Media Release
Mangalore, May 17: Nowadays electricity plays a very important role in our life. Due to increase in population the power generation is not sufficient to fulfill our requirements. Hence, it is essential to generate electricity using new technologies. When a vehicle is in motion, it produces various forms of energy due to friction. This energy can be utilized to produce electricity.

Ganesh Prasad, Jithesh Kumar, Sneharaj Kalmady, and Sukesha Suvarna K of department of electrical and electronics engineering of NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte, have developed a prototype to produce ‘electricity from speed breaker’ under the guidance of Prof K Vasudev Shettigar, HOD, department of electrical and electronics engineering. They converted the kinetic energy of a vehicle moving over the speed breaker to mechanical energy using crank-shaft mechanism and this mechanical energy is used to rotate the electric dynamo to produce electricity. The generated electricity is stored in batteries and it can be used for street lights and traffic lights.
If this model is implemented on a busy highway, the generated electricity can help light up five lamps of 40W. The cost of implementation is only Rs 6,000. So, this method of electricity generation is most reliable and cheaper than any other method of electricity generation.