Pune: Hazare to Stay in Hospital

Pune, Jan 4 (IANS): Doctors attending on activist Anna Hazare said Tuesday that his discharge from hospital, earlier slated for Friday, might be postponed for two more days due to his frail health.

"Anna's health was fine until yesterday. But he could not sleep properly last night due to severe coughing. We are planning to increase the dosage of antibiotics from five days to seven days," said Mahendra Kawedia from Sancheti Hospital, who has been closely monitoring Hazare's condition.

"Since he needs to be kept under observation while the antibiotics are administered to him, we might discharge him on Sunday instead of Friday as earlier planned," he added.

Doctors have advised Hazare, 74, one month's rest, putting a question mark over his plans to campaign against the Congress in the forthcoming assembly polls in five states.

The activist, admitted to hospital with chest congestion, is also suffering from osteoporosis, a disease of the bones.

Hazare was rushed to the hospital here from his village Ralegan Siddhi just before midnight Saturday.


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  • fredrick,mabel&fly, MANGALORE/MUMBAI

    Thu, Jan 05 2012

    Anna is a spirited fighter,a crusader for corruption, dedicated life for the service of the poor,Ipray for is health and ask almighty give him strength to fight against corruption

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  • Evans Christopher Sumitra, Udupi/New York, USA

    Thu, Jan 05 2012

    Dear Anna, I think you should take complete rest and stay away from politics as so far you did not achieve anything politically and you only ruined your health. Lokpal bill has not been successful as there are many who are not in favor.

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