Dubai: AED 15,000 Debt Led Family to Suicide?

Dubai, Jan 16 (Emirates 24 x 7): An Indian couple who decided to commit a suicide in Dubai murdered their seven-year-old daughter by strangling her with a pillow before embarking on their attempt that ended up in the death of the husband and the survival of his wife, according to a senior police officer.

The 35-year-old wife, who is bed-ridden in hospital after slashing her veins, told police that she had helped her husband, Rajesh, in killing their daughter before their suicide attempt at their flat in Bur Dubai.

“During a brief interrogation at hospital, the woman confessed that she grabbed her daughter’s hands and paralyzed her movement…her father then put a pillow on her face and strangled her to death,” said Brigadier Khalil Ibrahim Al Mansoori, director of Dubai’s criminal investigation department.

Earlier yesterday, cryptic clues began emerging in the mysterious family suicide in Dubai over the weekend.

Quoted by the Dubai-based Arabic language daily 'Emarat Al Youm', he said police found two letters left by the husband, one of which he explained why he had decided to commit a suicide.

“He said the decision was a result of a dispute with an old friend at a company where they had both worked and that he was insulted by his friend over a debt of Dh15,000,” Mansoori said.

“He wrote that he had felt very upset and weak because of this problem and that he totally lost his desire to love…he said his wife had the same feeling and hence they decided to end their life and their daughter’s life.”

After a report from relatives, police broke into Rajesh’s apartment on Saturday and found him hanging from the ceiling. His daughter was found dead in her room while his wife was screaming hysterically in the bathroom after slashing her wrist veins.

 Rijesh, family suicide victim, had his mouth taped shut

The mystery surrounding the Indian family suicide in Bur Dubai has taken yet another turn, as the deceased father, Rijesh, found dead hanging from the ceiling fan, reportedly had masking tape over his mouth.

It is not clear whether Rijesh himself taped his own mouth as his hands were free.

Meanwhile, his former employer, PN, could not be contacted for comments. One of his office staff confirmed Rijesh had worked as an office administrator but left the company about four to five months ago.

Rijesh's daughter was a victim in the tragedy, but his wife survived. She continues to remain in semi-conscious state in hosiptal and responds when she is called by her name.

She was found with cuts to her wrists in a semi-conscious state in the family's bathroom. The investigation is waiting for her to recover so she could explain what happened in the flat on the fateful 14th January.

The suicide note found at the scene clearly blames Rijesh's former sponsor over some issues. His former employer is a well-known figure in the Indian community.



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  • Mohan Mangalath, KSA

    Thu, Jan 19 2012

    However the lady is recovering in hospital. so wait the truth will be coming out. this their decesion or somebody forced.

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  • Shilpa, Mangalore/Dubai

    Tue, Jan 17 2012

    Dear Leslie,
    I can understand your sentiments towards the mother . But i would like to say SUICIDE is not the solution for her problems and any mother would not kill thier child in such a manner even if there is a strong cause to do so !..What was the child' mistake ?!.for no mistake of hers she had to loose her life in the hands of her own parents !!..God please forgive them !...thats what i can ask God at this moment when i know that there is no escape from the laws of the UAE govt !

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  • Sachidanand Shetty, Mundkur/Dubai

    Tue, Jan 17 2012

    If you believe in rebirth, it is believed that birth in Human kind is the outcome of so many good works and good living in previous life. When you lead good life in Human kind we will get “Moksha” But when you commit suicide means you are falling back to base level again. Those were gone is gone forever. But we all should know how to live with our own available resources so that it will not hurt the life of others who are depending on you and person concerned too. Here in Gulf Countries we have so many Social Cultural Centers to tender their services without any hesitation. Please consult those Centers before one should take drastic decision

    DisAgree [2] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Evans Christopher Sumitra, Udupi/New York, USA

    Tue, Jan 17 2012

    It is foolishness on part of Rajesh and his wife to help in killing their seven year daughter. Rajesh also killed himself by hanging and his wife is bed ridden after slashing her veins. Just for AED 15,000 debt they had to take such a step. There something more than that and his wife can put some light and the facts will be revealed.May their soul rest in peace.

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  • Manoj, U.A.E

    Tue, Jan 17 2012

    Dhs 15000/- cannot be a big deal for Rejesh who was found hanged since the rents in Dubai are still quite high and he was living in same building for 4 years. If he had a financial problem he would have moved to sharjah .Next the question of company provided accom will not arise since he was just a office administrator. Also in one of the newspaper its given that he had recently purchased a new car and also put up the foundation stone for a house to be built. Any financial problem person will not go for all these activities.

