presentation!
    Where were you ...I am sorry....!

    DisAgree [2] Agree [55] Reply Report Abuse

  • Melwyn, Mangalore/Dubai

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    1.What about BJP leaders prostituion racket??
    2. Why these women are not protesting on them.
    3. Why these protesting women are exposing their belly?
    4. These are Paid prosters by BJP leaders!

    DisAgree [10] Agree [192] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sania, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Its sad to see such organistaion are again misued by communal forces to justify recent attacks on women. JHMV .....Instead of protecting women rights, have gone out to speak for BJP & HJV. Why don't they also hold an poster saying they endorse the inhumane attack.very sad turn of events and have to appreciate BJP & HJV illegitimate way of salvaging the damage. ONE THING YOU ALL SHOULD REMMBER IS 'TRUTH WILL PREVAIL and WILL HAUNT YOU AND WHEN THE COMMUNAL FORCES DAUGHTERS & MOTHERS ARE MANHANDLED BY SO CALLED MORAL POLICE (LOOTERS).

    DisAgree [7] Agree [123] Reply Report Abuse

  • Royce, Abudhabi

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Lot of Vedike's In Mangalore. I think Karnatak Govt. should cancle Poilce Force and other security systme in state b'coz this kind of vedik's work without pay, traning. Our Govt. should think about this matter.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [132] Reply Report Abuse

  • suma, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Please stop advising as to what others should wear or do. Instead IF POSSIBLE try to control yourselves and your home... Hello!!! Madam holding the Placard "WE WANT OWN STAY and NOT HOME STAY" who has asked you to go to a home stay... you please stay at your home... why are you on a streets like this.. Why are you heartlessly trying to put down the students just because they were present at this unfortunate place.... Please stop this nonsense.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [160] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Excellent job...i am happy to see this ....Now i feel Managlore is safe...otherwise Hindus will have to run from Assam...Fight for the right.......Dont worry what Martin/Lobo/karim/rahim say ....Once again Hats off........we all support BJP whatever they are corrupt but not like Congress

    DisAgree [169] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    As per this vedike, they raised the religion version saying Queen Victoria and Abbaka.Comparing the two ladies they made mistake.If they talk abt drugs, sex etc, stop making BEEDI, it is also kind of drug,This ROAD SHOW IS ORGANISED BY ALL THOSE SENE CHIEF TO DIVERT THE ACTUAL INCIDENT,there will be many more morchas/road block/stikes etc in the name of CULTURE.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [115] Reply Report Abuse

  • Elvira, Bangalore/Dubai

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    BJP Leaders prostitution is allowed but birthday parties are not allowed. Who is she to tell what to do and what not to do?

    DisAgree [8] Agree [153] Reply Report Abuse

  • Antony Fernandes, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    This is what happens when there are many org in the place every org needs attention. Simply cannot understand why the great freedom fighters fought for country's Independence. Iam sure it would have been really good under Britisher's..... instead these goons & Org..... All these ladies who are protesting & talking abt culture what happened 02 days back news came abt prostitution & the people involved were some leaders of one the org. That time everything is ok... Double minded cheap people please wake up from ur sleep & just dont say it Hindu culture or any bulshit.... Iam sure same ladies will be in one of the theatres in Bharat Mall soon watching a Bollyhood movie & Miss Miss Akshata Shetty celebrating Valentine's / Friendship Day is not a Crime in any place neither it has anything to do with Culture. Please dont hurt ur own collegues, friends & neighbours. Moreover if you are talking abt culture then why were Western outfits, why there shld be Malls, Why Mc Donalds, why KFC in Mlore... There shld be only Indian Restuarants....... Send all these Western Restaurants out..... & protest against malls & then change people......... You can't do anything against them bcoz most of them belong to ur own org..... How can u do this???

    DisAgree [6] Agree [102] Reply Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Such radical and outdated views! They are trying to downgrade women. The Indian constitution gives everyone the right to celebrate, dance, enjoy. Who are these dictators to tell us whats to be done in a free India?

