Mangalore: Play by Bejai Church Recreates Aura of Jesus Christ
Pics: Dayanand Kukkaje
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (NM)
Mangalore, Mar 26: As part of the forthcoming centenary celebrations of St Francis Xavier’s Church, Bejai, the Liturgical Choir, one of the clubs of the Church presented ‘Thi Nimaani Bara Voram’ (those final 12 hours), a mega Lenten play based on the life, love, and passion of Christ at Lourdes Central School ground, Bejai on Sunday March 25.
Parishioner Frank Martin Lobo, popular violinist and co-founder of Xavier Education Trust was honoured for his remarkable service to Church choir and music in general.
Konkani poet Melvyn Rodrigues of Bejai Parish, who was recently conferred with the prestigious Kendra Sahitya Academy Award for his collection of poetry, ‘Prakratiso Paas’ too was honored during the occasion for his stupendous achievements in the field of Konkani literature.

After felicitating the two eminent achievers with shawl, citation and memento, Rev Dr Aloysius Paul D'Souza, Bishop of Mangalore in his speech, congratulated the awardees for achieving distinct heights in their respective fields.
He pointed out the efforts of the popularly known, FM Lobo (Frank Martin Lobo) and his enthusiasm towards music and church choir. He also lauded Melvyn Rodrigues for his work in the Konkani literature. He mentioned the distinct ability of the poet, his choice of words in the work and his craftsmanship; he also appreciated his attempt to start ‘Kavita fest’ and thus creating platform to encourage young minds.
He thanked both the awardees for their contributions to the Konkani culture. ‘The entire diocese appreciates their endeavor to enrich and strengthen language' he said.
He also honored the writer, composer and music director of the show, ‘Sangeeth Guru’ fame Joel Pereira and in the speech lauded his efforts to put up such wondrous show.
During the inaugural ceremony, Clarence Pinto Padil, the director and special advisor of the play, Adolphus Coutinha, popularly known as Dolla too were felicitated on the occasion. Fr Victor Machado, the parish priest of the church was thanked for his spiritual direction.
The show, enacted on nine stages by around 150 artiste mainly of Bejai parish, was of 2 hours 20 minutes.
Fr Victor Machado, parish priest welcomed the gathering, Convener of the show Oswald Valento thanked all who were present, Ivy compered the entire program.
Fr Ferdinand Gonsalves, the principal of Lourdes Central School was thanked for his support and for providing the venue for the show.
Dr Edward Nazareth, vice-chairman, MCC Bank, was the guest of honour during the inaugural ceremony. Augustine Rodrigues, the vice-president of parish council was among others present on the dais.