We aim to educate, engage stakeholders on Social Stock Exchange: NSE CEO

New Delhi, June 14 (IANS): The National Stock Exchange (NSE), under the guidance of markets regulator SEBI, has initiated a series of events across India to raise awareness about the Social Stock Exchange (SSE), Ashish Kumar Chauhan, MD and CEO, NSE, said on Friday.

The SSE vision, outlined by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman during her budget speech for the financial year 2019, gives socially-conscious firms the much-needed boost by offering an effective means of raising capital.

“Our main goal is to educate and engage stakeholders, fostering greater collaboration, and increasing visibility for this innovative platform,” Chauhan said at a seminar here.

“These seminars hold immense promise for all the stakeholders, particularly NPOs. It provides a platform to demonstrate their work, connect with potential donors and impact investors, and gain insights to maximise their social impact,” the NSE CEO said.

Since its inception, the Social Stock Exchange in India has seen encouraging progress with 65 NPOs registered and 8 NPOs listed on the NSE-SSE platform.

The NSE has been proactive in ensuring the success of the Social Stock Exchange.

Initiatives such as the e-IPO, capacity-building events, and special pitch sessions are aimed at empowering NPOs and facilitating their fundraising efforts.

The SSE framework, guided by SEBI, offers a structured mechanism for fundraising, transparency, and impact measurement, thereby enhancing trust and efficiency in the social sector.



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