    DisAgree [7] Agree [105] Reply Report Abuse

  • anup, mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    All mindless political drama by BJP.

    I heard debate by Prasanna Ravi on TV on the day of home stay attack. She was sounding as if she was the main culprit behind attack supporting the goons. Being a lady shame on her.

    Well said Lathika Rao, Mangalore Dubai, In that case you must be confined to 4 walls and to be a slave and die with your husband.

    Mindless, cultureless and shameless creatures of BJP. What about prostitution racket run by your own lady of BJP????

    DisAgree [10] Agree [115] Reply Report Abuse

  • jasmina, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    is this a joke or something? Look at these ladies? all above 50 , I hope they know that we have reached 2012 and things are way more fast forward now.. If they are talking about culture, tehy should not be wearing choli's at all! That is not our culture too.. It was passed on from the British Regime.. in Older days women never wore choli!!

    DisAgree [11] Agree [107] Reply Report Abuse

  • jolvin, mumbai

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Good Move, but still this protestor may not heard about Rani Abbakka and surely Queen Victoria they heard. and its better HMV should learn more about Rani Abbakka.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [71] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rid hima rai, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Dear Rani Abbakkka descendants especially Akshatha shetty kindly understand that Shilpa shetty and aishwarya rai are also from the same land but y didn't u protest when they joined films and wore western clothes..take a rest are just sad because you are not invited to any of the parties and are stuck at home within four walls and are feeling frustrated that you can't enjoy and the rest are .and about the elderly women in this protest sorry but you are nearing menopause and having a mid life crisis trying to deal witn overweight and advancing age.dont take out your frustrations by protesting over some issue where your views make no sense at all.

    DisAgree [28] Agree [332] Reply Report Abuse

  • John D'Souza, Udupi

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Dear Members of JHM, please teach morality, good manners to your children, so that they be good citizens. Protesting does not serve the purpose.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [86] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shaila , Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Taking out procession like this is diverting the attention from the larger picture to instigating communalism. Dear descendents of Rani Abbakka, Why are you on the streets like this? This is not our culture.. You should remain confined to the four walls of your house. And dont advise as to what others should do or wear. I am sure half of them dont even know to read the placards they are holding and others may not know what protest actually they staging...

    DisAgree [8] Agree [88] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lancelot N Tauro, Manglore - Doha Qatar

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Welldone Mahila Jagrutha patha sanchalan. One day no meal at home for the children. Ladies are holding placards like down down sex mafia. Yesterday only they were caught by the police and confirmed immoral activits are from BJP. Continue your protest and try to lock that apartment.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [80] Reply Report Abuse

  • Amin Bhoja, Patte / Riyadh

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    It looks like Morning Mist became a kind of full steam in Mangalore.Birthday celebration, drug mafia,sex racket and finally the protests. etc....Now it is a question to everybody who is the masters behind all of this,a politician,a political party or the Mafia.May be a connection of All?.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [60] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mitwa, Sharjah

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Why no protest against those BJP leaders who were caught red-handed by police for running prostitution racket recently ??

    Anyways, look at people sitting on the dais.. they are looking so confused.. and want to go home..

    DisAgree [8] Agree [96] Reply Report Abuse

  • Stephen, mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    @ Rakesh shetty, mangalore
    you want to put an end to rave party, home stay, western culture etc... but, why not viewing porn video in parliament, prostitution racket by BJP leaders, attack on girls ???

    Is Hindu Mahila Vedike going to protest against this also???

    This circus is just to divert people's attention from last weeks resort attack nothing else... just ask few questions about Rani Abbakka to these ladies, let them answer for that first...!!!