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  • Louis, Kuwait

    Mon, Jan 16 2012

    So many of you from Dubai have expressed your opinion. If any one has some knowledge of his old sponcer, kindly write his name here. We like to know who is it? So much greedy for the money. That too just for 170,000/= it's just one months salary. How can he abuse in such a way that the family is forced to end their life. why the sponcers name is not published. Once the investigation is over truth will come out. Weather it's suicide or murder.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Mon, Jan 16 2012

    Dear Readers. Those who feel their work place is hell and leads themselves to mental suppression and depression pls read Dr S Kamath , Mumbai comments.
    Dear Secure, Dubai.Please dont stay in that place .It hasbeen found by research that both suicide or Murder most of the times are as result of some provocation .It has also been proved that once you just stay away from such person,place and /situtation you will get better and better options thoughts as to how you can make your life better .By being known as belonging to the same native place or being a wife etc are additionals risks as you are a soft target .Just leave that place .Pray God I too pray for you.
    TOO TOO Good. Dr. Kamath, this thought of yours should be read by people whose work place really kills them mentally.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jerry Moras, Canada

    Mon, Jan 16 2012

    Blame has to be on professional slavery in the Middle East. It is time guys to return to India. Many of us have got block in our minds going to Middle East makes us rich - quick money. Not true anymore.

    A kulie makes in India minimum rs. 250.00 per day. Mason makes Rs. 450.00 and calculate per month how much that comes to ?? Work on your oown times. Come for work at 9.30 am and leave by 4.30 pm.

    In the middle east slavery starts at 6.30 am and need to get up at 5.00 am to leave labour camps. Open your eyes, it is times for us to open our eyes and return to India and find work in India. Stress can be reduced as I did suffer in Middle East. My passport was also with employer (who is again Indian). Our own people will manipulate and use you....Be not the victim. Time to think twice. Money is not everything. Stop worrying about tomorrow and think for today. Be happy with whatever you have.

    Again if you go down to India, don't show off. Leave within your budget. Don't borrow money if you can't earn. Don't even party and feed the people of you can't earn that money and end up in suicide.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Mon, Jan 16 2012

    This suicide case still is a mystery , in spite of the suicide note.

    Only wife will be able to tell the real truth.

    His previous boss who came to his flat along with 2 associates might be the suspect. Possibly under tremendous pressure to save the life of his child, father might have written a suicide note. Then this tragic incident has taken place. One of the possibility.

    As both husband and wife are working, for Dhs. 15,000 suicide is highly impossible. Previous boss is their family friend and common friend could have been worked as a mediator and settled the issue.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Mon, Jan 16 2012

    Dear Dr S Kamath , Mumbai.

    With regard to Periera Bombay suicide case, it is only police had said it is suicide.
    But if one will read the full coverage appeared in one of prominent news paper webpage, there is only 2 hrs from his arrival from the air port to suicide time.
    Secondly, suicide timing was at morning.
    third, the rope used is 6 mtr long, where he will find at early morning
    4. His baggage is missing.
    All this will lead to the conclusion that Periera's death can be a murder by looters.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Santhosh Devadiga, RUWI, Muscat

    Mon, Jan 16 2012

    AED 15K can not be a single reason May be other serious financial crisis also. Why other family members kept quite ?????.

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  • Dr S Kamath , Mumbai

    Mon, Jan 16 2012

    Dear Leslie Fernandes, Dutco, Dubai.I liked your comments .God bless you with long life and health .That lady is a victim of circumstances ,Rajesh also got messed up due to severe problems .In China during Mao s attacks Millions died due to his military attack but another millions died due to induced poverty ,loss of land,loss or loss of businesses leading to suicide .All these deaths havebeen atributed to Maos killings.In Indian law also if there is a suicide note then abettment to suicide will be considered and the person responsible will be prosecuted .

    DisAgree [1] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Leslie Fernandes, Dutco, Dubai

    Mon, Jan 16 2012

    Dear Manoj, Jaimini, Shilpa,

    While your sentiments against the steps taken by the parents is understandable, let us not speculate on the likely causes. FACTS ARE SACRED BUT COMMENTS ARE FREE. Let the investigating authorities bring out the absolute truth. Any mother will not end the life of her child like this without any strong cause. Let us try to fathom the violent moments this unlucky family went through that fateful evening and be compassionate to the lady. She has already gone through more punishment than any court on earth can deliver.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Manoj, U.A.E

    Mon, Jan 16 2012

    Its is given in the papers that the ex boss took away his laptop which may contain many of his dark secrets which if comes out would be disgusting for Rejesh hence he thought of ending his life.

