J&K Lt Governor visit Baltal base camp, reviews arrangement for Amarnath Yatra

Srinagar, Jun 25 (IANS): J&K Lt Governor Manoj Sinha on Tuesday chaired a meeting to take stock of the arrangements for the forthcoming annual Amarnath Yatra at the Baltal base camp in Ganderbal district.

Officials said that the Lt Governor visited the Baltal base camp and reviewed the arrangements for the holy pilgrimage. He directed senior officers of the administration, the Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board (SASB), police, security forces and other stakeholder departments to coordinate with each other for better security and yatra management.

He discussed with the senior police and security forces officers the security arrangements in place for a safe and secure pilgrimage, and made a first-hand appraisal of the preparedness of the administration, SASB, health and disaster response teams and service providers.

He also reviewed the facilities including accommodation, food, connectivity, transportation, power and water supply, sanitation, RFID counters, health, availability of fire tenders, medicines, oxygen, parking facilities, telecommunication, helicopter services, IEC Activities, registration of service providers, etc.

The Lt Governor directed the officials to ensure that all the requisite amenities are in place and the extension of seamless services to the devotees. He interacted with the representatives of service providers and appealed to them to provide every possible support to the visiting yatris.

ADGP, Kashmir, Vijay Kumar, SASB CEO Mandeep Kumar Bhandari, and other senior officers of UT administration, the SASB, police, and army also accompanied the Lt Governor.


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