    DisAgree [9] Agree [91] Reply Report Abuse

  • prakash, mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    nothing could be more disastrous to the cause of freedom than diverting the public gaze from the main issue. The main issue is one of brutality committed in the name of so called culture. Mangalore is beyond redemption as far as secularism and modernity is concerned. This rally has yet again exposed/proved that saffron brigade can always find buyers for its hate campaign.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [63] Reply Report Abuse

  • Samuel, USA

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Why there is no single slogan againt the guys who beat & brutally assaulted the women's .... ( What abt liquor, cigarettes , bar's - this are not spoiling young generation..? )

    DisAgree [9] Agree [75] Reply Report Abuse

  • Aham, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Look at some aunty's cloths..! they protesting against culture and modern dress of girls...!!???

    DisAgree [12] Agree [84] Reply Report Abuse

  • Michael, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    I pity this poor women who are taking the streets. We should ask a few whether they would support the thugs who molested supposed descendents of queen victoria. Today it is very easy to buy some crowd and conduct a protest for anything. This is just an example of protest-for-hire. I was hoping the same women to be seen on a protest against ministers watching porn in the parliament. I guess it is part of our rich DK culture.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [69] Reply Report Abuse

  • R Pillai, manipal

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    All Mangalore youth now flooding to Manipal to party on weekends. We do not need anymore locals in Manipal. We have enough locals here itself who are already a menace to the international students studying here. Wherever there are S. Kanara locals involved, there is problem like fights, drug dealing, and driving very fast on the roads, and political interference. Please be in Mangalore and party in your own hometown.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [66] Reply Report Abuse

  • sunil, mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    jai shivaji

    DisAgree [52] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Prashanth, Mangalore, Dubai

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    All are above 50... no support from youth.... dear ladies first tell your boys to quit drinking and smoking.... send them to school instead of sending them to kachara vedikes...

    DisAgree [9] Agree [100] Reply Report Abuse

  • joe, dubai,puttur

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    You can clearly see the retired ladies who can only conduct this type rally through words of dirty politians.Jai hooo no future for mangalore.....

    DisAgree [8] Agree [75] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shammi, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    see all above 50, how could they enjoy in HOME STAY

    DisAgree [14] Agree [117] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dinesh Poojary, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Good movement by Mahila Vedike. Nice job done.

    We need to root out bad western culture from our state. Portuguese are spoiling our religion and culture.

    DisAgree [149] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Noel, Dubai-Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    There is a big culprit behind this protest catch that politician first and hang him this protest is not valid why the hell this protest when they are in the same boat, when they have done a great mistake other day where innocent boys and girls were molested it was done by Hindus and today again they want to cover it up just by doing the protest what a joke anything can happen on this land bullshit.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [56] Reply Report Abuse

  • jeevan, mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Look at the few ladies who are holding placards written in English..I doubt they even know to read those words FIRST TELL ME DO YOU KNOW ENGLISH PROPERLY ???????

    DisAgree [9] Agree [79] Reply Report Abuse

  • Gayathri, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Where was these ladies when model Poonam pande given her nude photo to Internation it our culture?Why u didn't protest?

    DisAgree [9] Agree [77] Reply Report Abuse

  • McQueen, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Dear "Jagruthi" peoples, while you have your right to protest, PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THE PEOPLE WHO WENT TO TEACH 'CULTURE' TO THE BOYS AND GIRLS AT THE HOME STAY, STOLE...I REPEAT STOLE ITEMS OF PERSONAL NATURE- jackets, mobiles etc...
    Please condemn stealing , at least! Or is it "your" culture to steal too?
    And if placing hands on girls at objectionable places, and slapping them is your culture, then SHAME ON YOU!

