UAE: Rajiv Kamat Elected President of Amchigele Samaj
Shodhan Prasad
Daijiworld Media Network - Dubai
Dubai, Feb 16: The members of UAE Amchigele Samaj met recently and elected the new committee for the year 2012. The committee will be headed by Rajiv Kamat as its president.
With the increase in the number of programmes organized by the Samaj and the workload, it was decided to invite new like-minded members who can bring in their talent and expertise to the committee for its efficient working.

Core committee members
President - Rajiv Kamat
Vice-president - Shailesh Shenoy
Secretary - Pragati Shenoy
Joint secretary - Sunil M Shenoy (also media and communication)
Treasurer - Rekha Sujir Nayak
Joint treasurer - Nilesh Nadkarni
Cultural secretary - Geetha Nayak
Working committee members:
Ajith Nayak
Gopal Prabhu
Ganesh Bhat
Pradeep Kudva
Dr Sandeep Mallya
Nilesh Nadkarni
Anjana Kamath
Advisory committee members:
Anil Kamath
It may be noted that women members have come to the forefront which is a positive sign for the ladies in the community, and the Samaj hopes that the same continues to be the case in the years to come.

As per the president, the committee will continue to strive to unite all Amchigele Samaj Bhandhavas on a common platform and expect wholehearted co-operation and support of all members as well. He said, "We intend to strengthen our volunteer core group of the Samaj, which would give its wholehearted support to the Samaj committee and its members in all its activities to make the programmes a grand success."
The new committee thanked the previous committee members for the excellent work that they have done for the Samaj and also for raising it to such great heights, and to all the Samaj members and sponsors who contributed in its success. The new committee requests every member to interact on email id with their constructive suggestions and comments which would help them to grow.