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  • Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah

    Mon, Jan 16 2012

    Wife is recovering at Hospital and TRUTH will come out soon.Generally, Parents die for their children,they do whatever they can do to save their children from the trouble.But here child died because of Parents.Hope mother will be jailed(whatever be the emotional issue)for killing her own daughter.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dr S Kamath , Mumbai

    Mon, Jan 16 2012

    There is another Indian hanging case due to cancelled Visa from Dubai .He is Mr Periera at Mumbai Airport

    DisAgree [7] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Karan Pinto, katapadi/Dubai

    Mon, Jan 16 2012

    Biggest problem in UAE is harrassment from the Boss/Owner where people work. They cannot change the job so easily in UAE as they need release letter etc. Many people get upset over their job/salary/leave/overload of work etc.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [38] Reply Report Abuse

  • Alex, Mangalore

    Mon, Jan 16 2012

    There are so many loose ends for this case.
    Love triangle can be another one. Why the lady tried to cut her wrists later, if she has not joined her husband in joint suicide.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dr S Kamath , Mumbai

    Mon, Jan 16 2012

    Dear Secure, Dubai.Please dont stay in that place .It hasbeen found by research that both suicide or Murder most of the times are as result of some provocation .It has also been proved that once you just stay away from such person,place and /situtation you will get better and better options thoughts as to how you can make your life better .By being known as belonging to the same native place or being a wife etc are additionals risks as you are a soft target .Just leave that place .Pray God I too pray for you

    DisAgree [3] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shilpa, Mangalore / Dubai

    Mon, Jan 16 2012

    Really , its a big shame !...These kind of people are disgrace to the Indian community living abroad !!...just look at the innocent face of the young girl! can parents kill thier own daughter in such a manner...Horrible !...Good! mother survived !..God has given her life so that she could be punished for committing such a coward act !

    DisAgree [4] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • deepak kumar, Indian

    Mon, Jan 16 2012

    Financial problem and harassment by the boss CANNOT result in suicide .
    Suicide is a weak person's thought of easy escapade.
    If u do not like u r Mangalorean boss , no one is forcing u to continue working for him!!. Look for a change or go back to Mangalore.
    If he does not agree to release u , then approach the Cops !!

    There is a solution for every problem !!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • irfan ahmed, Kolkata

    Mon, Jan 16 2012

    I still cannot understand why his former employee is still left to roam in India. He should be brought here and interrogated,as for well known figure of his boss, let him belong to Forbes 500 list, but law is law, no matter how big someone is or how small someone si.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • Yane, Kudla

    Mon, Jan 16 2012

    Very sad moment, this might really disturb every Indian and especially those in the UAE. What to do we all Indian the biggest problem with us is the EGO, though we never accept it, we just want to be different and show to others even when we get in to a small restaurant, what and to whom we are trying to show and prove?? In this case, what ever the reason, I am sure the effective governance at that country would def bring out the facts unlike in India where this can take ages. Whatever the actual reason the lady who survived needs to be punished to the maximum if found guilty of killing such a poor child who is only 6 years old, this in fact a shock for me how could some one kill innocent face like the one here. Sad, very sad.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • Secure, Dubai

    Mon, Jan 16 2012

    Financial problem and harassment by the boss could be the result for suicide, even my boss many times harassing for small issues which i feel like he is slapping me.He is none other than a Mangalorean. What i noticed always that after suiciding people come to the help, before the attempt no one is willing to come forward any sort of help. World is fully corrupted.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [72] Reply Report Abuse

  • Harsha Malhotra, Mangalore/New Delhi

    Mon, Jan 16 2012

    our daily ritual starts with..may soul rest in peace...and not religious bhajans..!!

    DisAgree [5] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Deepak Kumar, Indian

    Mon, Jan 16 2012

    Something's fishy !! In the previous news it was informed that Rajish had brought a new house and a car in India. If it was a matter of 15,000 AED which is equal to 1,70,000 Indian rupees , im sure he would have sold his house and would have easily fetched the amount .
    Also the media stated that there was masking tape on his mouth .. This adds more doubt to the whole incident....

    Also his previous employee travelling to India in the morning and back to Dubai by the night flight !!!! This looks like a forcible travel to earn some concrete witness !!
    Hope truth is brought to light !!

    DisAgree [3] Agree [43] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Mon, Jan 16 2012

    I agree with Navin. AED 15,000/- may come upto Rs. 2 Lakhs. The man purchased property and car in India recently.

    He could pledge any of these and pay off the money.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [42] Reply Report Abuse

  • Harsha Malhotra, Mangalore/New Delhi

    Mon, Jan 16 2012

    still not understand even educated people are commiting suicide..eventhough both are in service..just look into other families who are living in disastrous situation..but still struggle to survive for there day's meal..!! wrong decision taken by them only for two lakhs..!!

    some people are under burden in there whole life for there family..still surviving with dignity...disgusting..!! wrong decision taken..shameful..

    DisAgree [4] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Navin, Manipal/Bahrain

    Mon, Jan 16 2012

    What a tragedy and foolishness. How can someone kill their own blood?, I really don’t think a AED15,000 debt may lead to kill his own child!!

    DisAgree [3] Agree [71] Reply Report Abuse

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