Biden raises Ukraine's hopes for more Patriot systems from allies

Bari (Italy), Jun 14 (IANS/DPA): On the sidelines of the G7 summit, US President Joe Biden gave Ukraine hope that it will soon be able to strengthen its own air defence with additional Patriot systems from abroad.

Biden said at a press conference late Thursday in Fasano in Italy that five countries had made commitments for Patriot batteries and other air defence systems.

The US had also informed countries to which it had promised such systems that they would still have to wait.

"Everything we have is going to Ukraine until its needs are met," the US President asserted.

The US would then honour the commitments it had made to other countries.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said the partners knew Ukraine needed at least seven such systems. He said the possibility of getting five of them had been discussed and "the partners were working on it".

The Patriot air defence missile system is one of the most modern in the world. It can be used to combat enemy aircraft, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles.



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