Report by: Jason Monis
Pics: Spoorthi Ullal
Daijiworld Media Network
Mangalore, Nov 27: 'Mozo Thalo Gaitholo, Tuji Vodvik Sangtholom, Tujo Upkaar Atoitholom....' It was the voice of Konkan Kogul Wifly Remimbus. This Konkan voice and great legend has left this world but he continues to live through his songs. In his honour Jeppu Parish held 'Ek Dees Wilfyab Songhim' (A day with Wilfy Remimbus), here at Jeppu church ground on Sunday November 27.
The programme began with a special Mass at 4.30 pm in the Jeppu church offered by Fr Joseph Martis, Rector of St Joseph Seminary, for Wilfy Rebimbus.
The cultural programme began with a prayer song led by Vishwas Rebimbus. The children of the Parish welcomed the audience with a dance. The cultural programme mesmerized the 2000-plus crowd.

During the programme the parish priest Fr Nelson D’Almeida, while explaining the purpose of the programme, said, "Jeppu being a small parish of 315 families is one of the poorest parishes in the Mangalore Diocese. Majority of the families are struggling hard to make a decent living. Despite all these shortcomings Jeppu has the some of the best talents in the diocese. This event will help the parishioners to exhibit their talents as well as extend financial help for the needy."
As a loving tribute to the legend, his group members performed a musical programme, comprising a variety of dances to the tunes of the late Wilfy Rebimbus, and performed by the talented groups of the parish. A play directed by John M Permannur, based on the story by Rebimbus, 'Pinthra', won the hearts of the audience.
The special feature of the programme was the stall containing medals and CDs which were won by the late Wilfy Rebimbus, a testimony of his achievements in the field of Konkani music. Felix Lobo, a close associate of Wilfy Rebimbus and a family friend, paid homage to him. A power point presentation narrating Wilfy's life history unfolded the struggles and the odds he had to fight to reach this stage in the field of music. Later, there was a short felicitation programme for the sponsors of the day.
In memory of this legend 'Konkan Kogul' the late Wilfy Rebimbus, Jeppu Parish organized the 'Late Wilfy Rebimbus Memorial Inter-parish Wilfiyab Songs Competition' for different parishes. The prizes were distributed to the winners who won the singing competition in the individual category. The overall trophy was won by Kulshekar church.
Fr Joseph Martis, rector, St Joseph Seminary, Fr Nelson D’Almeida, parish priest of Jeppu, Meena Rebimbus, Louis and Flavy Fernandes, Valencia, Henry and Diana D’Souza, Agelore, Michael D’Souza, Dubai, Ashok and Sunitha Marina Tauro, Valencia, Hemacharya, editor Daijiworld Weekly, vice-president Pamla Santos were the dignitaries on the dais.
At the concluding ceremony Laveena D’Dias, the secretary of the parish pastoral council conveyed the vote of thanks.
Leslie Rego, a great compere of international fame, who compered a mega event in Dubai two days ago, was once again at his best, sprinkling his compering with wit and humour.