Pics by Ravi Almeida
Daijiworld Media Network - Dubai
Dubai, Dec 3: The day dawned sunny and pleasant on Friday December 2, 2011 – UAE’s 40th National Day and the annual function of Mangalore Konkans Dubai – the Family Fiesta 2011.
Mangalore Konkans, the premier Mangalorean Association in the Middle East, has always been expected to present a great program, involving people of all ages - adults and children alike, and from all walks of life. And truly like their past functions, this time too was no exception. It was a deal that was signed, sealed and delivered; a day to remember, memories of entertainment and fun to cherish in anticipation of the festive season of Christmas. Most of all, in each one’s heart, the singular sentiment that the enjoyment and festivity that they had experienced throughout the day were all for the noble causes of charity and social work that Mangalore Konkans is known for the past 23 years.

Under the able leadership of James Mendonca, President of Mangalore Konkans and Aboline D’Cunha, Vice President and Chairperson of this year’s Fiesta, the members of Mangalore Konkans have once again struck gold at Sharjah’s Wanderers Sports Club. The immense effort and intense preparation that went into the organizing of the Family Fiesta 2011 was blessed by Almighty God Himself. This was very evident in the beautiful weather and the well turned out crowd of about 1400 people. The audience were kept entertained and on their feet throughout, and the day was more than anyone could have expected or asked for. From the innovative competitions to the Sponsor’s Game, there was not one moment of monotony.
The compere for the Fiesta was our own Errol Goveas, one of the best in his field, who carried the show with aplomb and finesse. Errol’s sense of humour and ability to relate to all age groups were well received by the audience.
The function began on time, with the band ‘Big City Band’ from Goa playing soft numbers and the MC Errol welcoming the audience.
Notwithstanding the immense gratitude we owe to this great country, the United Arab Emirates, and its leaders for their hospitality and generosity, the U.A.E National Anthem was played, to commemorate its 40th National Day.
Mangalore Konkans, never short of novel and ingenious ideas for contests and crowd-pullers, began the show with the Creative Hat Contest – dubbed ‘The Hat Talk’ – and invited participants to present novel concepts of hats. The best talking hat went to Lilly D’Souza (fruits and vegetables theme hat) and the runners up were Veera D’Souza (Christmas in the UAE theme) and the mother and daughter team of Flavia and Kamara (ice cream and turkey)
Warmed up by the bright morning sun and the ambience of the place, the next event tested the brute strength and team spirit of the participants. The Tug-of-War contested by teams of young adults and teens was an instant hit, with the contenders vying for a spot in the competition. The categories that competed were: all ladies teams, all gents teams, all teens teams and mixed (gender) teams match.
The Big City Band and the DJ from Pure Magic set the tempo for the day with foot-tapping tunes and songs from different musical eras. The Dance Contest witnessed so much talent and harmonious movements, that it was like watching the reality show “Dancing with the Stars”. Different styles of dance were on display much to the enjoyment of the spectators. The winners of the Dance Contest were Gerard and Colette Savielle taking the first place, Andrew and Janet Alvares and Anop and Shirley Pinto taking second and third place respectively.
This is the Christmas Season and one of the traditions of Christmas is carol singing. The Carol Jamboree, a unique invention of Mangalore Konkans, had yet again gotten everyone in the festive spirit, singing along with the participating teams all the various evergreen songs and anticipating the festival of love, peace and joy.
The novelty items, comprising of a hat in the colours of the UAE flag and a shawl, added to the spectacular spray of colours on site. The novelty and Christmas tree auction along with the Sponsors’ Game enabled to raise the funds that go toward the charitable works of Mangalore Konkans. The funds, as in the previous years, are donated to various charities that are patronised by the organization such as education fund, cancer treatment etc.
Keeping in mind the object of the Family Fiesta program and the fact that it is the crowning glory of Mangalore Konkans, due credit and homage was given to the Sponsors, Donors and Well wishers. The various benefactors were felicitated and presented with beautiful mementoes for their collaboration and unstinting support of Mangalore Konkans throughout the years.
Carrying on with the Noel tradition, the tableau organized by Vincent Fernandes and his troupe were a sight to behold and a perfect blend of the modern and the customary. The hip hop dance by the children was the modern touch to the historic scene that took place two millennia ago.
The grand finale was the much awaited arrival of Santa Claus who appeared with his entourage of elves. Santa gave a heart-warming message encouraging children to use their talents for the betterment of those less fortunate.
The band and DJ culminated the day’s events, playing numbers and keeping the crowd on the dance floor till late evening.
It was truly a family feast for one and all.