    DisAgree [9] Agree [85] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roshith, Padubidri/Muscat

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Now onwards daily protest will come from Different political party’s up to may'13 after that these people will disappear.They will bring people from village and they will enjoy like one day picnic.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [54] Reply Report Abuse

  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012







    DisAgree [285] Agree [43] Reply Report Abuse

  • praveen shetty, padil

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    hey guys do u think dis croud came to protest in dis 75% peoples are using dis road for their daily walk and al dey just watching what this uneducated ladies were shouting first of al they only dont no the culture they are going to teach others bulshitt.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [72] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sadanand, Surathkal

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    I hope the so called children of Rani Abbakka are aware of the recent areest of prominent BJP members (ladies & gents) engaged in sex trade at Pandeshwara Mangalore.First learn to clean your own home.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [87] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dolphy, Bangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    The Descendents of Rani Abbakka want the same English used by Queen Victoria... Look at the holdings those are in English... Contradicting :)

    DisAgree [5] Agree [85] Reply Report Abuse

  • SA, Mlore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Looks like frustrated aunties out there.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [72] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Bhandarkar., M

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Please do not bring Rani Abakka, Queen Victoria, Margaret Thatcher, Tara Bai, Madhuri
    into all this.They have/are doing
    what they thought was best in their times and succeeded.
    Have your own Agenda
    Based on sound Funda
    Jai Hind, Jai Karnataka...

    DisAgree [2] Agree [71] Reply Report Abuse

  • india, india

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    How much will these ladies get paid for doing this protest.

    Mr. Rakesh Shetty have you taken the contract to stop all the illegal activities in the state if yes stop all the corruptions taking place in political parties, govt departments go and protest for those cause.

    Don simply give your cheap comments in daiji.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [71] Reply Report Abuse

  • Indian, mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    kindly learn to be women first then you can be abbakkas and people look more of rowdy ranis now..

    DisAgree [6] Agree [70] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Big question is which VEDIKE into protest next in line? my god BJP has so many wings.
    They are falling into their own trap, eveident is recent sex racket burst.


    DisAgree [4] Agree [63] Reply Report Abuse

  • Indian, mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Dear Ladies,

    If thats so kindly stay at home and dont leave your daughters to go to schools and colleges,adopt sati,adopt all practices of that old age..anyways you people dont care as your time is over to do go out have fun with friends celebrate birthdays etc..and please remember one thing...women were tortured there at Padil and if at all you people have a little shame also dont support the goondas from whom you have taken money to do all this comes once,live it and let others live it too.poking nose into others life now and then is just rowdism and everyday we see so how life of rowdies ends.Most importantly I do agree Mangalore and Manipal are one of the hot markets of drugs but dont relate everything to drugs and sex..maybe those are the only things that your lives revolve around but not all ours

    DisAgree [5] Agree [68] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sanjeev Kamath, Udupi / Bahrain

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Penultimate photo: "Undu Abbakka yer? Ninna sari yedde undu vol getondini?"

    DisAgree [7] Agree [88] Reply Report Abuse

  • Aboobakar , Bantwal

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Nice to see our sisters march but missing a Play card against BJP sponsored Malpe rave party.Against sex clip watched BJP MLA's ,Indian girl Poonam pande for her nude picture to a playboy magazine,aginst half naked films, against hard core sex actress Sunny leon entry in Indain film Industry.
    For the hour need to raise a voice against above issues to save our sisters and our great culture.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [74] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anthony Lobo, Bangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    It is a shame to people of Mangalore, specially to wemen who justify the attack on the girls, and justify the attackers.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [71] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh Gonsalves, Mangalore / Cairo

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Why these Abba's didnt protest when 5 of thier sons were caught smoking & possessing ganja in Shaktinagar recently?

    DisAgree [9] Agree [81] Reply Report Abuse

  • jeevan, mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

     I appreciate Today HMV fight against sex and drugs mafia. Jai ho HMV

    DisAgree [74] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Aloka Nath, Bengaluru

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    It is difficult to understand these so called supporters of Moral brigade. They should have sympathised with the victims. These are the ones who betrayed Abbakka to Portugese and adopted Queen Victoria. These were the kind of people who opposed Raja Ram Mohan Roy who brought in anti-sathi rules and these were the type of people who opposed abolition of Devadasi system saying that this was our culture practiced for years.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [79] Reply Report Abuse

