Pics by Alex Lewis
Daijiworld Media Network - Dubai
Dubai, Nov 19 : The founding of Mangalore Diocese on 25th January 1887 under the leadership of Bishop Pagani was the beginning of its 125 years old history. What developments took place since then till now was beautifully presented in a 15 minutes power point projection to a forum of Mangalorean Catholics in Dubai at a Meeting held on Friday, November 18.
Mangalore Konkans Dubai hosted this meeting which was presided by the Msgr Denis Prabhu, Vicar General and Fr. Walter D’Mello, Parish Priest of Milagres Church, Mangalore who represented the Post Centenary Silver Jubilee Committee.

The proceedings commenced with a prayer led by Roshan D’Silva, the Compere of the day followed by the singing of Hymn dedicated to the patron saint of Mangalore Diocese. The audience were delighted to sing the hymn Zuze Kurpal Zuze Dayal, Zuze Amcho Mogal.
Briefing the audience on the purpose of their visit , Fr. Walter D’Mello mentioned that as our Mangalore Diocese is completing 125 years, the laity and the clergy have put their thoughts together to launch special projects in memory of the Post Centenary Silver Jubilee celebrations. Instead of having lavish material celebrations of the jubilee, the proposed projects as mentioned below, would go a long way in promoting developmental works in our diocese.
Msgr Denis Prabhu, on behalf of the Bishop of Mangalore thanked all those who have been supporting various causes of our Diocese either individually or as groups and associations. He enlightened the guests on the details of the post centenary silver jubilee projects and appealed for their support. He accorded a cordial welcome to all the people of the diocese to attend the jubilee programs on 11 and12th February 2012.
The enthusiastic audience actively participated in the question and answer session and made following constructive suggestions:
1. The Diocese should focus on primary needs of the people i.e. Education and Health
2. The support and help extended should not only be confined to provide free education up to PUC but also to extend assistance to deserving meritorious children who are not able to pursue higher education like Teaching, Nursing, Engineering, Medical or Architecture for want of funds despite being successful in getting seats through CET or COMEDK.
3. Medical assistance extended to poor people who approach the Diocese for treatment expenses of major sicknesses such as Heart Problems, Kidney failure or Cancer, should be substantial considering the huge expenses involved in treatments.
4. Our Diocese has the infrastructure, resources, techniques and talents to expand its horizons in various fields. In modern times where technology has developed to such great heights, we need to broaden our horizons to keep pace with it .
5. While most people have trust and confidence in the various charitable and developmental projects that are undertaken by the Diocese, it would be great if periodical updates are published on the Diocesan website on the progresses made with the various funds raised for such projects. The generous people of our Diocese would be encouraged to continue their support for worthy causes if they get continuous feedback on the beneficiaries of all the charitable projects.
The guest priests were pleased to receive various suggestions which they assured will be conveyed to the concerned decision makers in the Diocese for review and consideration.
Although it was proposed to form a working committee from among the guests to help accomplish the projects, a suggestion was made to invite leaders of over 30 Mangalorean groups and associations in Dubai on Sunday 20th November to implement action plan.
James Mendonca, President of Mangalore Konkans Dubai thanked the audience for their esteemed presence and participation at this meeting.