  • Bapu Gunda, Padil

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Srimati Prasanna Ravi, does your culture tell your men to go and molest and harass girls??
    First answer this, then we can decide whether to support you or not.
    This is all cheap publicity. All these so-called Samithis and Vedikes are run by chillar thugs who want to enter into politics.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [80] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mrafi Mangalore Dubai, India

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Counter agitation paid by BJP & So called goons . Show the all placards to your bellowed husband & Children .Let they learn from your blood. Shame on you as a so called mother.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [61] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh, manglore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    ..Wow Mr.Naveen shetty, now it is paid protest..what u think abt earlier protest..everybody knows who is behind on the protest which took all these it is somebodies turn..

    DisAgree [22] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • Latheef, Mangalore/Dubai

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Look at the banner "Brahath Pratibatane" hehehe only 20 protestors and 30 police and rest 50 silent specters (aam AAdmi) Rofl ....Bolo Bharath Maatha Ki Jai.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [67] Reply Report Abuse

  • naveen, udupi

    Wed, Aug 08 2012


    DisAgree [59] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • jeevan, mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    AWAKE & ARISE NOT STOP TILL WE REACH THE GOAL - PLEASE FIGHT against drug and sex mafia in mangalore and this is the need of the hour. Jai ho Bharath Mata

    DisAgree [59] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mahesh Shetty, Puttur/Dubai

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Shame on all these women, they are sin in the name of Women, they protest against those girls who are beaten up black and blue. What culture you talk about, why you are holding placards return in English, that language belongs to Queen Victoria. Why you use the automatic umbrellas use "Korambu", look at their faces, look similar to those terrorists who are in Jail. One day such things will happen in your home you will understand.

    DisAgree [15] Agree [123] Reply Report Abuse

  • Percy , mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Whom these ladies are supporting? the girls who are effected or the boys who man handled them.
    How many Vedikes are there in Mangalore? Is there is any requirment for registration of organistions.
    What good they are doing for society? only strike and bandh?
    Our democratic system reached to extremity.This is too bad for our civil society.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh, mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    ...Kudos...good move..equally balanced protest..keep it up...who oppose attacks, should also condemn the suspecious activties of so called students..But, some never did because of hidden agenda..

    DisAgree [19] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh Gonsalves, Mangalore / Cairo

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Dear Aunties,
    Nobody is interested to attend your birthday party. Please see to it that your own daughters dont fall prey to these substances. For others, their parents are there to advise, no need of your HJV, HIV etc.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rakesh shetty, mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012





    DisAgree [485] Agree [91] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lathika Rao, Mangalore Dubai

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Dear children of Rani Abbakka, yes your culture is not to take procession but remain within the four walls of your own home. Follow Sati, dont be educated - teach your girls only to cook and be slaves of husbands. Instead of protecting the identity of women, you are useless creatures bought by the HJV thugs. Shame on you.

    DisAgree [41] Agree [381] Reply Report Abuse

  • John Anthony, Mangalore / Qatar

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    It is free for all now. Any one and every one will stage a dharna and a counter dharna. Who is anybody to tell us what we should do and how we should behave and how we should celebrate our birthdays. Something is seriously wrong. Children are not our slaves, and they too know their responsiblities. We dont need Srimati Prasanna Ravi to tell us what to do and how to do...Thank you and please go home

    DisAgree [30] Agree [266] Reply Report Abuse

  • Naveen Shetty, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Paid protest. Some people are trying to raise the communal tension before the state elections. Look at the few ladies who are holding placards written in English..I doubt they even know to read those words. BJP is behind these protests.

    DisAgree [59] Agree [377] Reply Report Abuse

  • Amith, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 08 2012

    Well done Jagrutha Hindu Mahila Vedike

    DisAgree [348] Agree [68] Reply Report Abuse

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Title: Mangalore Girls Descendents of Rani Abbakka, Not Queen Victoria - Hindu Mahila Vedike

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